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Messages - ballygawleyman

Quote from: illdecide on November 12, 2010, 12:44:57 PM
To hear some of you roots you'd think the fellas done murder FFS, none is disputing they done wrong but it wasn't hard core porn they just rated a few girls. It will be an easy excuse for PWC to get shot of them and as someone stated they prob can't afford to lose business because of them but def an over reaction from half the country.

If i run a business and one of those guys came in i wouldn't give two balls a blue what females he rated as long as he done the job well for me he can rate all the women in the world as far as i was concerned. To think these fellas career's are up the river because of something so petty is ridiculous, years at University and debt from it too. F**k me there's rapists and child molesters out there that won't receive the treatment these fellas are getting because they thought some other employee was hot ::) ::) ::)

I wish I could start a slow clap right now....

Everything said in this post is correct. Discussion over.
General discussion / Re: FAO Barstoolers
November 12, 2010, 01:19:15 PM
I thought this was about barstools

General discussion / Re: The Wedding Pictures Thread
November 11, 2010, 01:50:22 PM

5. Creating facetious or duplicate topics
   It is very easy to post a duplicate thread topic, and is very understandable. People should, wherever possible, keep similar threads together, but this is sometimes not
   possible, or the other threads not seen. Again, perfectly understandable. This rule is in place to stop people deliberately and constantly posting spurious or similar threads,
   and blatantly disregarding the wishes of the GAA board community to keep these threads together.
   Penalties. If a pattern of posting these threads emerges from an individual, a Warning will be given.
       Further offences will incur a 2 Day Ban, followed by a 5 Day Ban. Subsequent offences will incur repeated 5 Day Bans.

Olly is the best poster on this forum at the moment.
6 I Know her
Playing two holding midfielders at home!
Quote from: Family guy on November 10, 2010, 11:15:49 PM
My sister and her husband just left,they were up showing there 1st baby scan they had today,they said they went in at 1 and there was about 30 people there,all mostly migrants,but anyway they noticed they didnt get called for along time and it seemed to be all these migrants gettn seen first when the husband asked a nurse he knew whats goin on theyve been waiting 3 hours,she said they have to see the migrants first cause they have interpreters with them that costs money,whats with all that like,piss you off thinking about it

Most of the doctors and nurses are migrants as well.
This is something I have thought about many times.

My position is I believe in evolution. However I also believe in Jesus and the Mary. I really do want to believe in God. I keep having the nagging feeling that if Jesus were alive today would he be special? I remember reading an article where two magicians performed all the miracles of Jesus (bar raising the bed and forgiving sins) including walking on water, turning water into wine etc. Someone can google it there.

As for the afterlife and God, I would like to think they do exist. More for comfort purpose so that I know all my loved ones have peaceful bliss.
However if I'm honest I think the thought of an afterlife has been invented as a control mechanism. When we are young we are told be good or Santa won't come, when we get older we find out the truth. Is the afterlife the Santa to keep people in line?
Bit of a contradiction but I actually do believe in spirits and ghosts. I also believe Mary appeared to the 3 children of Fatima.

Can we get a thread like this?
General discussion / Re: Working over christmas
November 10, 2010, 09:41:44 AM
Anyone working over Christmas. Just got our holidays confirmed today.
What went on here?
General discussion / Re: New Irish books
November 09, 2010, 01:21:59 PM
Has your doll Ahern got any new ones out as the woman usually likes her books, could be got for christmas.
General discussion / Re: 60 days of cash left
November 09, 2010, 12:47:40 PM
Quote from: Peter Solan the Great on November 09, 2010, 12:31:54 PM
Well it looks like time is nearly up for Ireland. the bond markets will refuse to lend to us. In steps the European central bank and the IMF.

RIP the Republic of Ireland. In years to come Fianna FAIL, the bankers and the developers will thought of in the same lines as Cromwell and the Black and tans.

What do you suggest? Start looting now to get the good stuff early?
General discussion / Re: Official Gooners Thread
November 08, 2010, 08:52:29 AM
Another dreadful November ahead. Only seen highlights on MOTD2 last night. Krul made a great great save. Should of had Bendtner on earlier.
General discussion / Re: Ardmhachaabu RIP
November 08, 2010, 08:21:52 AM
Shocking news.

May he rest in peace.

Its been said many times on this thread but sometimes you forget about the human element of a message forum.

We may be face to face strangers but we have come to know the person through his postings RIP