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Messages - Tier2

Laois / Re: 2022 National Football League
March 20, 2022, 03:50:01 PM
Quote from: Junior Ex Laoistalk on March 20, 2022, 03:42:58 PM
Wicklow have just done us a big favour, they've beaten Longford by 1 point, 0-20 to 2-13.
I stand up to correction but will it come down to head to head if Longford Beat us they'll avoid relegation?
Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 19, 2021, 08:02:32 AM
Quote from: clonadmad on October 18, 2021, 11:36:24 PM
Quote from: Tier2 on October 18, 2021, 10:39:22 PM
Quote from: Junior Ex Laoistalk on October 18, 2021, 07:43:11 PM
Maybe the beginning of the change we are all looking for but I doubt it...

Unless he goes and takes half of the current musical chair brigade it'll be awhile before we see a turn of direction.
While there is maybe 6 of the current executive doing positive work you can't outrun apathy it's like mud you'll eventually fade.

New blood contesting on many positions is the only way


That's being extremely generous

Probably right to be fair saying 6 more like 4.

What is a bug bearer is the way you can hold a position for  5 years if you couldn't do musical chairs that would be beneficial but the fact you can hop into another vacancy for a further 5 and do this unlimited times is a breeding ground for cronyism I'd reduce this to 4 years max possibly 3.

I'd put a cap of 8 years accumulated in any positions to be the maximum any person could serve on the executive in any position

Hopefully the hurling side of the county run a number of candidates in an organised supportive campaign to put the pressure on the status quo.

I wouldn't be in the habit of naming a person but the current vice chair going to the actual chair would be a non progressive development

Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 18, 2021, 10:39:22 PM
Quote from: Junior Ex Laoistalk on October 18, 2021, 07:43:11 PM
Maybe the beginning of the change we are all looking for but I doubt it...

Unless he goes and takes half of the current musical chair brigade it'll be awhile before we see a turn of direction.
While there is maybe 6 of the current executive doing positive work you can't outrun apathy it's like mud you'll eventually fade.

New blood contesting on many positions is the only way
Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 06, 2021, 05:48:36 PM
Quote from: clonadmad on October 06, 2021, 05:26:44 PM
The successful counties promote from within and would never even consider bringing in an outsider

Secondly their managers don't get parachuted into the big job

They have a body of coaching work often done from u14 upwards and it's a progression,be successful at 14,get moved up to 15 and so on.

There's a mentors pathway in place in these counties with ex players heavily involved.

I know of a man who was asked to take a u14 divisional team here,in the past month

He went away and came back with a proposal

They were going to train as a club team twice a week,central to the clubs location so they wouldn't be trucking in and out from the CoE

Had a 6 man back room team assembled to include 3 coaches,an athletic development person a physio and a stats video person

He was in the process of getting gear for them as he has access to funds and was looking to feed them afterwards so that they could get home to study etc after training.

Everything he suggested was shot down

One by one

He didn't have a son on this particular team,he was doing it to improve standards as that's his approach in his professional life.

Thats deeply disturbing if true (not saying it isn't I wouldn't be shocked)
Where was the level he was shot down
CB or GDA?
Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 05, 2021, 08:33:05 AM
Quote from: High Fielder on October 05, 2021, 08:18:52 AM
This is why these plans tend to sit on shelves. The motions are either unrealistic or unsubstantive. The Divisional Competition should never be looked at as a vehicle to improve competitiveness. The reality here is that we have too many Senior clubs, particularly in certain areas, and it is completely diluting quality. Some of them joined together wouldn't be competitive, so apart just makes them relegation fodder. Clubs either need to join (which they should) or at the very least have access to Intermediate and Junior players who want to play Senior football. I would prefer the first option, because I'd rather bite the bullet than go on as we are, which is killing us. It's never going to happen though, so we are left looking at a Divisional competition which in no way aids development of a player. It is no more than X Factor for Laois GAA, and like the X factor, it will quickly go down the tubes.

