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Messages - Mac2

GAA Discussion / Re: All-Ireland MFC 2010
July 31, 2010, 07:17:15 PM
Quote from: Cosmo Kramer on July 31, 2010, 07:04:13 PM
Quote from: Mac2 on July 31, 2010, 06:45:56 PM
Apparently O'Connor landed a free from over 60 today, the sort o lad we do with in the seniors down the road all going well

I'd have high hopes that him and Kirby could go a long way with Mayo. First up we need to get them into the 21s next year alongside Keane, O'Shea and the other 08 minors. Theres a great spine of a team there for the future with Hennelly/Keane/Nally/Kirby/O'Shea/O'Connor on each line of the pitch.

It's true without over-hyping any lad if we can harness a few of these boys and get the right management in place we really could have a serious team in a few years.
GAA Discussion / Re: All-Ireland MFC 2010
July 31, 2010, 06:45:56 PM
Apparently O'Connor landed a free from over 60 today, the sort o lad we do with in the seniors down the road all going well
Not often a Mayoman can say he's delighted with a Rossie win but at 7/2 this one is  ;D
Quote from: Take Your Points on July 14, 2010, 07:46:34 PM
Louth to take no further action

Meath will go into the All-Ireland quarter-finals as Leinster champions after Louth announced the county will accept the result of Sunday's highly contentious final. In a lengthy statement released this evening, the Louth county board confirmed they will be taking "no further action" on the matter.

After the Meath board rejected calls for a replay yesterday, it had been thought Louth would be prepared to take their case to the Disputes Resolution Authority.

However, while admitting there was an enormous "sense of injustice" at the manner of Meath's win at Croke Park, Louth insisted they had never considered going down the legal route.

Instead, Peter Fitzpatrick's side will now attempt to put the controversy behind them and concentrate on their All-Ireland qualifier campaign.

Full statement from the Louth county board

"In relation to incidents which occurred during and after the Leinster Final on Sunday, July 11th the Executive Committee of the Louth county board have met on a number of occasions to discuss the events of the day and correspondence pertaining to same.

" 1 Goalmouth incident at the end of match: The referee has indicated in his report that he blew the whistle for a penalty, but then changed his mind and awarded a goal instead, which is contrary to playing rules. We also fail to understand why the referee did not consult with both umpires in relation to the goal being awarded, which is also contrary to guidance given to referees in such contraversal circumstances. In the light of this and the clear admission in the referees report that he "made a terrible mistake," the referees report therefore is questionable.

" 2 Rule 6.41 Award / facts of game: The award of the game rests with the committee / council in charge acting on the referees report.

"We would contend that that the committee / council in charge erred in leaving the matter to Meath county board to offer a replay, without seeking clarification from the referee in relation to his match report and his statement "he made a terrible mistake".

"Despite the fact that there are several avenues open to us to question the result we believe we have a responsibility to our members and supporters alike to display leadership on this issue and to move forward to the qualifiers. At no stage (contrary to media reports) did we have a legal representative present at any of our deliberations and we would also like to state that at no stage did we consider legal proceedings on the matter.

"The sense of injustice which is being felt in Louth GAA is enormous. However, the executive committee of the Louth county board, the senior team management and players have decided to take no further action regarding the outcome of the Leinster football championship final.

"On behalf of Louth GAA we would take this opportunity to congratulate our players and team management on a magnificent performance on Sunday, and wish them every success in the remainder of the championship. We would also take this opportunity to thank our loyal supporters who turned out in their thousands to cheer our team on, and we would encourage them to continue with their loyal support in the remainder of the championship.

"We have already condemned the disgraceful scenes which occurred post match and we would reiterate that there is no place for those individuals within our organisation.

"We wish the Meath players and management every success in their campaign.

"Louth have had over the years a long and proud history of promoting the best interests of the GAA and will continue to strive to do so on and off the field of play.

"Finally, in light of the tragic events which occurred in Donegal over the weekend we realise that we must put our situation in context and we would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of those deceased."
Fair play to Louth they've taken the sensible approac, despite what some are claiming they wouldn't have done their supporters or their players any favours by pursuing this any further.
Seriously at this stage does it matter a damn what the ref said in the report, if he said he had pink panties on does it matter a jot. Instead of just one cockup now he has 2 or 3. Doesn't matter the GAA has ruled the score recorded is final so any objection legal or otherwise has to come down to that fact being altered regardless of what led up to it.
Quote from: Archie Mitchell on July 13, 2010, 10:52:51 PM
Quote from: Kerry Mike on July 13, 2010, 10:49:54 PM
QuoteSo what about replaying the injury time starting with a Meath penalty?!

