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Messages - Aristotle Flynn

GAA Discussion / Re: Hurling & Football Sections?
February 12, 2007, 12:16:45 PM
Leave it as it is.
You have certainly improved my knowledge of Northern geography! There are still large areas of the country where you would have to travel miles to watch a match or join a club.

There seems to be a fair few towns and villages in the North that don't have GAA clubs. What clubs to people from these places play for? Here's a list of some I've identified. If you moved to one of these places who would you play for? Maybe there are clubs and I've never heard of them.
Copy and paste the list and put a club against the town, if there is one.
Are there any other large towns/ villages without clubs?

East Belfast



GAA Discussion / Re: Referees Course
January 23, 2007, 11:20:39 AM
To become a Referee you are required to participate in a Referees' Foundation Training Course and pass a Written Examination of the rules and a Physical Fitness Test (not the one posted by Lecale).

The basic fitness test involves a series of 10 14m sprints within a set number of seconds. 20m sprints and a 45m backward sprint. 200m sprint and finishes of with 2 1/2 mile run in 13 minutes. Not hard if you are a young fit fella in your 20s but tough enough for someone in their late 30s/40s as most refs are.

Rather than sitting behind a keyboard and taking the piss out of refs you should get off your arse and try refereeing! I've never done it myself but there's no way it's easy. These guys deserve our respect rather than being the but of jokes on this discussion board.

Funny enoughthe subject of Liverpool fans pickpocketing the dead and pissing on them was discussed on BBC Radio 5 at 8.50 this morning. There's plently of eye wittness accounts to conclude that it did happen. The guy on the radio seemed to be saying they were drunk and didn't realise what they were doing!
General discussion / Re: Corny One for Friday
January 12, 2007, 09:33:13 AM
I think that's abit racist Hedgehog. I have reported to Admin. You may wish to edit before it is deletted.
Is the full list available any where? How many teams in each group?
As someone said " Why do so many Irish people associate themselves with an English Soccer team?" These are not the nice English tourists we all love but the houligans we all hate! Catch a grip.
I posted an account fom a lad who was there and wrote about it. That's what he recorded that he saw at the time. It was an awful day for anyone who as present.
Extrat:  Hillsborough - the real story.

"A lot of the Liverpool supporters were drunk at 2.55, a lot of them didn't have tickets, and a lot of them did bunk in the ground, But this believe it or not happens at every single game. The only difference is the police and stewards are competent enough to deal with it.

The obvious failings are easy enough to see, There were a lot of fans that turned up late, got through the gate and proceeded as fast as they could down the first (unmarked) tunnel to the lower enclosure. On entering this tunnel it would have become evident that the enclosure was full. Then because of the enormity of the crowd still waiting outside and the crush on those at the front the police decide to open the gates to let fans in. Quite possibly the worst decision in a series of bad decisions, as fans rushed through the open gates which are directly adjacent to the unmarked tunnel, fans inside the tunnel become tightly packed but as more people piled in behind them it becomes impossible to turn back. Add to the fact that stewards offered no directions or warnings about the overcrowding situation.

Meanwhile stewards pitchside can see the obvious confusion as the central pen is close to rupturing while the pens either side are virtually empty, Fans at the front of the enclosure use there last breath to plead with stewards to open the gates at the front, these pleads are ignored.

Finally the game is stopped as fans lucky enough to escape over the top of the barricade without being impaled on the spikes spill over onto the pitch and collapse, it is at this point that Liverpool fans start to pickpocket the fans who now lie lifeless on the Hillsborough turf, urinating on the dead and basking in the drunken chaos they have caused."
Most English Soccer fans are scum but the Liverpool supporters are the worst of the lot by a long shot!  
The mass murder of the Italian supporters at Heysel is never mentioned by the Britsih media. No other supporters murdered so many of their opponents in a single night.
Everybody is blamed for Hillsborough except the Liverpool fans that caused the crush with their charge towards the gates in the first palce. Those murdering scum are responsible for murdering their. Then they pick the pockets of the dead and injured. SICK.
The one occasion The Sun tells the truth they boycot it.
The sick songs they sing about the death of George Best and others is no surprise. What would you expect from a pig but a grunt.
Why do so many Irish peiople want to associate themselves with these scum? I just don't get it. These are the same type of low lifes that were dressed in Black & Tan uniforms and sent over here 70 years ago.
GAA Discussion / Re: Gaelic Life
January 07, 2007, 09:36:16 AM
Why all the anger Pint of Guinness?
Local GAA Discussion / Re: Ulster Club Hurling League
January 05, 2007, 02:04:55 PM
Camowen Gaels are an amalgamation of Omagh & Killyclogher. They couldn't field on the own for a few years at adult level so decided to come together last year for Tyrone league & championship. Good to see them in the UHL. The more games the better.
GAA Discussion / Re: Walsh Cup
January 03, 2007, 01:40:44 PM
I agree. All the games bar Kilkenny/UCD should be tight. Lets hope they get desent weather.
How did you watch it live Square Ball?