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Messages - The Iceman

Dear Stew (ha how patronising can you get on a forum writing "Dear".)

Congratulations on getting into the states "legally" how long ago did you fill out that paperwork? Did you get in through a lotto? Or did you have to "know somebody"?

Legally getting in is not an easy thing to do.  Its not a 'try your luck scenario'.  What would you have done if your application had been turned down?  Put yourself in those shoes and see what your answer might be.

Your opinion on this is obviously tainted by the actions and choices of your family members.

I have spent a little time in America and I am one of the lucky ones - I am able to get a visa through my Fiancee out there, but I don't for a second have a chip on my shoulder about everyone else.  I am able to come home and see my family - I can't imagine not being able to do that and your lack of sympathy about this is a disgrace.  Would you give up your entire life in America (one that has taken you a long time to build up)  to come home and see a family member? 

The dollar goes a long way in America.  $20000 behind you has you in a comfortable position.  Change that into pounds or euros and what have you got, how far will it get you, how much will you be taxed on it, screwed into the ground by it?

Ireland as a whole is a joke.  The economy is crucifying everyone.  Yes town and country are driving around in big cras, living in a big house, two holidays a year and all the luxuries that the media tells us we need to have - but the bank owns it all!!!!

What the hell is wrong with wanting a better life for yourself, for your family, your children? What is wrong for trying to escape Ireland anyway you can and now seeking recognition for your contributions and life in America?

Shame on you all for not supporting your fellow Irish men and women in America.

The Iceman
General discussion / Re: Maddie McCann
May 15, 2007, 02:39:05 PM
So how many reports do we have on this flippin discussion.

The kids were checked on every 15 minutes

The restaurant was 50m away.

The window was not broken into -there was no signs of a forced entry.  The wee girl obviously left the appartment by herself looking for her parents and got snatched by some opportune sex pest.

It was extrmemely irresponsible of the parents.

But right now they don't need our criticism they need our prayers.
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
May 14, 2007, 09:47:23 AM
Quote from: Syd on May 13, 2007, 09:48:52 PM
Is there no hurling people in Armagh? I cant believe there is no reference to Armagh's great performance against Derry today on this forum. I am an Antrim man but was cheering Armagh on today, would have been great to see them make a breakthrough today, with Down and Derry both seemingly regressing a breakthrough may not be too far away. In fairness Armagh had a decent support with them today and Paul Mc Cormack would get on the Antrim team without any bother.

Declan Coulter would be a house hold name if he was born in any of the Southern Counties ( Cork Waterford etc)

One of the most naturally talented guys I have ever seen
General discussion / Re: UFC comes to Belfast
May 10, 2007, 04:38:18 PM
Sanchez is the dude that cro cop knocked out in his first UFC fight - he will be out to prove a point against Big C - though Colin is more than capable with good hands and a decent ground game.

Dustin Hazelett is a lot younger than Stevie (think 17 years!) with great hips on the ground and a solid BJJ background.  Stevie hits HARD and has a good enough ground game but is cutting a bit of weight to meet Hazelett in the Octagon.  If he keeps his strength he should come through with a good performance.

both fighters have signed a 3 fight deal with the UFC so should be fighting again in Belfast / Dublin / Scotland or somewhere else in England maybe......

Watch this space!
General discussion / Re: Boxing
May 10, 2007, 01:23:51 PM
Quote from: Candyman on May 10, 2007, 12:43:12 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on May 10, 2007, 12:13:13 PM
did a bit of stuff up in Keady when I was a young fella - joined St George St Malachys in Belfast when I was at Uni (great wee club down in the markets)
Have a lovely broken nose now :)
ye got off light there ICEMAN ... ;)

fortunately they didn't understand the concept of the "double leg take down" back in those days!
General discussion / Re: Boxing
May 10, 2007, 12:13:13 PM
Quote from: Declan on May 10, 2007, 11:49:34 AM
Quotedid any of you ever do a bit of boxing? in the ring that is.

Not me but the old man did back in the day - have a great black and white pic of him and his twin brother from the stadium - The fighting twins!!!
His uncle fought in the Helsinki Olympics - 1952 and the singlet is in the Mothers attic - I hope!

did a bit of stuff up in Keady when I was a young fella - joined St George St Malachys in Belfast when I was at Uni (great wee club down in the markets)
Have a lovely broken nose now :)
General discussion / Re: Riddles
May 10, 2007, 11:57:02 AM
Young Candyman and Old Candyman went to shovel coal.
Young Candyman stuck the shovel up auld Canyman's hole.

General discussion / Re: Boxing
May 09, 2007, 04:44:21 PM
Best Lightweight ever is a hard one to call between Duran and Barrera

Hearns was the Hitman but the two Sugars: Leonard and Robinson were awesome.

Roy Jones Jr was the man in his time - he reigned as the best pound for pound fighter in the wolrd in his prime

Heavyweights - there is only one  - ALI

favourite fighter though was Tyson for sheer entertainment value and the taste of blood in the air when he was fighting.  A wasted talent but then again that can be said for so many fighters in this era.
General discussion / Re: UFC comes to Belfast
May 09, 2007, 03:12:16 PM
he didnt just beat Mike Swick - he absolutely destroyed and dominated Mike Swick - so much so Swick has now decided to drop to Welterweight.  What a division that is!

Middleweight division is pretty empty right now.

should be the first of many good shows in ireland!
General discussion / Re: UFC comes to Belfast
May 09, 2007, 12:57:34 PM
I'm headin away to USA so can't go :( Loadsa lads from the club going - Progressive Combat have two fighters on the bill - Stevie Lynch and Big C.  Both should do well depending on the opponents obviously.

Heard Rich Frankin's opponent had to pull out of the fight so that slot is lookin pretty bare right now.

Also rumours that there may be a Dublin show later this year.
Free Legar Hill Brigade?

Blackwatertown Freedom Fighters Anonymous?

Some peeps will never learn  ???
General discussion / Re: BEBO
May 08, 2007, 10:29:46 AM
Quote from: Armagh4SamAgain on May 06, 2007, 11:54:26 AM
BEBOs full of bullys. That isnt the reel gadaffi is somebody messin an bullyin him. It shoud be shut down.

So are schools and offices - should they be shut down?

Gadaffi doesn't care about someone putting him on Bebo - its something else to have a laugh about at the weekends.
Gadaffi isn't bullied and never was in the Shambles Bar - he was one of the few people that everyone would stand up for if he got into a bit of bother.
Yeah he is a mouth at times- but he is harmless and deadly craic before he goes that one step too far.

Bebo should be moderated better but not closed down.
the farts won't give you lung cancer or any other cancer for that matter.

The smoking ban is in place to protect the bar staff and the punters - welcome it and tell the Bot to sort out the smell!
General discussion / Re: BEBO
May 04, 2007, 03:23:52 PM
Quote from: Candyman on May 04, 2007, 02:33:20 PM
oh the cheek Iceman... wait till ye come home, i'll show ye drinkin!!! ;)

Surely you aren't drinking while in training Candyman - lets hope the Harps aren't reading this!
General discussion / Re: BEBO
May 04, 2007, 02:11:34 PM
there is a resemblance candyman though i think the gadaff can out drink, out eat, out sing and out dance you any day.