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Messages - Fluffy Che

Yis are some pups....enjoy your hols..and the Vengas!!
Nail, have to say, your taste in music is total shite but your description of going to Dublin had me in stitches, great stuff. Have a good holiday, you deserve it after that escapade..
General discussion / Re: seeyas!
July 27, 2008, 10:13:42 AM
Dont think we'll be sending the search party out but l always enjoyed your posts..

Hurry back from changing dem der nappies...
General discussion / Re: Trip to New York
July 22, 2008, 12:50:22 PM
Have a look at the Marrakesh, on Broadway, Upper West Side right beside Central Park. Subway connection right beside it, downtown in about 10 mins.

Stayed there last Oct. and it was sound..cant remember exact prices but was very reasonable for Manhatton.
RIP Sarah, she bore all that was piled upon her with a quiet resolve. Can any of us imagine what she went through..?

On a side note, British Airways refused to fly Giuseppe's body home and l will never ever fly with them.

Meanwhile Aer Lingus billed Sarah £3,500, fairly obnoxious IMO.
General discussion / Re: Classic Movies
July 14, 2008, 08:18:32 PM
Some Like it Hot-a true classic.

'Course, anything by the Marx Brothers, Groucho was hilarious.
No alley-cats!
The entry that runs along the back of Botanic Ave... The smell hit me first then l saw her hunched down, she did'nt say a word, well maybe a grunt. But l definitely felt l was more embarrassed than she was :-\
Caught short one night after a few jars and went up an entry along the back of Botanic to relieve myself, there was a girl there doing a No. 2  :o. l turned and walked back again, dumbstruck. The smell was rank...
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
July 12, 2008, 08:41:53 PM
l agree...two great actors tho some of the recent work did'nt really do it for me. l will be in Miami when it opens and will definately check it out.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
July 12, 2008, 12:31:40 PM Might spark some interest with these two old hams..
General discussion / Re: HOLIDAYS
June 23, 2008, 03:03:59 PM
Miami and Key West in Sept, Cuban coffee and ole Scarface..
General discussion / Re: Help an Uncle out..
June 21, 2008, 11:23:20 AM
Thanks Fred..very decent of you old spud.
General discussion / Re: Tipping
June 21, 2008, 10:22:55 AM
Dont mind tipping,silent or grumpy taxi drivers get nowt. Few years ago in the armpit of Indiana at a greasy spoon was served by the short-order cook who had an 9mm pistol strapped to his he got a good tip!
General discussion / Re: Help an Uncle out..
June 20, 2008, 08:57:54 PM
Thats fair enough comment ONeill but l asked people to give a vote if they liked did'nt, so!

Your still a bit of a sad auld bastard coming on here with yer negative vibes about a 16yr old trying her best when you did'nt even spend  yer 50p on a vote!

So up yer jumper..lm away to get very drunk.