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Messages - stiffler

Found this on the liverpool echo website, im going over to liverpool myself for the game, might hit aldos place its a god spot.

City Big Screen ban for matchMay 15 2007

by Luke Traynor, Liverpool Echo


PUBS and bars in Liverpool are gearing up for their biggest night of the year as they prepare to screen the Champions League final.

Thousands of people are expected to cram into the city centre on May 23 to recreate the famous Anfield atmosphere.

But all viewing will be indoors after outdoor screens were ruled out by city officials.

Violence erupted in Clayton Square last year at a World Cup game, while Reds fans caused £40,000 damage in Concert Square after the Istanbul win.

Police and Capital of Culture Company officials are anxious to avoid a repeat.

Clayton Square's TV will remain off and no other outdoor viewing points set up. Chairs, tables and canopies will be cleared from Concert Square .

Joe Curran, licensing co-ordinator for Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, said: "The risk of showing football on outdoor screens is far too high."

The 1,000-plus capacity Olympia, in West Derby Road, is hoping to create an Athens-style Kop. Fans are encouraged to bring their homemade banners.

Where the action is

The Newz Bar in Water Street has a capacity of 550, but its 30 private booths and upstairs floor have already sold out. The downstairs floor is open to all.

Aldo's Bar, Victoria Street, owned by former Reds striker John Aldridge, will link up to owner John Aldridge, co-commenting for Radio City.

The Sandon, in Oakfield Road, Anfield, will hold up to 1,000 punters for a Athens/Liverpool party with staff in traditional Greek costume.

Andersons in Exchange Street East is selling tickets for £30 for a free bar event while showing the football.

Pan American Club and Blue Bar, at the Albert Dock, are hosting Greek-styled menus before the game.

General discussion / Bobby Sands Movie
May 16, 2007, 12:39:03 PM
McQueen to make film on Bobby Sands

Turner Prize-winning artist Steve McQueen has confirmed his first feature film - about Irish Republican Army (IRA) hunger striker Bobby Sands.   

Hunger focuses on the last six weeks in the life of Sands, leader of the 1981 IRA hunger strike at the Maze prison.

Filming begins in Northern Ireland in September.
McQueen, the film`s director and co-writer, is best known for a 1999 Turner Prize-winning video inspired by Buster Keaton.

The video artist said the story had modern relevance.

He said: "Hunger will be a film with international contemporary resonance. The body as site of political warfare is becoming a more familiar phenomenon.

"It is the final act of desperation, your own body is your last resource for protest. One uses what one has, rightly or wrongly.

"What I want to convey is something you can`t find in books or archive, the ordinariness and extraordinariness of life in this prison. Yet also the film is an abstraction in a certain way, a meditation on what it is like to die for a cause."

The film is being co-financed by Channel 4 for broadcast on TV next year, while worldwide sales rights are being sold in Cannes.

Jan Younghusband, Channel 4 Commissioning Editor for Arts, said: "Channel 4 regularly commissions new work from artists for the screen, galleries, public spaces and theatre.

"Steve McQueen is an exceptional artist and filmmaker whose work in galleries has transformed our experience of the visual arts.

"I am delighted to commission his first feature film which revisits, through the unique perspective of an artist, this crucial moment in Anglo-Irish history."

Pete Snodden in the morning, what a man
The countdowns well and truely on, finding it hard to get a good nites sleep already
good man j70
that link doesnt seem to be working.
General discussion / Re: Aussie Rules
April 13, 2007, 09:39:07 AM
sorry stephenite, the league was filled with a load of randoms, u can still join the main league yourself although the next deadline is only an hour away to gain points in this weekends games.
General discussion / Re: Aussie Rules
April 12, 2007, 06:46:56 PM
Anyone wanna join an aussie rules dream team comp go to, then fun and games, then enter join league code: crikey.
Bellamy to Riise...2-1!!!
1 each.....

What a celebration!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Martin Clarke's AFL Debut
February 16, 2007, 07:53:11 PM
Good to see him making it, didnt think he would have the bulk to compete do soon, but fair play to him
GAA Discussion / Football Boots
February 16, 2007, 07:51:17 PM
I need a new pair of boots for the new season( well you have to look the part sitting on the bench), not too sure what to go for. Anyone any reccomendations. I prefer the puma king boots to predators, i dont want a white pair or anything stupid like that.

General discussion / Re: Jury Service
February 12, 2007, 06:56:33 PM

I got one of these letters too, it says something along the lines that i will be considered for jury service from September this year onwards.
General discussion / Re: Armagh's best pub?
January 23, 2007, 06:30:54 PM
best bar in lurgan is the batcave, cant beat the pints of tennants and the jukebox.

weres this jp spot yous are on about
what about larssons last game for utd being at anfield? i would be gutted if he scored past us. heres hoping hes injured or suspended that day!