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Messages - SidelineKick

GAA Discussion / Re: Provincial affiliation
September 24, 2008, 05:47:46 PM
Quote from: red hander on September 24, 2008, 05:44:19 PM
Quote from: SidelineKick on September 24, 2008, 05:38:20 PM
so i guessed, was doin a bit of windin up. but u have alot of trouble even admitting that the issue existed! it actually doesnt make sense for me to be arguing about this with u cos im sure u back MH all along, but i personally know people who said he should have went while he was ahead. a minority can still be a hell of alot of people.

u can only be as sure that there werent alot of people calling for his head as i can that there were! unless of course u have done a survey.

I have no trouble admitting the issue existed ... i'd have a lot more trouble fitting a traffic cone into my hole

:D :D
GAA Discussion / Re: Provincial affiliation
September 24, 2008, 05:38:20 PM
so i guessed, was doin a bit of windin up. but u have alot of trouble even admitting that the issue existed! it actually doesnt make sense for me to be arguing about this with u cos im sure u back MH all along, but i personally know people who said he should have went while he was ahead. a minority can still be a hell of alot of people.

u can only be as sure that there werent alot of people calling for his head as i can that there were! unless of course u have done a survey.
GAA Discussion / Re: Provincial affiliation
September 24, 2008, 05:10:42 PM
Quote from: under the bar on September 24, 2008, 05:03:45 PM
Quotedid u read off the fence that thursday??? i remeber that one of the letters basically said "Thanks for the 2 All Irelands Mickey but now its time to move on"

A few dick-heads who write into a paper does not represent the views of a majority or even a sizeable minority of a counties support.  Is everyone in Armagh represnted by Fearon?

in terms of his mass he represents a large majority yes  :D

no what im saying is it wasnt a non existent thing and i dont know why alot of tyrone people are trying to ignore it. the only reason i can think of is if u r feelin guilty of bein one ureself! the irish news said that day that that was one of the hot topics they received calls and emails about. its fact. im not sayin these people represent all of tyrone or the majority (did i say majority earlier perhaps???) but they did represent a sizeable portion of the support. it was common knowledge that alot of people had thought mickey harte had outstayed his welcome. im glad he proved them wrong.
GAA Discussion / Re: Provincial affiliation
September 24, 2008, 04:57:51 PM
Quote from: under the bar on September 24, 2008, 04:48:17 PM
I was at the Down game and some ppl were questioning MH's decision to move the players around and leave it late to introduce Tommy McGuigan.   I heard no-one say that Mickey had to go as the crowd knew that injuries more than the mgt team were responsible for Down sneaking a win.    

Can no-one else see that Paddy Heaney is deflecting from his woeful predictions re: Tyrone by trying to say it was the fans who were wrong (and not him).  

did u read off the fence that thursday??? i remeber that one of the letters basically said "Thanks for the 2 All Irelands Mickey but now its time to move on"
GAA Discussion / Re: Provincial affiliation
September 24, 2008, 04:37:55 PM
Quote from: red hander on September 24, 2008, 03:07:21 PM
Quote from: corn02 on September 24, 2008, 02:59:34 PM
Quote from: red hander on September 24, 2008, 02:57:59 PM
Quote from: T Fearon on September 24, 2008, 02:43:34 PM
Bummer what is this fixation with the two Brians? One of them lives beside me and I see him every day and will tell him there is a Tyrone geek who is obsessed with him.

There is no analogy between M Harte and the two Brians. M Harte had won one real All Ireland and one back door All Ireland yet there was practically universal clamour for his removal after the Tyrone defeat by Down this year.

The two Brians won two Ulster Championships and had failed (unluckily) in two All Ireland semi finals, hence the clamour (mainly from S Armagh) for their heads.

As I said no comparison whatsoever

'there was practically universal clamour for his removal after the Tyrone defeat by Down this year'. BULLSHIT   The people calling for Mickey's head were a small minority, the same sort of people who abused his son when he played for the county. The Irish News had a front page plug jumping to its 'off the fence' column at the time (it may even have used the word clamour)... when you turned to read all about this 'clamour' it amounted to TWO phonecall to the IN calling for MH's head  ... TWO!    The vast majority of Tyrone fans backed MH after the Down games, this, afterall, was the man to who had brought us two All-Irelands (now three, which is TWO more than youse have) ...

Or maybe they just printed two.

Well, why hype something up on the front page if you're then going to sell the reader short?  Off the fence has many times in the past dedicated itself to one subject with several  people's views printed, why not then?
Quote from: under the bar on September 24, 2008, 04:33:59 PM
My aunt and uncle were a at threshing fair near Mullabawn on Sunday.  At it they had 2 big screens up and described the cheers that went up when Tyrone won.   I've head similar stories about clubs & pubs from other neighbouring counties, in areas where decent Gaels live.  Thankfully the minority bone-idle buckfast swillers from Craigavon / Lurgan don't represent the whole of the county.

