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Messages - red hander

Quote from: ExiledGael on January 07, 2009, 09:16:05 PM
Quote from: red hander on January 07, 2009, 09:07:04 PM
Laugh-arty did his ankle AND knee, apparently

Any links?

Don't think it's public knowledge yet but you could try BBC ... I'd say it'll be in papers tomorrow
Laugh-arty did his ankle AND knee, apparently
Quote from: ExiledGael on January 07, 2009, 06:28:45 PM
Quote from: red hander on January 07, 2009, 06:25:08 PM
Quote from: T Fearon on January 07, 2009, 11:12:47 AM
I'm on record as saying that I hope Rangers sign Healy and Chris Baird as well ;D

With a strike force of Healy, Lafferty and Miller, Dundee United will fancy their chances of coming second ;D

Heard a rumour Lafferty wrecked himself in training today and could be out for rest of the season ... I'm sure goalies all over Scotland are breathing a sigh of relief ;)

Rumour just? They'll hardly let Boyd go if that's the case.

Aye, or definitely bring Healy in as a matter of urgency
Quote from: T Fearon on January 07, 2009, 11:12:47 AM
I'm on record as saying that I hope Rangers sign Healy and Chris Baird as well ;D

With a strike force of Healy, Lafferty and Miller, Dundee United will fancy their chances of coming second ;D

Heard a rumour Lafferty wrecked himself in training today and could be out for rest of the season ... I'm sure goalies all over Scotland are breathing a sigh of relief ;)
General discussion / Re: stephen ireland
January 07, 2009, 02:40:23 PM
Yeah, pity about Steven Reid ... very intelligent footballer but buggered by injuries unfortunately
The lyrics to She's Electric by Oasis are total and utter shite ... why haven't this shower of manchester hod carriers been sussed out yet?
General discussion / Re: Thrilla in Manilla
January 07, 2009, 11:00:04 AM
Quote from: gallsman on January 06, 2009, 05:32:57 PM
Quote from: red hander on January 06, 2009, 11:33:47 AM
Quote from: Drumanee 1 on January 06, 2009, 11:07:31 AM
theres no doubting ali was the greatest sportsman of all time but underneath it all he was a bitter racist and facist.

Think you're being a bit unfair there.  All that shite he spouted about Frazer was more about hyping the fight and living up to his reputation as the Louisville Lip.  Remember, this is the man at the height of his powers and fame who was courageous enough to to stand up and risk it all and prison by refusing to be drafted into the US Army to fight their illegal war in Vietnam ... Remember "No Viet Cong ever called me nigger."  His stance was an important part of the opposition that eventually led to the Yanks pulling out of Vietnam in humiliation ... Frazer had a right to be annoyed at the time, but he's full of shit if he thinks he alone is responsible for the state of Ali now (has he never heard of Ernie Young, Ken Norton, Larry Holmes etc?) ... Ali has apologised more than once, it's Frazer who is the bitter one

Who's Ernie Young?!

Jimmy Young? Ernie Terrell? Only link I can make. I'm not sure you could confuse the two fights as one, Young, was close (if not a humiliating loss for Ali) and the other, Terrell was a complete annihilation...

Sorry, meant Jimmy Young ... remember him battering Ali but Ali still got result ... think he died last year, though could be wrong
General discussion / Re: Thrilla in Manilla
January 06, 2009, 12:45:38 PM
Quote from: Aghdavoyle on January 06, 2009, 11:39:42 AM

first off, i'm a fan of ali the boxer and sportsman but i have my reservations about ali the man.

he never apologised to frazier himself, which would have been important.

his avoidance of the draft was not a political stand in my view but rather a knee jerk decision to avoid service. the "No Viet Cong ever called me nigger" approach was cooked up after by the black muslims and was essentially their window into getting a vice grip on ali.

Yep, he should have apologised to Frazier himself ... but judging by Joe's personality, I doubt very much he would have accepted it.  Disagree re the war ... a fighter as brave as Ali wouldn't have been afraid of going to Vietnam had he been a 'patriot' ... him risking it all to defy the draft was a courageous political stand full stop.  I think you're crediting the muslims with too much intelligence ... a racist shower of honky haters they may have been, but considering America's treatment of blacks up to that point you could understand - if not agree - with the reasons why they were so pissed off
General discussion / Re: Thrilla in Manilla
January 06, 2009, 11:33:47 AM
Quote from: Drumanee 1 on January 06, 2009, 11:07:31 AM
theres no doubting ali was the greatest sportsman of all time but underneath it all he was a bitter racist and facist.

Think you're being a bit unfair there.  All that shite he spouted about Frazer was more about hyping the fight and living up to his reputation as the Louisville Lip.  Remember, this is the man at the height of his powers and fame who was courageous enough to to stand up and risk it all and prison by refusing to be drafted into the US Army to fight their illegal war in Vietnam ... Remember "No Viet Cong ever called me nigger."  His stance was an important part of the opposition that eventually led to the Yanks pulling out of Vietnam in humiliation ... Frazer had a right to be annoyed at the time, but he's full of shit if he thinks he alone is responsible for the state of Ali now (has he never heard of Ernie Young, Ken Norton, Larry Holmes etc?) ... Ali has apologised more than once, it's Frazer who is the bitter one
General discussion / Re: Surviving Gazza
January 06, 2009, 10:36:09 AM
If the ex-wife and the daughter really want to cut the ties why don't they drop his name and stop using it for their own celebrity whore reasons?
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
January 06, 2009, 10:34:30 AM
'The generals name is in his book. I saw it yesterday on the net somewhere too. I can dig it out for you. I assume the mass graves came from the fact that the israelis, after the battle, attempted to take the dead away and bury them in a mass grave somewhere. A group (a palestinian one i believe) took out a court injunction against them doing this which was upheld in due course and the bodies were returned. I suppose on the day of the massacre there was probably a lot of talk about Israel taking away the bodies without consent. Thats one possible explanation?'

There's irony for you ... didn't the Nazis used to do this type of thing?

General discussion / Re: Death Notices
January 06, 2009, 10:14:57 AM
Actor Bernie Hamilton, aka Captain Dobie on Starsky and Hutch ... guess the DA won't be busting his balls anymore
GAA Discussion / Re: Badly Treated Fans
January 03, 2009, 06:26:48 PM
Quote from: Armaghtothebone on January 02, 2009, 10:00:59 PM
Whilst I am unaware of the logic behind the call for a boycott of the Dublin v Tyrone game, I do agree that we fans are poorly treated.
The "facilities" are a disgrace at most provincial grounds and even Croke Park leaves a lot to be desired.
Is it too much to ask in 2009 for a drop of hot water to wash your hands?


An Armagh fan who washes?
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 29, 2008, 07:30:39 PM
Israel is an apartheid regime, full stop.  It is also in possession of the greatest 'get out of jail' card in history, namely if you criticise it you are branded anti-semetic and no better than the Nazis who murdered 6 million jews in WWII.  What's happening to the Palestinian people is as much a war crime as what happened to the jewish people at the hands of the Nazis ...
General discussion / Re: New Years Eve
December 28, 2008, 07:49:26 PM
Hate it with a passion