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Messages - north aontroim gael

August 10, 2009, 03:25:17 PM
Well if that was the case then it would of opened a serious can of worms as most teams now use video analysis and if this case had of stuck then we could of been looking at incidents every week.

Be interesting to see what comes out of it if the rumours are true.  This is the first I had heard of it although I was aware Paul Gillans suspension was lifted.  I was at the game myself and the scuffle which took place seemed to be handbags for Lavertys sending but i'm not sure which particular incident Gillan was suspended for.  Wasn't really a dirty game.

If it was the case that he was acting on someone else's behalf then im sure theres a few boys sweating to see if he takes it on the chin or takes a few with him!  Im sure Loughgiel officials aren't very impressed and rightly so
August 10, 2009, 02:44:43 PM
Quote from: anailís on August 10, 2009, 02:04:01 PM
I'd agree with you about Rossa not being too worried about Loughgiel, was talking to Rossa corner back at the game and he told me they are going well, good numbers at training, got Paul Close back and hope to have Jim Connolly there or there abouts (achilles), either in full forward, or wing half. I think the games are on this weekend, someone thought possibly Casement and a North Antrim venue, although not too sure.

With regards to the referee incident, i had heard from different people from two different clubs yesterday that North Antrim's test case which they brought against Loughgiel's Paul Gillan following the Feis Final was thrown out after a Hearing meeting in Casement on Friday night. There were various reasons why the case was dropped, the main reason i hear was that a prominent referee and member of N Antrim CCC who brought the case, told the Hearing committee that he had contacted the referee for clarification, based on the use of video evidence. The referee was subsequently phoned during the Hearing to check the veracity of this statement, and it turned out to be false, the referee had never been contacted ( which was supposed to have happened as per the official guide). The case got thrown out and then the very next day, the match referee was then contacted by the N Antrim CCC representative (high profile referee) and asked if he would change his story! The Feis referee refused, saying he wouldnt be changing his story for anybody as it was the truth. It would appear that according to the official guide, if someone deliberatley misleads (lies to) a Hearings Committe, it is an automatic 48 week ban with no right to appeal....
That's how the Derry footballer was suspended recently for the jawbreaking incident, not for breaking the jaw, but for getting caught out on a lie. How embarrassing will it be for North Antrim Board, and for refereeing in general if one of their "up and coming" leading lights is about to be banned for a year, after being economical with the truth to put it mildly and then trying to pressurise another referee into changing his story so he himself can avoid justifiable punishment....

Hard to assess Loughgiels performance as they played majority of the game with 14 men.  I know St Johns later had 2 men sent off but I think the game was put to bed by the time they were dismissed.  Had St Johns a little more discipline in the tackle they could of really pushed Loughgiel.  They gave away 4/5 easy frees when the game was in the balance as well as missing a lot of chances. Colm Mc Fall took some great scores for them though.

I feel Ballycastle could give Dunloy real problems and should not be written of, they have a strong county contingent and have heard they are putting in a lot of effort.

Hadn't heard about this, makes for interesting reading. So Paul Gillan was suspended using video evidence which had apparently been given the OK by the referee on the day when in fact he had given no such that right?  Looks like someone has been caught out badly telling porkies!
August 10, 2009, 12:35:22 PM
Quote from: anailís on August 10, 2009, 12:17:53 PM
Aye Max, you're right, hopefully the divisional teams will be able to build on this in the incoming years. The South Antrim select definitely have potential but were let down by a lack of technical skill, ie clean striking the ball. They certainly had as much of the ball as Cushendall at times, but were unable to press their advantage at times with many dropped short shots on goal and wides. Cushendall were rarely troubled but might have been if they hadn't found the net at crucial times after some poor defending. Big Gangles McKenna in nets' poc outs were drastically short and erratic, this caused the select boys a lot of problems from the off, although their half back line did fairly well. Kieran McGourty was my pick of the South Antrim men, with a great performance only slightly marred by his lack of length/clean striking on his clearances. One other very noticeable thing was the lack of intensity in the challenge from most of the county boys involved on the select team. I can think of one occasion in the second half where neal mcmanus was kind of going off the station over a sideline ball, tramping and pushing killer or one of the half backs. If it had been against a north antrim club team, mcmanus would have got a slap for what he was doing, whereas Kieran McGourty went over and told Neal to calm down. You wouldnt get that in every game, so i guess it shows how well these boys get on when away with the county, a lot of mutual respect there.

Barry McFall got a straight red Max, for hitting Odhran McFadden with the heel of the stick near the end of the 2nd half. It was an identical challenge to Winker's, straight in front of the referee, retaliating for something minor, a push/or something said. The Johnnies keeper (not sure of his name) got the line for two yellows, both appeared to be for dissent, as Garret Duffy consulted the umpires on both occasions, nothing had occurred that i could see, and the play wasnt even in that area for the second one. He must have been mouthing off.
Winker had started well, caught a lovely ball and stuck it over the bar. He had started in corner forward but hadnt seen any ball, so was moved out to right half and immediately had an impact on the game. He caught a second ball and was fouled. Then he caught a third ball, soloed through the Johnnies defence where Paddy Nugent met him with a good shoulder, upending him. Johnnies No. 5 was chasing him and he fell on top of Winker. Winker got up and Johnnies No. 9 came running in full pelt to try to do him, and Winker sidestepped him, Garret Duffy then did him for holding on to the ball too long. Paddy Nugent then came up behind him and sort of pushed him, and/or maybe said something to him, Winker turned around and drove him with the heel of the stick in front of the ref. Ref no option, straight red. Made it very hard for the Loughgiel team after that to settle.

