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Messages - lawnseed 2

March 13, 2007, 11:05:35 PM
dubs what age are you 9 or 10 does your parents know your not in bed or are you under the blanket with your computer. so there ha ha
perhaps my approach was a little hamfisted :)
March 13, 2007, 10:55:41 PM
and thats with the extra money from rugby and soccer and including a rise in ticket prices >:(
delete what?
March 13, 2007, 10:47:44 PM
do you not think the rte crowd have run their course, antony tohill is the youngest person one the show and most kids cant even remember him playing. to be honest hes just the token nordie im waiting for lyster to start calling him token or paisley. BTW i think excluding the bbc is the biggest mistake we have made over the last 4 years.
back to the question should mh or jk resign? i think jk has out lived his usefullness teams need a change of voice every so often and i think joes run out of things to throw into the shower, mickey harte has problems as well his team have lost direction their discipline is a joke and they are leaderless during sean cavanaghs acceptance speach at the mckenna cup final he mentioned cormac mcanallen  again! (all due respect to cormac and family of course) its time to move on and find new inspiration and aim for something else. what is harte waiting for? armagh to come up with a new formula he can copy.  armagh are deep in transition i got up close to the young players joes using they are very small and need three or four years to get a bit of power about them. those who have the power have it too young and will lose their speed too soon. armagh need to relax abit and build up a head off steam before they can seriously challange for sam. rem. 99,2000,2001 and then 02sam these things take time also taking the foot off the necks of armagh clubs fiancially for a couple of years might help get back a little of the orange army at games. does that answer your question TUG
March 13, 2007, 10:15:52 PM
well its our favourite gripe our games dont get parity of esteem with soccer or rugby or cricket or tennis or effing table tennis so whats the plan? the contracts are up for grabs amongst the bidders are RTE TV, SETANTA, AND TNAG according to the star, i note that the beeb dont even warrant a mention. what kind of coverage would you like. at this late stage i'd be happy just hearing the results after the news. we've lost this battle years ago just watch as the greedy pen pushers in jones rd that we pay snuggle up to the twee and crap format that RTE have been peddling for this last ten years. well its safe and it garantees their wages. setanta will be seen as too narrow and not appealing to rural ireland many of which wouldnt even have seen sky. and tnag well they already have ladies football and the league. as for the bbc their coverage now consists of just sending someone to the games to pick up a programme and getting someone at the game to text them the score. so basically we are f..ked. i say give it to skysports even if we have to take a cut for a few years to get it off the ground with them. i want playercam, i want indepth analisis, i want all the things that sky do for soccer. im sick of marty and that freestater who hates northern teams i dont want pat spillane or michael lyster i want someone from the same millenium as me someone under 40 to tell me what they think. we have a hell of alot of ground to make up in tv land. what do yez think 
nine pages of singing this or that. as a gael i only want the answer to one question 'how is an assoc. charged with the admin and promotion of gaelic sports and culture doing its job by facilitating the promotion of rugby and soccer we had these crowd beat to the wire. bigger crowds, better fields, better everything, they couldnt even pay for a ground to play their biggest crowd puller in. soccer clubs going bust everywhere and instead of putting our heel on the back of their heads and burying them we hand them a crutch and what do they do bounce back and beat us over the head with it.  'we' might be getting a few bob out of this caper but its gonna be expensive in the long run. btw a picture of aidan and a prayer was published in the northern standard last week. 
"hateful views you appear to have" says it all. i dont think your run ins with her majestys forces had anything to do with you attending gaa matches or playing gaa games id say they had more to do with your disagreable attitude. while your enjoying gsthq on saturday remember that our assoc, is making a tank of money out of selling its ideals to the highest bidder and still the price of our tickets is going up. i repeat the challange question can anyone tell me how gaelic games and culture are being promoted by this venture? my club is being nailed to the wall for £4000stg before we pay our fees or even buy a ball to kick and you are sitting up defending god save..   in croke park, gaelic sports have disappeared in three quarters of co. derry dublin is a city of 2 million people and they cant beat tyrone or armagh. i suggest you get to the next talk being given by peter quinn (ex pres) where you will hear exactly how thw gaa see the future of our sports V soccer or rugby you'll get the shock of your life the things not as rosy in the garden as you might think while your singing away to yourself 'born to reign over us etc
reading through this cant believe gooch and stevie mac get a mention in the over-rated bit?????????
