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Messages - belleaqua

GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
December 02, 2006, 10:55:49 AM
Gerry Hennelly from Ardrahan and David Burke - Clarenbridge.
GAA Discussion / Re: 20 Questions
December 01, 2006, 05:43:04 PM
1. Why your user name

    Was lookin for something random, and saw it on some Latin shit(i think twas Latin) beside me and picked that!

2. Favourite all time game

   Galway v Kilkenny 2005, narrowly edging out the same game in 2001.

3. Favourite all time player from your county

   Joe Cooney - absolute class. Michael Meehan - never seen a more gifted player, won a club All-ireland on his own at 19.

4. Favourite other poster on

   Not around long enough to say but easy seperate the good from the bad, alot of the Mayo lads actually impress me.

5. Things you'd like to see change on the site.

    Stupid pathetic comments by a few regular posters only looking for a row.

6. Player from another county you admire.

    Tommy Walsh/Kieran McDonald

7. Dual players. Should they be allowed do both (why/ why not)

   Of course they should, its amateur sport!

8. Dublin Hurling, IS there hope? *question for dubs

  I hope so, have won a Leinster title in the last couple of years so fingers crossed.

9. Best Moment of the year?

   Uuuhh, Potumna/Salthill All Ireland double, bad year otherwise.

10. Worst moment of the year?
     Pearse Stadium v Westmeath, Blood pressure was at a very high point that evening.

11. Breasts or bum?

12. Breaking ball or park live?

     Breaking Ball, captured what the GAA is about better than Park Live i think.

13. (Situation) Cork v Meath (if from Meath Cavan V Dublin) in an All-ireland final. You have to shout for one or your head will explode. What do you do? *question for dubs


14. DJ Or Eoin Kelly

     Eoin Kelly, bad team around him.

15. What  your own county needs to do to win Sam next year?

     A midfield, if we win 50% of possession every game wel be hard stopped, backline never been better and still have the class up    front.

16. How do you stop (legally, Meath lads) Kieran Donaghy

     A sweeper looks the best option so far.

17. Hopes for 2007.

    A Galway double.

18. Who will win Sam in 2007.

      Kerry or Tyrone. Hunger will be back for them and if injury free will bw a big threat. Kerry will be close because I think the best way a 2 in a row will be achieved is with a fresh approach, which they now have.

19. Who will win Liam in 2007.

     Galway, great chance now.

20. Your Gaaboard resolution for 2007.

      Not get involved in petty arguments.
General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 01, 2006, 05:18:16 PM
General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 01, 2006, 01:29:58 AM
Agree with majority of above, heres two things not mentioned that really piss me off, although one of them is no ones fault but my own.

A load of change fallin out of my pocket when iv jeans with big pockets on, and it fallin down under the couch. Get awful angry for some reason.

Just after landing from a perfect flight and half the people on the plane starts clapping. FFS isnt that their job, its not like I landed the thing. Again I dont know why I get so pissed off but I feel the need to stand up and tell everyone to shut the f**k up. But thats not allowed in recent years so have to keep it all inside.
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 29, 2006, 09:50:10 PM
Ya fair enough I wasnt here then so unaware of some of these things, im lookin at things as they appear here. Of course yer minor success should be well celebrated especially after a very hard fought campaign

Only thing I will say about the minors(and every minor team in both codes) success GUARANTEES nothing in the future. of course there is  great potential there, job now is to make sure it comes through. Galway have won two u21 titles in 3 years and we have yet to see anything and likely we wont, the 1st team was actually a brilliant side, the 2nd was carried by Meehan so you may be right. Time will tell.
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 29, 2006, 09:14:10 PM
Quote from: Shrewdness on November 29, 2006, 09:04:55 PM
.Seems like some of you Galway boys are suffering a severe dose of Rossieitis, which i suppose is understandable. ;) ;D

Ya definitely, havin taken 2 All Ireland Senior Football Titles, 3 All Ireland Club Titles, 2 u21 All Ireland Titles and i dont know how many countless Connaught Titles(suppose il leave out the hurling) at all levels in the past 8 years its a devastating loss for us.
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 29, 2006, 08:59:21 PM
Did he not say "I heard" it was a poor game. I cant speak for anyone else but looking over his posts from the start they look genuine to me.
Quote from: ross matt on November 29, 2006, 08:40:54 PM
Read from that if a Ross team beats a Galway one then it's a given that the standard is poor.

