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Messages - Santino

General discussion / Re: Cures. Do you believe in them?
November 27, 2008, 09:47:10 PM
With some medical training under my belt I am always v sceptical but witnessed 1st hand a mate being cured after spraining her ankle. Day after the incident a cure was administered over the phone and the ankle was fine after few hours.
Who knows.....
General discussion / Re: 24
November 27, 2008, 10:25:50 AM
Yeah, i reckon it lost its edge over last couple of seasons because the plots were all so similar. Thats why Redemption was at least a bit more fresh.
They should defo take Jack outta the US for the next season as well hopefully for a change of scenery.
General discussion / Re: The Official WWE thread
November 24, 2008, 02:19:49 PM
Yeah, know they're supposed to be good mates but think Kennedy been off too long now and wouldn't give much time to give the slow build necessary for such a big comeback.
apparently Austin only gonna agree to comeback if its near perfect storyline. Hope he doesn't have to try to drag a watchable match outta Hogan.
He'd be some legend for Orton to try to kill....
General discussion / Re: The Official WWE thread
November 24, 2008, 12:26:14 PM
I'm hoping they've something bigger in store for jericho i.e. calling Stone Cold outta retirement for Mania. But maybe i'm gettin my hopes up too high.
With all the rumours of Austin coming back for one last match, who else would make a good opponent?