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'None of you have a f**king clue what you're talking about if you think you can categorise people's politics according to the team they support. 'The majority of Celtic fans' are individuals with as much diversity as you would find on this board in terms of political opinions.'

Just like any organisation or group you can take an opinion poll and get feedback. I think only a fool would say all Celtic fans support Labour or all Celtic fans are for or against independence. I dont see why it is any different to say this website or taking a poll on who people will vote for or a newspaper asking readers who they would vote for.
The opinion polls would suggest nothing like a 50/50. At the moment a large number of people who vote for nationalists are happy with the staus quo and are unlikely to vote for a United Ireland tomorrow. This is why it is up to SF/SDLP and the Southern parties to actually try and win these people over and explain the benefits of a new Ireland and point out that the UK economy isnt so rosy but alas they cant be botherd. The opinion polls if a vote happened tomorrow have Yes as low as 4% to 20% but with a massive dont know. The reality is about 30% would vote yes and would be a good starting point but until the real issues are debated this wont increae. As for a Loyalist back lash yes there could be but I doubt it would be a sustained coordinated campaign especially with no UK government or intelligence to collude with. Noone could stop a few crazies from carrying out sporadic attacks but hopefully by then everyone will have wised up
Just saw this post and only recently read an article that actually polled Rangers and Celtic fans and which party they support but cant for the life of me now find it on google. As far as I remember the majority of Celtic fans are labour supporters where as Rangers had a more even split with Labour and SNP and a few token Tory voters too. There is no doubt about it that the Irish catholics in Scotland are a little bit sceptical of the SNP a party once nicknamed the orange and kilt party and may feel their rights and values would be better protected by London - quite a contrast to say the SF position on Scottish independence. Alex Salmond didnt help himself either over the the whole sevco thing when he was heavily backing the disgraced club. It does seem all a bit odd and one could even say the green brigade and their anti-SNP stance makes Celtic pro-British - confused? -yep me too.
As for an Irish refernedum it would be trounced in the North if it happened tomorrow. Both SF and the SDLP dont seem to have bothered at any stage to actually sit down and think about what form a United Ireland might take and how it could work - quite unbelievable considering its by far and away both parties number one goal. Maskey talking nonsene on Nolan a while back only backed that up. I wont even mention the Southern parties who dont say anything for fear of stirring anything up. Maybe all these parties might get their shit together if nationalists ever have a majority in the Assembly and start to properly plan for a referendum - you would hope!
The infrastructure thing is a myth it never stops Turnberry which is basically one golf hotel and a village with only a few small towns some distance away, ie in the middle of fecking nowhere and yet no-one seems to think The open shouldnt be there. Good to see RCD get this and hopefully Portrush will get The Open soon!!
The BBC live feed was a joke it was full of backs against the wall guff and look at the effort Arsenal are putting in you would think it was Luton town Bayern were playing and not a top of the table premiership team with one of the best managers in the world - embarrassing stuff
A couple of million for the residents and local area! - If we are talking that sort of money then the GAA needs to start buying up the surrounding properties - it would work out cheaper for them in the long run
'Think they are talking about the houses at the unused side entrance to casement in Moorland. There are two or three houses there that don't have the space between themselves and the perimeter wall that the others do.'

I see the ones you mean on the photo below. Still I think it could open up a can of worms as if those are bought then surely a number of the other residents would want to sell their houses too. From the aerial photo there must be around 50 properties along the stadium perimeter each one costing around 150000 pounds (or more) - The GAA could end up with a hefty bill very quickly

The whole hill looks a mess and the most scandalous bit is it cost 25 million  I mean WTF how could you spend that amount of money on some steps unless it was the same crew that have been hired to redevelop Pairc Ui Chaoimh for 67 million when I say redevelop they will build one stand paint the rest and burn the other 50 million for a laugh - only possible explanation. Just for some perspective the new Ravenhill will cost 14 million sterling for 3 roofed stands go figure that one out. The GAA are either being had or they are up to some shenanigans, take your pick.
Buying some houses is an interesting development but I cant honestly see how they choose which ones to buy ie where do they draw the line. From the above quote it sounds like a random few rather than a whole street. It was done for Thomond park a few years back however it added quite a bit to the development costs!
Quote from: snoopdog on December 20, 2013, 10:32:40 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on December 20, 2013, 09:39:17 AM
Will Casement be the biggest stadium in Ireland outside of Croke and Aviva ?

Semple, Limerick, Killarney are all bigger but they are more grounds than stadiums if you could differentiate between a stadia and ground.