Time was up already !

A good bit of time was wasted by JP Rooney kicking the ball away twice and getting booked for it. Also the additional time is given out as "At least x minutes of additional time", the referee can play more for further stoppages.
Clock is going to be trialed in next year's league and not before time no pun etc..
If only big Joe had been able to replicate Mayo's finest ever goal..
Quote from: From the Bunker on July 13, 2010, 08:22:22 PM
Ian O'Doherty from todays Irish Independent

It's the spirit of the Gael...

One of the things that separates True Gaels from us Dublin-based, city-slicking West Brits is, of course, adherence to Gaelic football.

Indeed, the moral superiority displayed by the GAA-loving, troglodyte turf munchers is how the practitioners and fans of their code are more in tune with old concepts like honour and being a man, while fans of proper football are dismissed as just a bunch of degenerate knackers.

That attitude was best displayed two weeks ago by Antrim coach, Liam Bradley, when he condemned some opposition supporters and said witheringly: "A lot of my players took a lot of flak from supporters. You would have thought it was more of a soccer match than a Gaelic match."

So it was truly, undeniably hilarious to watch the scenes of untrammelled muck savagery in Croker on Sunday.

Fans attacking the ref; police protecting the ref; stewards getting bottled over the head; general carnage and good, old fashioned thuggery were the order of the day.

Yup, they truly do hold the moral high ground, for sure.

Although, in fairness, that melee was a hell of a lot more interesting than the complete dog of a World Cup final which followed ...
Isn't it great that gobshites like Doherty get to guffaw at what was a sporting travesty on Sunday so that he can get a handy article out of it and mock those affected by it. F**king knob.
Quote from: thejuice on July 13, 2010, 07:22:05 PM
God I hope this complete farcical situation will f**king die soon. I don't give a f**k what the outcome is in regards replay or if they throw the f**king trophy in the bin, but the lunatics and scumbags on this board and elsewhere have really let themselves , the games and the country down.

I cant believe some of the nonsense I've read on here. People advocating the beating up of referees, players being labelled as cheats and thugs.

We've heard stories of players being hit, stewards hit by bottles, supporters being attacked outside Croke Park after the game as well. This whole shameful episode has ruined the GAA in my eyes. From the top, right down to the supporters. The game has been disgraced on nearly every level. I wonder will I ever sit in Croke Park or any GAA ground again, right now I dont think so.
Fair enough but do you not think you're going a bit OTT yourself by letting other people's hysteria get to you?
There's always this end of the world shit when a controversial decision happens, GAA's a farce, refs are a joke, players have no integrity, fans were a disgrace, the championship is sullied etc etc.
No matter what county was playing yestereday, guaranteed there would've been a few nutters out to have a go at the ref after that decision, course it's wrong but it will be dealt with, lets not act so shocked that it could happen.

Now Joe Sheridan's the poster boy for cheating, like as if we have players putting their hand up every week to admit to jersey pulls and handling the ball on the ground.

Refereeing is a problem and definitely needs to be looked at in the context of using the umpires and linesmen but as I've said before given the abuse they're subjected to fewer and fewer are volunteering to do the job

Regardless of whether Meath offer a replay the game will and has to go on.
Just been confirmed by the GAA. The referee has admitted he made a mistake re: the goal, however GAA rules state that his report re: the score is final & the result cannot be changed.
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on July 12, 2010, 03:36:03 PM
Quote from: Hardy on July 12, 2010, 03:20:02 PM
Well, I've seen some hysteria in my time, but this takes the biscuit. It would be funny if it wasn't gut-churningly hypocritical and cynical.

The most important thing that happened in Croke Park yesterday was that a voluntary steward was hit on the head with a bottle and could have been killed. I still don't know how he is today. I scanned the papers and listened to the radio in vain. I read the 71 pages of this thread, but no news. I called Croke Park but just got a voicemail. I left a message asking about his well-being but I haven't heard back yet.