On another note, anyone hear a prominent North Antrim referee might be looking at a 48 week suspension for perjuring himself in a recent Hearing at Casement. I wonder did headquarters know what sort of boy they had representing them during the minor match in Croke yesterday....

Very accurate account of both games and major incidents.  Loughgiel looked rusty and will get a tough game against Rossa who won't fear anything they seen yesterday.  South Antrim definately look like a team with potential.  The Cushendall game seemed to lack any atmosphere at all for a championship game.

Anyone know when / where the next games are?

With regards the refereeing incident?  Not heard of this care to shed more light?
August 08, 2009, 09:38:04 PM
Anyone know the result of the Ballycastle game?

July 31, 2009, 11:24:37 AM
Quote from: the colonel on July 31, 2009, 10:56:34 AM
Championship fixtures from our website. good days hurling. Everyone may bring the flask of tae and the hang sandwhiches

Ruairi Og v South Antrim @ 7.00pm in Loughgiel
Glenariffe v South West @ 5.30pm in Loughgiel
Loughgiel v St Johns @ 3.00pm in Dunloy
North Antrim v Ballycastle @ 1.30pm in Dunloy

I assume these fixtures are all set for the 9th?

Any updates as to how the mixed teams are doing in their preparations?
June 10, 2009, 12:21:04 PM
Quote from: NAG1 on June 10, 2009, 12:05:51 PM
There would be nothing wrong IMO with playing the leagues right up to the weekend before a county game with those fixtures scheduled for that week put back to the Wednesday night following the game. Play all the way through May June July August and if your lucky enough Sept, that is when hurling was intended to be played not in October Nov or even March most years.

What better preparation for a big game than say a Dunloy Loughgiel match the week before or any game with the co down teams, better than all the training that you could do.

Couldn't agree more.
May 27, 2009, 04:44:45 PM
5 Games in a row is hardly ideal prep for a championship game, surely the county admin could have looked at this especially since all fixtures seem to go on hold for the next while. 

Is this match in Loughguile?
May 27, 2009, 02:42:52 PM
I don't knoiw whether to laugh or cry at the Clooney Gaels Ahoghill story!!  Some people really are shameless,  I understand that one player can't be responsible for giving a club a bad name but just think how a bad a press a city team would have got had the shoe been on the other foot?

Anyways back to the action I was away for a weekend break.  Are there any club games in North Antrim tonight or will I have to make do with the CL Final?
May 14, 2009, 11:32:20 AM
You are 100% about young clarke.  I'd say Liam Watson is the best forward we've seen in Ulster over the last decade or so but this youngfella has what Liam had and more plus he has the right attitude.  Going to be a real star.  Ballycastle could well be a serious force in four/five years time if they keep things together. They have wonderful facilities and a good catchment area
May 13, 2009, 12:51:48 PM
I see Dunloys young goalkeeper is keeping Gareth Magee of the team at present.  I don't think Magee trained last year but he was a class act when he was in the team for Dunloy a few years ago.  Do the Dunloy contributors think this will be the case come ye olde championship?
May 13, 2009, 12:31:27 PM
Quote from: NAG on May 13, 2009, 11:47:31 AM
Hard to have faith in a keeper playing reserve hurling for his club good a keeper as he might well be!

I think the position he finds himself in is an unfortunate one but one which will ultimately cost him come the Dublin game.
May 13, 2009, 11:33:11 AM
Quote from: Fairhead on May 12, 2009, 09:31:45 PM
Quote from: NAG on May 11, 2009, 11:53:46 AM
True enough Skull

Dont think anyone could name the antrim team including S&W at the moment. Shorty doesnt look like he is going to make. Pinkie has a broken finger/ Hand as does Karl McK. Plus even if they had a full compliment god knows what team they would pick anyway.

Pinky's hand was in very bad shape after the Loughgiel matah last week and and had to have an operation on Friday. He will not be playing for Antrim against Dublin by all accounts.

Must of been a bad slap he took, but am I right in thinking he had previous trouble with his hand over recent months.

Its unfortunate that with the limited squad we have coming up to the Dublin game we're dealing with injuries to a few key players.  I still fancy us to give Dublin a real rattle though.  Do you think S&W will go with O'Connell in nets or will they give Mc Garry the nod as his suspension will be up by the time of the Dublin game.
May 11, 2009, 11:49:47 AM
Couldnt of put it better myself.
May 11, 2009, 11:34:46 AM
Anybody care to hazard a guess for the Saffrons starting line up against Dublin?  I hope Shorty can make it as he would be a big boost even for his accuracy from dead balls alone.
May 11, 2009, 11:31:32 AM
Good result for Dunloy I'm sure they will be gearing there season towards one game and thats the championship final after coming so close to getting there last year.  Im not surprised Cushendall are missing a few at the minute the were hurling right up until February so probably glad of a few months of but I still see them as big favourites when championship gets going.