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Messages - nifan

General discussion / Re: Prince Harry to Iraq????
April 26, 2007, 02:25:48 PM
 remember reading somewhere in the media discussing the possibility, but concluding diana didnt actually meet hewitt until after Harry was born.
General discussion / Re: New York accomodation
April 26, 2007, 02:21:20 PM
"cool" areas would be further downtown  - soho and tribeca, the vilage (grenwich village) etc
I like the lower east side/east village myself - certainly is not pretentious.

Dunno where you would stay there thou
General discussion / Re: Feast Days
April 25, 2007, 03:11:17 PM
idiot savant
When I pay for it i have no money left!
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on April 24, 2007, 04:12:51 PM
nifan, this may be a consideration, if the gloom merchants are to be believed.  Personally, although there is a slight change in circumstances down here at the minute, it is not recession times yet.  There is a dip in the property market but that is more of a correction back to a sustainable level than the extraordinary level that had been existing for a number of years.  House prices will continue to grow, just at a much slower rate and employment will still operate at a high level.

In any event any likely recession will have an effect both sides of the border, so it is not as if it is onfined to one geographical(albeit man made) area.

I hope it doesnt bust - i own a house down there ;)
If the economy in the ROI was to go into recession would those using the stronger economy change their stance?
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on April 23, 2007, 05:11:13 PM
QuoteAs for your final question, I have no idea exactly how many Catholics/Nationalists attend NI games, since no-one keeps a count (!), but I do know it is increasing all the time and have no doubt it would increase at an even greater speed were there more tickets available to those outside the ranks of long-term Block Bookers.

How do you know it is increasing?  If no one keeps a count then there are no statistics to show that it is increasing all the time.  Presenting opinion based on complete lack of evidence is not fact.  The fact that you can contradict yourself in the space of one sentence would in my mind put you higher up the remedial than Billy Boots.  And that is just an opinion, not a fact!

Speaking for myself, i know numerous catholics who have started coming in recent years.
I dont know the overall effect, just amongst people I know.

Id be confident there has certainly been an overall increase, but none of us really know for sure.
Quote from: heganboy on April 18, 2007, 04:40:49 PM
cisse = collymore II

dont think cisse was nearly as talented as collymore, but i see the psycho element ok
Quote from: SammyG on April 18, 2007, 12:45:01 PM
Quote from: An Fear Rua on April 18, 2007, 12:18:22 PM
Quote from: SammyG on April 18, 2007, 12:03:39 PM
Quote from: An Fear Rua on April 18, 2007, 11:37:02 AMpolicemen who batter foreign visitors indiscriminately live on TV beamed around the world.

Totally agree with the rest of your comments but I think this one has been shown to be nonsense, once the uneditted footage was seen. The supporters charged, threw chairs and bottles, kicked, punched and spat at the peelers, who then responded with batons. Hardly an indiscriminate battering.

every single one of them?? that would obviously include my mates father, 68 years of age, who was beaten up while he sat on the seat, ended up with an overnight stay in hospital and a brain scan, or maybe that woman from UWS who had her camera snatched by the police and was whacked round the head repeatedly when trying to get it back, or numerous other examples of people that were not inciting violence who were whacked.

The peelers whacked anyone near them, thats indiscriminate

The video evidence would suggest that those who got hit were 'involved'. I don't see any pensioners or oul girls in this footage but I wasn't there so I'll bow to your superior knowledge.

ah now sammy - a mates 68 year old father gets whacked.
Surely youd have to agree that some "civillians" got caught in the carnage
did a guy in a wheelchair not get whacked?
edwin poots - man of culture...
in fairness donagh, being smarter than you look isnt an achievement when you look like that
While I am anti maze I have to say that the fact that a village idiot like poots can gain any sort of power is possibly even more concerning.
General discussion / Re: Latest Scores - Soccer
April 07, 2007, 07:47:48 PM
poor day for united and a good day for the pool :D
Mascherano is twice the player of sissoko.
I appreciate sissokos work ethic, but a player who is there to tackle and disrupt in midfield must be able to consistantly pass to a more creative player, or be able to release players himself, something sissoko is unable to.
de rossi was absolute rubbish last night.
He kept shooting from 30 yards and they where nowher near the goal.