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Messages - carribbear

Quote from: Evil Genius on August 07, 2009, 10:36:22 AM
Excellent point, well made.

Thank you sir.

I couldnt think of any known hun Norn Iron musician who might be able to compose such a tune. Is Marti Pellow out of rehab yet? Or maybe the Ulster-Scots folk band, I havent heard a pop hit from them yet.

Maybe they can re-issue and remix the old loyalist song 'Will you stand (in your pyjamas and get a hiding)'

Quote from: Evil Genius on August 06, 2009, 06:43:27 PM
"Four musicians" like, say, The Beatles?
"Four musicians" like, say, the Wolfe Tones who eg glorify vicious murderers?
Fcuk 'Em, I say.

How about asking van morrison to write a wee ballad to celebrate the beating up of a 9 year old?
Quote from: Gnevin on August 06, 2009, 05:53:22 PM
Are both side claiming legitimacy from 1916?

::) typical shite from you
Quote from: full back on August 06, 2009, 02:31:15 PM
Funny enough I heard something today about Tyler

He certainly didnt say "My name is Tyler. I'm only nine years old, please don't hit me"
Young Tyler has been up to no good a few times around that estate & the mother has been around a few different houses for her behaviour

Now, I am not saying for one minute that the attack was warranted, just giving a bit of background to the incident that wasnt reported anywhere

Even still, beating up a 9 year old is a new low for the UDA or whoever they dont claim to be from.
Well done Loyalism!
Good to see that the loyalists are now picking on someone their own size

Child attack blamed on UDA

Nine-year-old Tyler Moore
Date: 03 August 2009
A NINE-year-old boy pleaded with a gang not to beat him as they smashed up his home.
Up to six masked men went through the Newtownabbey house trashing rooms throughout the property on Sunday before using a baseball bat on Tyler Moore.

Despite desperately pleading "My name is Tyler. I'm only nine years old, please don't hit me", the boy was struck with the bat.

His mother Lisa branded the attackers "cowardly".

She said Tyler, who was kept in hospital for observation overnight, was now too scared to go home.

"They hit him with a baseball bat but they didn't give any reason why they were in my home – they trashed my home in a matter of minutes," she told the BBC.

She escaped uninjured, and said the men gave no reason why they were attacking her home in Carmeen Drive.

"The only thing left is his TV in the bedroom – they threw his PC to the ground, they smashed toilets, sink, every window in the house.

"While my house is in the state it's in, there's no point going back to it because there's nothing there – I may as well move and rebuild a life for myself and my son."

The family believe the attack on their Rathcoole home was carried out by the UDA. But this was denied by local independent councillor Tommy Kirkham.

A source close to the family said the only reason they could think of for the attack was that they would bring Catholic friends into the neighbourhood.

Mr Kirkham, previously a member of the UDA-aligned Ulster Political Research Group, says he still gives analysis to the South East Antrim UDA.

"As an elected representative I condemn this attack," he said. "This had nothing to do with paramilitary groups; I have spoken to both the UVF and UDA in the area."

Mr Kirkham thought it unlikely that the motivation for the attack would have been due to Ms Moore's friendship with Catholics.

"I work in Rathcoole and there are Catholics in it every day," he said.
He added that he did not have much detail yet about what had happened.
Alderman William DeCourcy of the DUP also condemned the attack.

He said it was wrong when a gang forces their way into a home and gives a beating to a young boy.

He too doubted that the motivation would have been on religious grounds.
"Catholics are coming into the estate all the time and there are also Catholics living there in this estate," he added.

Mr DeCourcy emphasised the need to wait for the police to carry out their investigations into what had happened.
Quote from: Main Street on August 01, 2009, 10:36:27 AM
Again it has to be repeated, the Orange Order is NOT a religious order, it is political order with religious zealouts as members.

You put it too nicely. I'd just call them deeply bitter and hatefilled scumbags who tried their best to keep their neighbours down as second class citizens.

Diamond Dan says

Remember Kids! Love, uphold, and defend the Protestant religion, and sincerely desire and endeavour to propagate its doctrines and precepts; strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome"
Quote from: Myles Na G. on July 31, 2009, 07:08:23 PM
Like I said, carry on posting shite.  ;)

Are you planning on giving lessons?
I think Paisleys rants were as close as you'd get to Hitlers

Havent time to draw a little moustache but you get my drift

Quote from: muppet on July 31, 2009, 03:48:01 PM
Everyone with a mortgage bought beyond their means if they lose their jobs. Hindsight is wonderful.
I agree with that but theres a lot of folk who bought way way out of their ballpark. Makes me question the stupidity of folk who dont think "what if".
Mistakes like that deserve to be punished.
Quote from: An Gaeilgoir on July 31, 2009, 01:16:33 PM
it wasn't just the banks or developers who fucked up this country, the nation as a whole lived on credit way beyond their means, new cars, two holidays a year, designer gear to beat the band and so on. To say its banks and developers is nonsence, they are just one factor in the crash.  As for NAMA, it is going to take over all loans over 5 million good and bad, so to call it a "bad bank" is incorrect. There is a fund of 10 billion that will be used to finish off the sites half built and it will then sell of the finished units. Anyone who thinks that NAMA is a bail out for developers hasn't got a clue of what is hapening in the real world. A lot of people are going to loose a lot when NAMA comes calling including their homes. No sympathy for them really, if you live or borrow beyond your means well then be prepared for what comes, and that goes for ordinary homeowners too.
The big developers should be out on the street, stripped of all assets and investigations to see if they siphoned funds to other companies or relatives. They should be repossesed also.
Any ordinary Joe Soap who cant afford their mortgages should either be given a mortgage holiday and if they cant raise the funds at a later date have their house sold or the deeds taken off them and allow them to rent. I dont have much sympathy for the greedy folk who bought beyond their means.

Quote from: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on July 31, 2009, 01:02:02 PM
Doogie at this stage the guy has absolutely no credibility on this board.

Myles has had no credibility from day 1. He's been outed
Quote from: nifan on July 30, 2009, 02:45:45 PM
For my own wedding we simply didnt have communion - I would think it would be wrong to take it, and wouldnt have wanted my family to be sitting like plums when her family all went up.

Tangerines as least
That is shocking. God rest his soul.
Quote from: Donagh on July 30, 2009, 09:40:58 AM
Quote from: Myles Na G. on July 30, 2009, 08:06:39 AM
You can have a separate baptism which isn't part of a mass, but often the baptism is done as part of the regular weekly mass, as a way of symbolising that the child is becoming part of the wider church. This tends to piss off everybody in the church except the immediate family as (a) they're not interested and (b) it adds an extra 20 minutes to the length of the service.
Apart from congregations of the old Latin Mass to which I occasionally attend, I haven't seen this done in over 30 years. In which Belfast parishes does this "often" happen?
Let's have a game of "Name that Chapel". MYLES NA G stands to win a speedboat if he can correctly identify which ROMAN CATHOLIC chapel OFTEN holds baptisms during regular weekly mass. We can then go back to our panel once Myles has answered to verify his story.
Quote from: Roger on July 29, 2009, 05:31:11 PM
Quote from: Donagh on July 29, 2009, 04:04:37 PM
The Orange Order is an organisation bigoted beyond belief and has done more harm to Irish society than any other organisation on this island over the last 200 years by peddling that bigotry and intolerance.
You might not like the OO but I think you need to get some perspective about it.  I can think of other organisations that would go way beyond any negative contribution to Irish society by the OO, including republican, so-called loyalist and religious organisations. 

The OO goes into negative figures when it comes to contributions to irish society. Its aim has been to eradicate irishness.