I hear you in this context stadium being internationally recognised sporting venue and ground being 19th century design constructed in 21st century for an extortianate rate must be grey and dreary obviously no protection from the elements and constructed in such a death trap way that it will need huge areas shut down at the next health and safety review optionial extras such as traditional style pillars and flloodlights placed to obstruct viewing, toilet and burger van facilities restricted for the prawn sandwich munching old trafford types.
On a serious note I think rail terracing at the open end would be an excellent idea and might allow a few rows to be knocked off the side stands to reduce the height for the residents without compromising capacity
Quote from: hardstation on November 20, 2013, 02:09:20 PM
Sorry, that was Armaghniac.

Quote from: armaghniac on September 30, 2013, 11:00:21 PM
QuoteHealy park stays as Tyrone home ground and casement stays as Antrim county pitch.

Would this new super stadium be like a Christmas tree, used for 2 weeks of the year?

If the GAA are prevented from building in Belfast by residents, they should donate Casement to the Travellers Housing association.

Anyway, can you stop 'predicting' what might be there if the GAA sell Casement as it is totally pointless and that bridge will be crossed if we come to it.

Ok fair enough sorry one more thing what do you yourself want to happen at casement if anything?
Quote from: hardstation on November 20, 2013, 01:42:51 PM
Quote from: JPGJOHNNYG on November 20, 2013, 01:29:11 PM
In my above post I have suggested a reduced capacity to try and move things along, is that going to be acceptable what are the residents expectations?
You posting that means fcuk all because that is not being put on the table by the GAA.

The residents are not worried about the GAA selling the site btw. What makes you think there would be opposition to Tesco anyway? There is no need for it with Sainsburys, Asda, Lidl and Iceland all within a few hundred yards of it. As Milltown suggests, social housing would be much more beneficial to the community.

My point is, first it was a sewage works, an abbatoir, traveller housing, now a 24h Tesco. It's like some bullshit scare tactics. Grow up.
Well planning permission has not been granted so yes a redesign with a reduced capacity may still very well happen. As great an idea as social housing is I think the GAA and local authorities would go for the easier option of a nice new supermarket and one more wont make any difference as we are already drowning in them.

Sewage works and abbatoir was a bit tongue in cheek but whatever floats your boat I dont know where you got traveler housing from though so stop making stuff up and the Tesco scenario is pretty real not some scare tactic . You have an opinion and I have an opinion that differ and thats what makes these blogs tick.

Grow up? you are better than that.
Quote from: The Worker on November 20, 2013, 01:36:55 PM
Quote from: Walter Cronc on November 20, 2013, 01:31:28 PM
28k single tier, all covered, all seater. Simples!!

All covered would be ideal, I have raised this suggestion before only to be shot down by some!

Should be all covered in this day and age. Have you seen the state of the plans for Pairc ui chaoimh, 67 million for one new stand and a lick of paint on the remaining 3 sides - disgraceful
'I have to say though, I am beginning to enjoy JPGJOHNNYG's "100 other ways to annoy the residents" posts. It seems that be it through building a stadium or not, JPGJOHNNYG just wants the residents around Casement Park to be pissed off'

The whole topic here is about casement park being redeveloped, the residents are against the current redevelopment so why would I want those residents to be pissed off if they were building a stadium say at the Maze site? I am only having a go at the residents because they are blocking the development of Casement. I keep hearing that the residents are not against development well that's great news could they please tell us what they are willing to accept. In my above post I have suggested a reduced capacity to try and move things along, is that going to be acceptable what are the residents expectations? If they will only permit a 20000 stadium then I'm afraid that's pretty much zero use to the GAA as they already have Clones. I'm sorry but to me a lot of the residents complaints stink of nimbyism and I wont change my mind on that until they start going public on what they will accept and what compromises they and the GAA can come to. The whole point of redevelopment is to have modern stadium with a capacity to accommodate the Ulster Final, any other big fixtures and concerts are a bonus. You can argue that the site isnt appropriate for such development then fair enough and if planning makes that decision then fair enough and if that happens then the GAA would likely sell and look elsewhere - Do you honestly think a brown field site next to a major arterial route in Belfast would just sit idle? By the way there is a huge Tesco Extra close to Sainsburys at Forrest side so a nearby ASDA is hardly going to scare away a rival supermarket
This is dragging on and on. The GAA should either appease the residents and reduce the capacity to say 30000 (although whether that reduces the height and improves daylight I dont know) or sell the land and build a nice new stadium elsewhere, the residents will then have to panic about the inevitable arrival of a 24 hour tesco extra.