Yet people here are capable of getting hysterical and invoking the human rights commission to reverse an erroneous decision in a football match. ONE erroneous decision among many, each of which had its influence on the outcome, regardless of the time they happened or whether they were given against a team in its first final for 50 years or the other team. People are screaming about "injustice" and "outrage" and "rights" and such shite. It was a game of football. Sport is like that.

I laughed when soccer was doing this to itself last winter. I'm sad that we seem to be just as ridiculous (and in some cases, worse than that) as a sporting community.

That stuff is just laughable, but the personal vilification of Joe Sheridan is unacceptable. People who should know better here should be ashamed of themselves and are no better than those setting up Facebook pages to vilify him. It's not acceptable within our GAA community and you know it.

For one thing, if there is to be a rematch, consider Joe's situation going out on the field in front of the animal element that infested the Louth support yesterday and the dangerous criminals who feel free to throw bottles at people's heads, in a stadium where the authorities are incapable of enforcing crowd control measures. I suggest people here might give that a little thought before they post any more bile.

However, while those vilifying Joe range from unwise to bitter, those condoning the attacks on the referee are scum. You know who you are. If you have any doubt, get back to me and I'll tell you to your face that you are low-lifes who have no place in any civilised community, never mind a sporting organisation.

If you want examples of how decent GAA people behave in the aftermath of what took place yesterday, read the posts of MidLouth and Louth Exile.

Oh – the match. A super performance from Louth, but a very disappointing display by Meath. The win was undeserved. I feel very bad for the Louth supporters and our Louth contingent here and, like the rest of Meath, I'm not celebrating. Most of all I'm disappointed that our team doesn't seem to be going anywhere and our management doesn't seem to know what to do on the sideline. But I'm not, as some sad lunatics here suggest I should be, ashamed of anything because of where I come from. I didn't do anything to be ashamed of. Neither did the Meath team nor any of its players.

A rematch? Reverse the result? Someone from Croke Park calls to Navan for the cup and brings it to Dundalk? I don't really give a shite. I'd welcome a rematch as an opportunity for the team to find its way and to get another bit of championship level exposure before the QF or qualifier. And because it would be the generous thing to do. Though the more I hear demands that Meath Co. Board should take responsibility for the officiating mistakes, the more I'm inclined to say "f**k off".

But it'll be interesting to see the posts of the hysterical ould wans here when next a team gains or loses a score that determines a match result because of an officiating error. Will they be calling for replays of them all or will they be explaining why one score wrongly allowed or disallowed in one match is more important than another in a different match? I'll be watching with interest.

Actually, no – I won't. You can guess why.

PS – Dara from Croke Park Communications Department just called back. I'm delighted to report the steward is OK. No major injury – just shaken.
Joe isnt exactly innoncent, he dived over the line, no one else, also his aftermatch comments are a disgrace, it was a clear goal, blah lieing through his teeth, the man clearly hasnt a honest bone in his body, the other thing was him laughing going off the pitch, and he will be celebrating this one, the man has no conscience or compassion for louth, which lacks class in my book.

Its certainly not meath fault but there no need to lie about or rub it in people faces either as what joe did.

I dont boo free takers and it does annoy me but its a free country, if fans pay 30 euro and they want to boo let them, its no big deal and works against them anyway.

The only incident i condemn yday is the bottle thrown at the steward (im glad to hear hes ok), the rest as far as im concerned was handbags and intimidation and is been blown of all proportion imo. Assault is not how i would describe it.
So you're ok with fellas coming on a pitch jostling a ref then? FFS what mindset or anger is inside these guys that they feel the right to attempt to meet out their own justice, you cannot justify it.
Quote from: Hardy on July 12, 2010, 03:20:02 PM
Well, I've seen some hysteria in my time, but this takes the biscuit. It would be funny if it wasn't gut-churningly hypocritical and cynical.

The most important thing that happened in Croke Park yesterday was that a voluntary steward was hit on the head with a bottle and could have been killed. I still don't know how he is today. I scanned the papers and listened to the radio in vain. I read the 71 pages of this thread, but no news. I called Croke Park but just got a voicemail. I left a message asking about his well-being but I haven't heard back yet.

Yet people here are capable of getting hysterical and invoking the human rights commission to reverse an erroneous decision in a football match. ONE erroneous decision among many, each of which had its influence on the outcome, regardless of the time they happened or whether they were given against a team in its first final for 50 years or the other team. People are screaming about "injustice" and "outrage" and "rights" and such shite. It was a game of football. Sport is like that.

