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Messages - Tyrone Dreamer

GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 19, 2007, 07:40:02 PM
Its supporters like midnightcaller that Tyrone need! I think we'll know a lot more about Colm Cavanagh in the next year or 2. At this stage he's all the ability but whether he fulfills it or not is another matter. Certainly in his first big match against Dublin he was excellent and also on his debut against Derry. He played a very unselfish role in both and maybe would be better placed at number 12, although he did cause lots of problems for the Mayo full back line in the last game of the league at 14. Also that point about winning by 6 is nonsense. A win is a win at this stage of the year (look at at how poor Kerry were last year early on or Tyrone in 2005) especially with the current injury crisis. Lets hope they win this match with a few of the non regulars showing up well and then we may pray that the injuries start to clear up - its a long time to September.
Watching the FA cup final today brought it home to me the damage GAA journalists are doing to our games. That match today was absolutely terrible and involved the 2 best teams in the country. If the same had happened in an All Ireland final you'd here bout it from Spillane and co for years, with each journalist trying to out do each other on how gaelic footabll is finished bla bla bla. Negative tactics ruining the game etc. Althouigh Im sure it will be in the papers that the fa cup final was a poor match you'll not get the same sensationalist headlines that soccer is finished and the game will quickly be forgotten about. For some reason are journalists seem to use there influence to continually tell us football is finished. You here far more about Kerry and Tyrone in 2003 and diving than you do about the terrific Tyrone games in 2005. At a time when the GAA are competing with others sports our journalists should be using their influence to hype up the game a bit. I couldnt believe today McHugh criticising the Cavan game last week and how it shows that gaelic has become to clean and not physical enough - what planet is he on and this is totally hypocritical! Although the championship has quite a few poor games, overall it will provide much more entertainment than the over hyped prima donna's in the premiership.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
May 18, 2007, 10:30:45 PM
Some good looking fixtures next week. I wonder does RRHF sense another championship defeat for Donaghmore and the pressure has got to him. The championship really is wide open this year and would be nice to see someone other than Errigal win it. If Tyrone win on Sunday Im sure Harte will be saying a few prayers ahead of next weekend. Looking at the fixtures would it not have been wise to play the Moy game at 7.30 on Sunday or on the Friday or Saturday night considering that Id imagine there'd be a lot of Amagh men in the club looking to see the donegal game? Thats a decent double header on the Saturday evening and could be well worth attending.
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 18, 2007, 09:53:36 PM
Things mightnt look great right now but its strange what a difference a few weeks can make. A decent win on Sunday with 2 or 3 of the new players playing well and the majority of the other injuries clearing up would lead to a confident Tyrone team entering the semi. Although as I said earlier its very similar to last year but hopefully Harte and the other players will have learnt from those experiences. When there were injuries last year the reserves didnt seem to there but hopefully the junior cavangh,mcguigan and mcmahon can help solve this. If the full forward line lines out as selected a lot will be expected from Cavanagh as the other to would not be considered great ball winners.
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 17, 2007, 09:08:25 PM
Not the best team and considering the injuries surely Cavlan should be starting. Not sure if that forward line will get enough scores. Its strange that Tommy McGuigan is judged good enough to start at centre half in the champioinship but hardly got a look in in the league. A few strong options on the bench of theyre all fit.
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 15, 2007, 06:20:42 PM
Getting quite worried about this match now. The similarities to last year are quite worrying. At this stage 4 out of the starting 6 forwards might be ruled with 2 of the backup options also out. Tyrone have been hit with horrific luck on the injury front from September 2005 and there's no sign of it easing up. At this stage O'Neill and McGuigan are both definately out. It sounds like Mulligan and McGinley are also very doubtful. Penrose is out and Mulgrew very doubtful. Going to be hard to pick a decent forward line and there's a possibility that even with a panel of 38 there wont be 30 fit players. If O'Neill is out long term Harte may have to look into trying to mould Sean Cavanagh into a top quality inter county full forward - he has the attributes although has yet to really deliver there at county level. In the worst case scenario Id pick this forward line for Sunday:
Kelvin Hughes(not sure but need a 6th forward from somewere)
C Cavanagh
However would hope to see this:
Colm C
Even out of these forwards can anyone confrim that Cavlan is currently fit? He picks up a lot of injuries these days.
GAA Discussion / Re: bbc on first
May 12, 2007, 01:20:37 PM
Good to see RTE finally making an effort with a special teletext section for the championship. It will be interesting to see what their new midwek programme is like.
Due to the amount of bitching Uldah does Im hope he/she is a woman. In terms of Armagh the best way to sum up their last 8 years is like a good 10000m pacemaker who in one freak race (season) managed to beat the leading contenders when everything went right. Unlikely to happen again though! Im tipping Down to win 2-12 to 1-12 but just hope its a good game.
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 11, 2007, 09:05:00 PM
The way things are going this panel of 38 is looking like a neccesity. Tyrones luck with injuries has been so bad since September 05' that out of 38 they'l be lucky if 30 are fit to tog out. Also the injuries seem to be hitting key players all the time. Still if your goin to win anything you'd rather have injuries in May than August/September.
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Board Charity Bet
May 11, 2007, 09:02:26 PM
Never trust a bookie! Its to late now but I would fancy Down,Westmeath,Derry,Antrim and Sligo.
Why do the Armagh posters feel the need to bring every thread back to Armagh and their 6 ulster titles in 8 years? This thread was about discussing the start of the championship. Although neither team may be a genuine All Ireland contender at this point the game ahead is still very interesting with more questions than answers. Id give a hesitant tip to Down but that would be based on Carr hiding something during the league and saving the best for the championship. Thats a pritty big if though. The Down full forward line looks the strongest line on the pitch and could do some serious damage with the right ball. As usual a lot will depend on Benny Coulter who doesnt appear to be having the best of seasons. Their recent challenge game win over Louth did see an impressive score built up but who knows what team Louth had out or what frame of mind they were in. Id like to see the winner of this match go on and get to an ulster final. Cavan do have some decent options on the bench with Lyng being a potential match winner but this again raises another question - after so long out will he be able to come back in and produce at the top level.
General discussion / Re: Whispa fans
May 10, 2007, 07:12:42 PM
Any alternative to the old secret bar?
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 10, 2007, 06:43:52 PM
Thats not a bad team Mr Nakata. Though would definately have jordan ahead of justy mcmahon. Justy at this stage looks a bit loose for championship football. Also phily jordan has been one of Tyrone's most important players over the last few years taking the ball out of defence time and time again. He also appears to be injury free for the 1st time in a few years. Would prob pick mellon for his strength and tackling back. Hope if Cavlan is fit he gets the nod. Mulgrew has yet to stamp his authority on a game at the top level and Cavlan knows how to deliver the ball to the full forwards. Mulligan must play inside especially now O'Neill is out.
Think we can now draw a conclusion on the arguement. Armagh have been a more consistent team than Tyrone over the last decade. However Tyrone can play to a higher level and on their day are a better team. Ill settle for that.
I just hope the genuine fans who attend club and league games get the tickets. Were the feck were these thousands of fans when Armagh were playing Derry in the league in an Ulster derby at home. Crossmaglen was barely half full.