We feel your pain Tony, We love your pain!   Keep hurting!  ;D :D   ;D

TYRONE ALL IRELAND CHAMPIONS 2003, 2005 & 2008!   - Live with it!!

i fully supported tyrone on sunday but now im rememberin why i used to take pleasure in them losing. i still admore the team but cant understand why red hander wont admit that there was a large section of "supporters" wanting mickey harte to go. in case u hadnt noticed the irish news can only print so much and im sure they wudnt want to dedicate the entire off the fence to putting down one individual. unless maybe red hander u were one of the non believers after the down game??
GAA Discussion / Re: Sam Maguire / Anglo Celt
September 24, 2008, 01:43:00 PM
league final and ulster final? quite an achievment, they actually should have won both of them.
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
September 24, 2008, 11:33:15 AM
even look at the way the scores went throughout the game! the excitement was great for a neutral! i honestly thought one or the other wud pull away but it kept its closeness til 5 / 10 mins from the end.
GAA Discussion / Re: Sin Bin
September 24, 2008, 11:30:55 AM
and u thought tonys was a stupid thread?!  ::)
General discussion / Re: The psychology of ‘Breakout’
September 24, 2008, 10:39:19 AM
were also forgetting the fact that as these sinn fein members try to "break the brits from within" they are getting paid a handsom some for their troubles! im sure that eases the pain a little.

its a dirty job but i suppose someone has to do it. we should be thankful really  ::)
GAA Discussion / Re: Sam Maguire / Anglo Celt
September 24, 2008, 09:34:45 AM
Quote from: under the bar on September 24, 2008, 09:32:13 AM
QuoteI think that analysis of armagh is fairly lazy lads. armagh were far superior to wexford on that day but missed a glut of scoring chances and fell to a sucker punch goal.

That's similarly lazy analysis since Wexford totally dominated Armagh for the last 10mins.  If the game had gone on longer Armagh would prob have lost by more as their legs were gone.    In a similar note, how many times have Armagh been getting beaten in Championship game only to win by a sucker punch or late couple of points?  And how many times have they come from behind to snatch an undeserved draw in recent years?
Wexford probably spared Armagh getting the hiding from Tyrone that they were well overdue.

last 10 mins, the game is 70 mins long.

u tell us when armagh snatched undeserved victories. they didnt deserve to win that day but u seem to have an issue with armagh.
GAA Discussion / Re: Sam Maguire / Anglo Celt
September 24, 2008, 08:57:22 AM
Quote from: Main Street on September 23, 2008, 09:37:16 PM
This is the best thread ever on Gaaboard.
Monaghan 5th and nobody blinks an eye ???

FWIW this would be my view of the 12

2. Kerry
3. Cork
4. Galway
5. Dublin
6. Wexford
7. Armagh
8. Monaghan
9. Mayo
10. Kildare
11. Down
12. Fermanagh or Westmeath

kildare and down are not ahead of fermanagh. derry could be included ahead of either of them too.
GAA Discussion / Re: Boylesports AI Final prices
September 23, 2008, 01:52:47 PM
il be expecting to hear of boylesports going bust then cos at 15/2 €200 wud be a drop in the ocean compared to what the big shots wud have threw on that.

nonsense. complete and utter nonsense.
GAA Discussion / Re: Boylesports AI Final prices
September 23, 2008, 01:46:11 PM
Quote from: under the bar on September 23, 2008, 01:43:04 PM
Quotenot at all Bogball, cos the lad was telling me he was gonna go for the Tyrone 3-4 points margin at 6/1 until he seen the 15/2 on offer for a normal win...

I'd expect your friedn made the mistake that many do and was looking at the draw price.

sounds more like it  ::)
GAA Discussion / Re: can Tyrone become the new Kerry
September 23, 2008, 08:55:22 AM
If they win 32 in a row yes  :P

their underage set up is 2nd to none and i think thats the key. take a look at the derry minor panel of 2002 that won the AI, how many of them have broke through to the seniors? Gerard O'Kane occasionally, Mark Lynch who doesnt perform for us.  Thats about the height of it.

Tyrone know how to nurture their youth teams and develop them into successful teams. the current tyrone team that won 3 all irelands didnt come out of nowhere.  the underage teams they have will bring more and more quality players so they will always be in with a shout for the foreseeable future. worrying for a derry man :-\
GAA Discussion / Re: All-Stars 2008
September 22, 2008, 04:14:09 PM
Quote from: hardstation on September 22, 2008, 04:08:33 PM
Surely Paddy Bradley will slabber his way to one again?

no worse than peter canavans token all star in '05