I laughed when soccer was doing this to itself last winter. I'm sad that we seem to be just as ridiculous (and in some cases, worse than that) as a sporting community.

That stuff is just laughable, but the personal vilification of Joe Sheridan is unacceptable. People who should know better here should be ashamed of themselves and are no better than those setting up Facebook pages to vilify him. It's not acceptable within our GAA community and you know it.

For one thing, if there is to be a rematch, consider Joe's situation going out on the field in front of the animal element that infested the Louth support yesterday and the dangerous criminals who feel free to throw bottles at people's heads, in a stadium where the authorities are incapable of enforcing crowd control measures. I suggest people here might give that a little thought before they post any more bile.

However, while those vilifying Joe range from unwise to bitter, those condoning the attacks on the referee are scum. You know who you are. If you have any doubt, get back to me and I'll tell you to your face that you are low-lifes who have no place in any civilised community, never mind a sporting organisation.

If you want examples of how decent GAA people behave in the aftermath of what took place yesterday, read the posts of MidLouth and Louth Exile.

Oh – the match. A super performance from Louth, but a very disappointing display by Meath. The win was undeserved. I feel very bad for the Louth supporters and our Louth contingent here and, like the rest of Meath, I'm not celebrating. Most of all I'm disappointed that our team doesn't seem to be going anywhere and our management doesn't seem to know what to do on the sideline. But I'm not, as some sad lunatics here suggest I should be, ashamed of anything because of where I come from. I didn't do anything to be ashamed of. Neither did the Meath team nor any of its players.

A rematch? Reverse the result? Someone from Croke Park calls to Navan for the cup and brings it to Dundalk? I don't really give a shite. I'd welcome a rematch as an opportunity for the team to find its way and to get another bit of championship level exposure before the QF or qualifier. And because it would be the generous thing to do. Though the more I hear demands that Meath Co. Board should take responsibility for the officiating mistakes, the more I'm inclined to say "f**k off".

But it'll be interesting to see the posts of the hysterical ould wans here when next a team gains or loses a score that determines a match result because of an officiating error. Will they be calling for replays of them all or will they be explaining why one score wrongly allowed or disallowed in one match is more important than another in a different match? I'll be watching with interest. Actually, no – I won't. You can guess why.

PS – Dara from Croke Park Communications Department just called back. I'm delighted to report the steward is OK. No major injury – just shaken.
Those calling for a match reversal don't want to think about the ramifications of this down the line, justice now and all will be well but it won't as we've seen with county boards pulling all kinds of stunts to get players off etc.
Quote from: orangeman on July 12, 2010, 09:29:25 AM
Galway were beaten on Saturday it could be argued by another refereeing error. Jimmy White gave Wexford a penalty that kept Wexford in a game that Galway dominated.

I can't see there being a replay.
I don't really understan the calls fo a replay anyway. Why aren't people calling for the game to be given to Louth instead ?
Neither do I push for the game to be awarded to Louth & yes justice will be felt to have been executed in this case but that ignores the nature of the GAA and the huge pressure on managers to deliver, this case will be cited for penalty awards,(Galway game, Sligo game against Armagh a few years back, sideline balls that never were (Mayo v Meath last year) and so on..
Quote from: DuffleKing on July 12, 2010, 12:39:04 AM
Quote from: mckieran on July 12, 2010, 12:10:23 AM
QuoteThis crying is embarrassing lads. Teams lose games on bad referreeing / umpiring every week.

Shut up and get on with it

Actually, it is very rare for a team to lose on a decision that was so obvious as this. I am not a Louth guy and am completely neutral here. But that has to be one of the worst decisions I have ever seen by a ref (And I have seen bad ones)

what about all of the rank decisions that went against meath in the first half? do they carry less weight?

the severity of the poor refereeing decision is the decisive factor?

Game over. meath win. hope an lu come back strong in the qualifiers
There is an issue over the quality of refereeing & particularily their ability to keep up with the play, if the ref had been in the square I'm sure he'd never had awarded the goal. Regardless of this I don't think the level of abuse being dished out to refs is fair, this is evidenced by the fact that a lot of counties are finding it difficult to fill the quota of refs they require.