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Messages - rossiewanderer

General discussion / Re: Islamic Jihadists ISIS
August 14, 2014, 01:22:34 AM
Quote from: Hereiam on August 13, 2014, 10:55:02 PM
Didn't America arm these guys in Syria where they portrayed as freedom fighters to the western world and now that they have moved into Iraq they are now terrorists. They are doing what America and Britain want and that is to keep the middle east in turmoil so that oil will stay at low prices. Why do you think Britain is not sending in the fighter jets to wipe these guy out, this has all been pre arranged. ISIS is doing America and Britain's dirty work.

Many of the  ISIS animals were born and grew up in Western society treated fairly and given every chance to succeed.ISIS is a Religious cult which has no compunction in beheading children Raping woman and slaughtering anything in its path.It is far from the only Islamist group waging a similar slaughter worldwide far from Oil wells.
General discussion / Islamic Jihadists ISIS
August 13, 2014, 07:55:36 PM
Currently Islamists are waging war in the following Countries;

1. Mali
2. Nigeria
3. Chad
4. Tunisia
5. Libya
6. Egypt
7. Kenya
8. Somalia
9. Syria
10. Iraq
11. Lebanon
12. Southern Turkey
13. Kurdistan
14. Yemen
16. Uzbekistan
17. Kyrgyzstan
18. Afghanistan
19. Pakistan
20. Kashmir
21. Northern India
22. Bangladesh
23. CAR
24. Sudan
25. Philipines
26. Thailand
27. Myanmar
28 Western China
29. Western Russia
30. Dagestan
31. Chechneya
32. Balkans
33. Israel
34. Gaza

This does not include terrorist atrocities carried out in the name of Islam in France, USA, Spain, Belguim, Canada and Sweden.

Presently ISIS are beheading children raping woman burying people alive and slaughtering anything that does not conform with their Religious beliefs.Christians, Kurds,  and Yezidis are bearing the brunt of this apocalyptical barbarism.This has been going on for months and only now is it coming to light in the wider world.
In jest,Your obsessed with Fox news Muppet.We all know FOX is a Republican Tool for manipulating the Trailer parks of the US however it can be worth viewing for comic value much like our own RTE.

Channel four news is a much better alternative for a more balanced look at world events.
Yes it is all the fault of the USA and Israel,Without them the world would be at peace.
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 08, 2014, 12:17:47 PM
Quote from: dferg on August 08, 2014, 10:23:01 AM
Quote from: rossiewanderer on August 08, 2014, 01:10:16 AM
I do however have issues with some Palestine supporters especially in this country;
The work shy hippy brigade that think its cool to go to protests and confront police
The moronic idiots that think its hip to have a Palestine flag in a pub while sinking pints and spouting drivel.
Also those who cannot deal with an honest opinion that is not entirely Pro Palestine or Hamas.

No hippies
No one who thinks it's cool to protest
No one who drinks pints in a pub and expresses a pro Palestine opinion
Surely you don't want Nordies???

What would be an acceptable Palestine supporter?

Church going
White collar worker
Keeps there opinion to themselves

Quote from: rossiewanderer on August 08, 2014, 01:10:16 AM
Can anyone explain why Hamas did not evacuate Woman and Children from Gaza City to the sparsely populated southern end of Gaza when it became clear that the Israeli war machine was going to result in the deaths of children,babies,woman and civilians alike?

Gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world.

The Palestinians where going to UN refugee camps.

Their is plenty of open space in southern Gaza away from the city where you could have refugee camps without having Hamas weapons in them or nearby and giving Israel an excuse to shell.

Their are plenty of good people involved in the Palestine protests who have a natural empathy and a deep feeling for the people of Gaza/Israel and who are making efforts to help in a financial and symbolic capacity.

However I do believe it is Hi jacked by a large minority of idiots as exemplified in this board.
And on the streets by People who have willfully never worked in their lives and jump from one anarchist type bandwagon to the next.

General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 08, 2014, 01:10:16 AM
I do not see support for Palestine as bizarre at all.children and civilians have been killed,It is horrendous.Their is a natural empathy from this country which

I do however have issues with some Palestine supporters especially in this country;
The work shy hippy brigade that think its cool to go to protests and confront police
The moronic idiots that think its hip to have a Palestine flag in a pub while sinking pints and spouting drivel.
Also those who cannot deal with an honest opinion that is not entirely Pro Palestine or Hamas.

Can anyone explain why Hamas did not evacuate Woman and Children from Gaza City to the sparsely populated southern end of Gaza when it became clear that the Israeli war machine was going to result in the deaths of children,babies,woman and civilians alike?

General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 07, 2014, 11:04:34 PM
I find it bizarre that the plight of the Yezidi minority in Kurdistan and Northern Iraq is going almost unnoticed in this country and the wider world.Also the christian minorities in these regions are being ethnicly cleansed at an alarming rate.

These people are being massacred as we speak woman and children alike and face extermination at the hands of the advancing ISIS .Their are no symbolic protests or fags for these innocent peoples.
All human life is equal.


I have to say I really respect your stance and genuine empathy for the innocent woman and children of Gaza.You appear to be a good person and I wish you and other genuine people well in your attempts to display solidarity with the people who have suffered in Gaza.
        If you believe waving flags in solidarity with Palestinians at sporting events will make some sort of a difference I can only respect your stance for doing so.

Quote from: charlieTully on August 06, 2014, 11:30:32 PM
Too true, general theme from roscommon appears to be pro Israel anti occupied six. Anti IRA. My sister went with a lad from there once, he was a cnut too. Horrible shower of scuba divers.