A lot of the other motions seem vague and idealistic. They will cost a small fortune to implement and we don't have many revenue streams. Setting up sub committees to investigate the structures in clubs ties in very closely with as they put it "putting personal agendas aside". These personal agendas have annexed clubs, allowed players to be stolen from smaller clubs and created the apathy they seem eager to eradicate. They seem to dilly dally around the idea of greater leadership (which I agree we definitely need) yet they don't seem to want to go to the well and say what we have is not good enough. Remember a lot of these people are influential enough to say to their delegates I want you to propose or not propose a certain thing. How long have we put up in Laois with inadequate leadership? Is the last weekend not a very good example. Not one man or woman given a suspension in a mass brawl. What does that create if it doesn't create apathy?

There is so much more that needs to be said and hasn't even been touched on in this report or previous ones. As stakeholders in Laois GAA, we are being cheated by those whose task it is to make things better. They either need to change their ways and outlook or else just clear off. We can't improve while we have a mindset in place that is counter productive to fairness and progression.

Extremely well conveyed
Apathy is the perfect word if this review has dug up anything its the perfect word to describe current leadership.
Lets hope some see the writing on the wall and step away and not play musical chairs.
I'm my opinion there has to be a cap on the combined time any one holds a position/positions.
4 years would be a fair measure.
If you cant implement change in this time you need to pass it to a another candidate.
New energy and drive
Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 04, 2021, 02:47:24 PM
I see the leinster express had an article on this review which was recently done and with the CB since August according to them.
Proposals make sense and well warranted but will this sit next to the last review done on the same shelf with little to no implementation.
Has there been a director of football even appointed since the last departed?
Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 02, 2021, 07:11:41 PM
Quote from: Spiritof86 on October 02, 2021, 02:48:53 PM
Quote from: Tier2 on October 02, 2021, 01:24:39 PM
By all accounts not one Laois man put their name forward which is regrettable to say the least. So any over critical potential options that give out if an outside man takes the mantle will carry no weight going forward.
On another note I hope the county board listen to the players and go with option B.

I beg to differ Tier 2 . There have been a couple of Laois men that have put there name forward . The outside option will always be there but to say no Laois man has put there name forward is slightly puzzling. Whether the County Board are interested is another subject .

It's good to debate these facts and when other information becomes available such as there in fact is Laois candidates you change stance.
I hope this information of Laois candidates is true and commend anyone willing to put the hand up.
Have you any idea which Laois candidates are in the running?
Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 02, 2021, 07:06:30 PM
Quote from: High Fielder on October 02, 2021, 02:42:46 PM
I'll go a third option. The CB have proven themselves to previous candidates to be impossible to work with. Promise much and deliver nothing. I'm afraid to say that genuinely interested = how much will you pay me as far as we're concerned

Also a very good possible criteria which would off put a native stepping up.
This point enforcing my point 1 in a more direct way
Well said.
Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 02, 2021, 02:33:50 PM
Quote from: High Fielder on October 02, 2021, 02:19:27 PM
An interesting first post Tier 2. In your opinion, having already told us what not to criticise, why do you think there would be no internal candidates? I mean that seems inconceivable does it not? Do you mean to tell me there isn't a man or woman who doesn't want this job?

Long time watching from the sideline but as we know hurlers on the Ditch eventually need to say something or continue to grumble to themselves and slowly go mad with their own thoughts

Only 2 thoughts on why no internal candidates would apply jump to mind.

1. They have the same knowledge we all share on the short comings of the current state of Football and are not prepared to put up with the usual obstacles for now until there is a changing of the guard in the upper inner sanctum.

2. A self imposed notion of to good not to be begged and how dare I have to actually put up my hand.

I'd genuinely rather see a candidate whom stepped forward than the leftovers from another counties selection process.

Lets wait in hope for a genuinely interested candidate
Laois / Re: The Future for Laois Football
October 02, 2021, 01:24:39 PM
By all accounts not one Laois man put their name forward which is regrettable to say the least. So any over critical potential options that give out if an outside man takes the mantle will carry no weight going forward.
On another note I hope the county board listen to the players and go with option B.