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Messages - Fishbat

Would ye not be more worried about pasty deformed rednecks at your door playing a banjo round those parts?

Sure ye only have to throw an aul bear a can of salmon - happy as larry
General discussion / Re: Las Vegas
October 09, 2007, 10:42:46 PM
If you are putting a few quid in the machines, just tip the waitress well and you'll get plenty of cheap drink all night instead of the $6.50 per bottle ye pay at the bars.  Fountain show at the Bellagio at night is worth a video, and the hoover dam.  Theres that new walkway over the canyon too - looks great

try and get into as many of the hotels as ye can for a nosey...too much stuff to see......and don't burn yourself out in the first 2 nights!

General discussion / Re: Favourite Fast Food outlets?
October 09, 2007, 04:50:34 AM
Meat roll supper from McGlincheys in the Island - only one per month mind you or ye'll be a slurry tanker before ye know it.

Wendy's baconator burger - 6 strips of bacon, 2 patties, cheese, mushrooms - lethal

Used to be pagni's on the corner of irish st, Dungannon, not sure what its called now but they do a "deadly burger" egg, beef, pineapple, whack of bacon, slap of sauce and a touch of rabbit food on a flourey bap - not good for ye, but tasty goo
General discussion / Re: Rugby- Who to support?
October 08, 2007, 09:12:09 PM
France, no doubt about it.  every time wilkinson takes up that daft stance i have to leave the room. 

Plus France have the unique talent of Chabal who manages to juggle his sports career with acting - see "Gladiator" 10 mins in where he emerges from the forest with a messengers head in his hand and flings it into the muck.

More of the same next Saturday i would expect
very true - poor to mediocre is the quality at other sports, with the odd fluke thrown in to keep us happy.

as regards the olympics - we won a few golds at the shooting, not bad.. Track and field - pure dung, anyone remember the irish lad wrecking the fence around the hammer throw area? flung her into the side of it and brought it down round himself, end of discussion.

But theres just no opportunity for young folk to be the best at other sports -  if its not GAA i think theres a lot of pressure at a young age to conform, a clique culture and it'll be like that for quite a while.

very few want to be the only guy at school who plays tennis etc...
General discussion / Re: Laser eye surgery
October 03, 2007, 12:19:55 AM
what is wavefront? how much?
General discussion / Re: Laser eye surgery
October 02, 2007, 11:09:13 PM
Is that true about Astigmatisms?  i was told by my optician lasering would'nt work for me (maybe she's low on customers) and that it could only have been done when i was 7 or 8 years old when the first symptoms were appearing or disappearing as the case was.

She said lasering would be a total waste of money in my case.

Anyone out there with astigmatisms that have had the laser and worked?
General discussion / Re: Fishbat - New Zealand
October 02, 2007, 04:48:14 AM
Quote from: drici on October 02, 2007, 01:07:32 AM
Next you'll be telling us that it has no snakes.

So i hear, St Patrick definitely got about,   

and the people are'nt all 3 ft tall with hairy feet either
Quote from: Colonel Cool on October 01, 2007, 02:49:57 PM
New Zealand is depressing. Rains all the time and huge social problems in the cities.
Ireland is certainly one of the best places to live imo.

NZ is very far from depressing, theres an endless amount of things to do and see, most of the North Island is Sub-Tropical and usually great weather through spring, summer and autumn, winter is nothing to speak off.  South Island bit colder but spectacular.  plenty of wide open spaces, nature reserves, ski resorts etc...only 4 million live there and its the size of the UK

Of course it still rains, Of course theres problems in the cities, do you know any where there are not?

Great spot..........if ye can stand the flight
Aye Ziggy, think it was Keith Allen doing the documentary - one woman was slabbering flat out about god, sanctity of marriage, gays, etc..blah..blah..etc... only to be hit with Allen finding out she actually wasn't married when she had her first son - and therefore a hyprocritical fornicating fornicator.

Bible bashers = biggest threat to the western world, shitstains the lot of them
Since nobody can agree, what about a megamix medley from the provinces?

We could have "pretty little girl from omagh" from Hugo Duncan then 3 bars from a lambeg drum before "take me home to Mayo" - Westlife - 2 bars on the spoons - then "rare aul times" by McGowan - 6 bars uileann pipes - then "Skibbereen" by Pat Spillane - ending with accelerando of 8 bars bodhran, lambeg, spoons and Davy Tweed on the washboard.

All incorporating

No need then for Flags - that'll bring f**kin tears alright.

Might have stumbled on a number one hit record also
Yes its nice to see the kiwi's of  british/european descent give the Haka the full blast and not crying about doing it - embracing the Maori culture of the country they play for and settled in, and also Maori players not yapping about "God Defend New Zealand" as the anthem under a flag with a union jack on it - even though they detest it.

General discussion / Re: Offal
September 26, 2007, 02:53:54 AM
Hurler - plenty of flies on veg too not to mention pesticides - unless you grow your own, you are running the same gauntlet as the rest of us.

or failing that, eat rice morning noon and night
The Darren Clarke quip - do you know the fella? when did ye ask him about how he was forced to wave a flag?

Could anyone explain why, as everyone claims to be Irish these days when the cap fits, unionists can support the Irish rugby team and wear the green jersey with pride (even with only a few Ulstermen on the team)  in the full knowledge the rest of the world only see all things Irish and united, one nation......Yet detest the Irish soccer team - and would'nt support them in a fit if 10 of the starting 11 came from Belfast..............and don't use the tired boring old shit about being another country,...are they not fellow Irishmen?

Can unionists support Ireland in Boxing against Britain - especially when a number of Ulstermen are on the team? (political decision?)

Will there be any cheering/support/pub chit chat for your fellow Irish/Ulstermen at the Olympics?  Or will it be GBR, and if so why? (political decision?)

Its been stated ad nauseaum here about how politics and sport don't mix......Bullshite
General discussion / Re: Most original Irish Bar Names
September 25, 2007, 09:58:08 PM
Quote from: rrhf on September 25, 2007, 04:15:08 PM
The Top Bar and the the Bottom Bar near Dungannon is enuff said.

The Bottom Bar? aye that'd be right - full of drunken West Dungannon bums no doubt....nuff said

On the subject of shitholes - Can't be many worse than Frankie O'Neills in Bunboran (gone now) - some characters about though. 

Anyone ever been to "the Drake" near Mullingar? i half expected livestock to wander through