I think ya might be lookin into that one a little much because of the county thing but I might be wrong.

My point being, everything written taken at face value would indicate no real anti roscommon bias on the sending off issue.
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 29, 2006, 08:29:59 PM
That does not change the issue of striking, thats the whole point.
Of course he shouldnt get a 6 month ban, it should be the equivalent to striking a player. Striking is striking, he hit him, Sice was slow to go down, doesnt change the fact he was struck. He should get a ban too.

Thats what the majority of Galway posters are saying and you come along with rubbish from 6 - 7 years ago that has absolutely nothing to do with this and confuse the argument.
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 29, 2006, 08:18:18 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on November 29, 2006, 08:04:41 PM
Of course if we were from Galway we would all say " Surrrhhh we seen nawthin"
as happened in the Donnellan incident some years ago ;D
I suppose Mr. Sice is still sipping soup through a straw???

Ya see here we go again, the odd Roscommon poster(not the majority) is a bit deluded. All Galway posters here bar 1 I think have stated very clearly what they think of Sice coming onto the pitch and his pathetic fall.

Dont be puttin words in peoples mouths.

If ya want to have an argument with yourself, find a mirror and stop spoutin shite.
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 29, 2006, 07:14:13 PM
Quote from: ross matt on November 29, 2006, 06:58:16 PM
Galway lads catch a grip. The bitterness is laughable at this stage.

There was little bitterness on this thread until the Dolan supporting side of the debate threw in some stupid county rivalry comments. Going back over some of the arguments you will notice a proper discussion up until this point.
All the Galway posts were very objective and critical of Sice.

Good Luck to Brigids, all Galway people will be happy to see them do well especially with JOM and Anthony Cunningham on board.
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 29, 2006, 04:18:48 PM
Quote from: ross matt on November 29, 2006, 03:48:07 PM
Dont get a draft up your hole now on that high moral ground that's Galway GAA.

Says the Roscommon man displaying the counties typical inferiority complex. ;D
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 28, 2006, 06:20:47 PM
Ya, always a bit confused by that rule cos obviously we never see the texts of referee reports. Well I wouldnt be overly bothered if he does or doesnt get suspended, as long as we dont see a rise in similair actions.
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 28, 2006, 06:06:26 PM
Quote from: neilthemac on November 28, 2006, 06:02:26 PM
if the referee's report mentions the incident in the match report and deals with it there, then there cannot be any sanction on Frankie

it will be all down to interpretation by the Connacht Council

Is that not if he was booked, they cannot act on it? Does the fact that the referee took no action mean they can issue a suspension even if there is a mention in the report???
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 28, 2006, 05:54:59 PM
Yes, but he obviously was allowed on the sidelines so he cannot be blamed for that, as you say the referee/Connaught Council have to control this. And he should never ever enter the playing area. Agreed.

I think from here on its a matter of interpretation, I personally feel the mentors "swing" could not be called as such and appeared more handbags than anything. I presume Frankie knows the rules of the game. Maybe push him away, or just back away, dont put your team in jeopardy by doing something that you know will get you sent off especially since Corofin were a man down and a ref may send off a player to balance things up.

But the rules are the rules im trying to point out so he should have been sent off and suspended, as should the mentor.

Agree to disagree I think!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Frankie Dolan!!!
November 28, 2006, 05:32:47 PM
Yes I agree with most of that. The Connaught Council are responsible, I would imagine, for who is let into the field, but the guy in question was a selector so of course he should be allowed on. In reality though ya never see all managers and selectors with bibs on even with county teams. as regards mentors entering the field of play, well that happens at every level in GAA matches, a much larger problem.

You still cannot strike however no matter who you are, and I think both should get a ban.