shane ryan is defo over-rated his run out in the aussie rules fiasco puts him in this catagory.
also "star2 Donaghy" the fact that a player has one good season and is nicknamed star says it all.
being from armagh you'd expect me to say oisin is under-rated all i know is we had him for a few training sessions last year and away from the hype and pressure of performing we got a glimpse of his skill and it is truely awsome repeat awsome i think he hit the big time too young and has developed a persona that puts people off.
your wasting your time TUG  i tried to point out exactly as you did how gaels of the 32 counties have been abused and murdered since the foundation of our association and got the same shi-- as zoyler is now giving you. its not so easy to sweep it all under the carpet when you will carry the scares of a loyalist attack for picking up the ball for the rest of your life if i met you i could show you where myself and a dozen others were beat up for playing gaelic at a third level college in northern irelamd, and its not a hundred years ago. young lads like zoyler have no life experience they think that anyone over thirty is doting maybe if he'd got the butt of a rifle in the face or spat on for trying to get to training he'd understand. but anyone who disagrees with whats going on at the moment is instantly labled an old bollix or a dinasuar or a racist, the people who founded the gaa made the rules for a reason and laid the foundation for the organisation we are now who are we to question their motives i dont think as people we are any smarter than they were.
i have to say id have had owen mulligan in the over-rated section but lately hes shown some guts and that he doesnt need wee peter to hand him the ball. so for now hes neither over nor under-rated. actually the blond bomber is starting to grow on me.
the most over rated member of the tyrone set up at the minute is the unshaven one himself he makes me laugh as he puts on the furrowed brow and wonders which one of his equally talented charges he'll play next, even steve stauntan could get a win outa tyrone at the minute
GAA Discussion / Re: Player Registrations
February 19, 2007, 09:21:06 PM
would your name not appear twice on the computer in croker? and gaelic telecom would ring you up twice as much >:(
GAA Discussion / OVER-RATED or under-rated you decide?
February 19, 2007, 09:18:13 PM
my question stems from a great nights craic with a pensioner, an excellent pint and a good turf fire. he told me that when he was young he played mid-field for his club and never took it too seriously and frequently turned up with a few scoops on him but he was blessed with skill and always got on, and infact was asked on several occasions to try out for the orchard but never bothered. there were other guys there who werent very good footballers but trained like hell. now he says he regrets not taking it more seriously as hes remembered as a good nights craic and the lads who tried like hell are remembered as great footballers. i met one of his neighbours at a match and ran the story past him i was told he had one of the best pair of hands he ever seen. a sad story really but probably echoed in in every pub in ireland. which brings me to the question who  in modern day football is over-rated and punches above their weight in reputation stakes and who do you think was brilliant but never grabbed the headlines?

in armagh houlie-- over-rated   andy mccann-- under--rated.   some reasons for your choices are always useful
GAA Discussion / Re: BBC V RTE on croke park opening
February 15, 2007, 12:19:52 PM
this has had much more scrutiny than i ever could have imagined. as i heard it the british agents (probably armed) were murdered by collins and co. while the players and spectaters (definatly not armed) in croke park were "killed" by black and tans and auxilieries in retailation, my ascertion is that they were in fact 'murdered' and that all this is not ancient history when we had the 'murder' of a derry official locking up his clubrooms only a couple of years ago and the police ombudsman finds that there was little or no investigation and that there may have been colusion. as i said when i open the topic this brutality continues up until the present day. what i am really pointing out is the way the beeb sanitised their piece for the british audience. before the match took place bbc radio visited a training session of a belfast club and found three lads (12ish) who thought rugby being played in croker was brilliant and some other numbskull who agreed, i phoned them to tell them that the views expressed were not representive of the majority of ulster gaels and therefore the majority of their listners. i was told they would 'pass that on'