God forbid anyone could be anti IRA.Whatever you like to think Charlie you imbecile god bless you.

Its big loud and very oppressed.

It was an analogy my good man,Good day to you.I am off out into the cosy fresh air of the Republic.
Quote from: HiMucker on August 06, 2014, 06:27:06 PM
Quote from: rossiewanderer on August 06, 2014, 06:20:38 PM
Quote from: Sidney on August 06, 2014, 12:29:46 AM
Quote from: rossiewanderer on August 06, 2014, 12:22:41 AM
I dont support Israel  you complete and utter clown.
Er...yeah...sure you don't.

Quote from: rossiewanderer on July 22, 2014, 02:41:14 PM
Israel are the right side in this unfolding tragedy.

No amount of esteemed professional Palestinian protesters in this country who continually quote out of context will convince me otherwise.In fact many of the rabble that constitutes these protests should get people thinking,Hang on a minute here....

Quote from: rossiewanderer on July 21, 2014, 08:29:31 AM
Hamas use woman and children as human shields.The civilian death toll they are engineering is
part of a grotesque tactical play to garner international intervention(which will never happen) and to provoke a reaction from the murderously out of control Muslim world.
  Hamas have the blood of their own people on their hands.

  Israel has the right to defend herself.

Quote from: rossiewanderer on July 22, 2014, 12:48:24 PM
Hamas are killing their own people,They are responsible for their dead children.They can stop this killing at any time but they prefer to sacrifice their own people and film the wailing cries of publicly
filmed funerals in a callous bid to instigate anti-Israel sentiment throughout the world.

Where did I state I supported Israel???
Israel had the right to defend itself like any other country under attack.
Israel does not have the right to commit war crimes which I have already stated many times that they have done and which is totally reprehensible but which would not suit your selective agenda

Hamas and the military response by Israel are responsible for dead children and civilians.
So going by your rationale,You Sidney support Hamas,You support using woman and children as human shields,You support suicide bombers,You support using schools to launch rockets.
I have highlighted in bold the only bit that matters.  Either you have changed your mind on that point, or it is completely reasonable to say you support Israel
It is completely reasonable to say that you are a muppet.
Over two weeks ago and many posts ago Israel was in the right to defend itself and I still believe that.
Mr Sidney took the time to trawl through my posts over a long period on a personal ego boosting exercise to prove that I am an 'Israel supporter' through quoting me in a selective manner.
I believe the dead children in Gaza are a result of HAMAS actions and ISRAEL raections and since war crimes.
People have the right to bring a Palestine, Isreal or british flag into Croke Park if they so wish I do not have a problem with that.
However People do not have the right to bring an IRA or Hamas flag into Croke Park or any other Terrorist flag for that matter.
Quote from: Sidney on August 06, 2014, 12:29:46 AM
Quote from: rossiewanderer on August 06, 2014, 12:22:41 AM
I dont support Israel  you complete and utter clown.
Er...yeah...sure you don't.

Quote from: rossiewanderer on July 22, 2014, 02:41:14 PM
Israel are the right side in this unfolding tragedy.

No amount of esteemed professional Palestinian protesters in this country who continually quote out of context will convince me otherwise.In fact many of the rabble that constitutes these protests should get people thinking,Hang on a minute here....

Quote from: rossiewanderer on July 21, 2014, 08:29:31 AM
Hamas use woman and children as human shields.The civilian death toll they are engineering is
part of a grotesque tactical play to garner international intervention(which will never happen) and to provoke a reaction from the murderously out of control Muslim world.
  Hamas have the blood of their own people on their hands.

  Israel has the right to defend herself.

Quote from: rossiewanderer on July 22, 2014, 12:48:24 PM
Hamas are killing their own people,They are responsible for their dead children.They can stop this killing at any time but they prefer to sacrifice their own people and film the wailing cries of publicly
filmed funerals in a callous bid to instigate anti-Israel sentiment throughout the world.

Where did I state I supported Israel???
Israel had the right to defend itself like any other country under attack.
Israel does not have the right to commit war crimes which I have already stated many times that they have done and which is totally reprehensible but which would not suit your selective agenda

Hamas and the military response by Israel are responsible for dead children and civilians.
So going by your rationale,You Sidney support Hamas,You support using woman and children as human shields,You support suicide bombers,You support using schools to launch rockets.

I dont support Israel  you complete and utter clown.
Quote from: babarino on August 05, 2014, 05:45:27 PM
Note party political - not political. The GAA is and always was political and examples of the organisation taking political positions could be given forever.

Flying the flag of Palestine is not party political. I'm sure there are many from different party political positions that have sympathy with the plight of the people of Gaza.

The Israeli flag happens to feature the Monaghan colours, but you'll not find too many flying it. If someone was to, I'd have a word in the ear, but I couldn't see GAA honchos and gardaĆ­ telling them to remove it.

When the GAA apparatchiks start getting squeamish about individual supporters showing cause with the oppressed for fear of offending Zionists with financial clout, that's when we really need to let them know what we think.

The Dubs on the Hill can be counted on if they're aware of what's going on. Let's get behind Aoise and the Garvaghy Road Orangemen on this one.

Have a 'word in his ear' would you indeed!?

While yer at it why not fly some more flags in solidarity with Democratic Rep of Congo,Sudan,CAR,Syria etc where similar horrors are unfolding.Or Why not just bring your county flag and enjoy the match?