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Messages - Donkeywalloper

General discussion / Re: The Apprentice 2010-2011
October 28, 2010, 12:50:42 PM
I dont know if there would.

Very opinionated and her own belief in her abilites( although admirable) were very wide of the mark. She thought she was the best presenter/pitcher in the group however always read from a sheet and failed to listen to what buyers were saying. Suprised she wasnt gone a few weeks ago.
General discussion / Re: Winter 2010/11
October 27, 2010, 11:46:07 AM
No so much what way they wear a scarf, whether it be big bow, wrap around or whatever.
My point is more on the fact of wearing a scarf with a t shirt for example. Yes it may be a fashion statement but it defies logic IMO. Next thing some of these buckos will be using moisturiser.
General discussion / Re: Margaret Thatcher....
October 26, 2010, 10:13:30 AM
No matter whats said, she was good for economy! Smashing the unions was the right decision. You can see recently how disruptive this shower of work shy hewers are ! And she also allowed of the ordinary 5/8ths to own their own home through the housing executive buy off schemes.
General discussion / Re: Winter 2010/11
October 26, 2010, 10:09:01 AM
You know winter is 6 weeks away when you see some knob walking about with no jacket on, however a scarf tied in a nice big bow  ( and most likely a Tshirt).
General discussion / Re: Talking to the Dead
October 26, 2010, 10:07:01 AM
Quote from: DirtyDozen12 on October 26, 2010, 10:03:54 AM
I see all these posters up round the towns advertising some "Mystic" who can talk to the dead relatives and friends in the audience.  Was talking to a person who attended such a function in Enniskillen and they reckoned it was amazing and that this "mystic" was the real deal and really talking to the dead.  Ive never heard such shite in my life to be honest and dont buy into it for a minute, think it is just like magic show or some other form of entertainment but there are people out there who truely believe in this tripe.  Has anyone ever been to one of these shows?

Darren brown did a show a few months back, exposing the con artists so to speak. This was one of the sectors that he highlighted.
Quote from: Declan on October 20, 2010, 01:16:49 PM
Got this from a mate:

Stan Collymore just twittered that he has heard news Hodgsons been sacked ?
I'm suprised that halfwit knows how to use social media tbh

Still, we'll keep the eyes peeled I suppose just in case

That would be the same halfwit that had the Rooney story on Twitter before any of the red tops. He also twittered about his expected destination at that time also. Time will tell but his tweets have gained a large following due to their accuracy.
BC1 for also forgot to mention the fact that he gave a 2 yr extension to carragher, who is long past his sell by date. The number of times you have seen him struggle to catch a player will increased significantly.  Granted he has been there a long time, it is no time for sentiment, and Carragher is the type of player that should have been offloaded.
In other news Hicks extends Jamie Carraghers contract for 2 years in a final bid  to make life as difficult as possible for Liverpool FC in the coming years.
He must be over the moon to have his contract extended after the way hes been playing and just before the new owners come in.

11.05am: The board also want court costs paid by H&G.

11.04am: Judge rules that owners should pay RBS costs.

11.02am: Broughton wants a board meeting by 8pm today to sort out the sale and there is a dispute over whether the owners will be able to communicate via phone. The owners' QC is asking for the meeting to take place at ten o'clock tomorrow. Judge rules that it should be at 8 today.

11.01am: RBS want the owners to cover their court costs. Wonder how much they are?

10.59am: More detail:

The high court today granted injunctions that could open the way for the prompt sale of Liverpool.

The club's owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett asked a judge to delay the hearing of an application by creditors Royal Bank of Scotland for mandatory orders paving the way for a possible sale this week. But the plea was rejected by Mr Justice

At RBS's request, the judge imposed injunctions on the two men requiring them to restore the original constitutions of the companies and managing directors.

This removes the final stumbling block to a £300m takeover by New England Sports Ventures which will see the RBS recoup its original £237m loan to Mr Hicks and Mr Gillett when they bought the club in March 2007.

10.54am: Judge throws out attempt by owners to have interim injunction put on board.

10.50am: The injunction means the board is reconstituted with Purslow and Ayre back in place and Broughton allowed to see through the sale, reports Sachin Nakrani

10.49am: Mr Justice Floyd: "The owners do not have an absolute right to veto a sale."

10.43am: Judge rules against H&G, which means NESV deal can proceed. We will try and flesh out the details and ramifications...

Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 13, 2010, 10:59:26 AM
Justice "Pretty Boy" Floyd hits a knockout blow to fuckfaces!  Get in there, Lord Grabbiner QC to be a Freeman of the Kop!  Looks like it is the end of the road for the w**ks.  They may have an appeal but I can't see it.  They may sue for damages but that would be good money after bad.
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 13, 2010, 10:59:26 AM
Justice "Pretty Boy" Floyd hits a knockout blow to fuckfaces!  Get in there, Lord Grabbiner QC to be a Freeman of the Kop!  Looks like it is the end of the road for the w**ks.  They may have an appeal but I can't see it.  They may sue for damages but that would be good money after bad.

I would suggest that Martin Broughton get more of the praise. Seems his inital fears when first brought in and insistance of safeguards in palce that G&H signed up too ultimatley had them by the balls.

In my view Broughton played a stormer in this.
General discussion / Re: The Apprentice 2010-2011
October 07, 2010, 10:18:57 AM
Absolutley useless shower. Some people never learn, in a new group like that to keep the head down go about the job and let the attention seekers fight for the limelight.
The bit that stuck out for me was the pratt beside the sausage machine who had just pressed the button to mix the contents and was then roaring to the rest  who's job it was to collect the contents of the  now mixed batch. Lazy hewer  couldnt work in a fit !
To early to call potential winners however very easy to see 5 or 6 that will get the boot early on.
Quote from: quit yo jibbajabba on October 06, 2010, 09:37:08 AM
Your man Peston on the BBC website thinks there is still a real chance we could go into administration before its all sorted, mainly due to Hicks stalling; a nice leaving present from the c*nt;

Peston says the main man behind the Red Sox etc doesnt have the funds of a lot of the big teams backers, but does have a track record of success with teams....

we may sit and wait and hope, we've no other option eh;

shows you how messy things have got when theres stuff like that appearin on an official website....

That would be worse case scenario. A further 9 points deduction (how many points did portsmouth have deducted?) and no doubt a revised offer from any buyer as a result. Value of sale would be significantly lower at that stage too i would have thought.

Quote from: Geoff Tipps on October 05, 2010, 02:09:11 PM
QuoteDouble standards. Rafa got excuses for the many managerial blunders while hodgson is being castigated.

Complete b*llocks. If anything it's the other way round.

QuoteDalglish's history has shown that he can succeed at clubs with a large purse in the short term

I'm sure Newcastle would beg to differ.

You are living in a bubble if you cannot see that a vast majority of Liverpool fans excused Rafa for error after error. I can understand they had an affection for the man, but it was one thing after another. Hodgson is taking a lot of the brunt and frustration ( before a ball was kicked this season) that previously should have been heaped on Benitez.If hodgson gets the boot, there wouldnt be too many mangers lining up for the hotseat with the current turmoil and insecurity. For many it may be seen as an oppurtunity to blot successful CV's.
In regards to Newcastle,Second in league. Into champions league beating Barcelona. Into FA cup final.
Shearer was injured during a large part of his spell at Newcastle. I would rate his spell at Newcastle as successful in the grand scheme of things. Dont doubt the man and his affiliation with Liverpool but the question that has to be asked, can he perform on a budget ?
Double standards. Rafa got excuses for the many managerial blunders while hodgson is being castigated. Amid all the mud slinging the players are having very little flak thrown their way and ultimatley they have take the major share of the blame. They are happy to collect their substantial wages while are not putting in the necessary work during games (even the most ardent Liverpool fan accepts this).
The halo has slipped and teams no longer fear liverpool (something that has developed over several years, not the first 7 games of the season) and most know that if they get in about them they have a average to good chance of getting something out of it.
Any new management will mean a payoff for hodgson in a financially tight enviroment as it is. Dalglish's history has shown that he can succeed at clubs with a large purse in the short term, something Liverpool no longer have. And although it may be a tonic to a beleagured fanbase it ultimatley will be a plaster on a very large crack.

They have the squad of a mid table team, the financial clout of of a chamionship side, the managerial strength of a mid table outfit and although they have a fanbase of an elite club those days and expectations are long gone. The trouble is, it is difficult for these fans to rehabilitate to the new order and accept the place in the pecking order of the current crop of top european teams
Going down the wire in the last pairing.

Gmac to win it on the 17th and then eat himself as a well known BBC presenter retreats to a nearby wooded area to rustle in the bushes !