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Messages - TheGreatRambo

General discussion / Re: Man Utd: Heartbreak Bridge
November 12, 2009, 02:53:34 PM
Quote from: Rudigar on November 12, 2009, 02:49:36 PM
Quote from: TheGreatRambo on November 12, 2009, 02:44:39 PM
Whats the difference in saying a referees unfit and saying that a referee can't see???????

You know fine well it was an attack more vicious than "he can't see".

It wasn't Fergie that said that the referee can't see
General discussion / Re: Man Utd: Heartbreak Bridge
November 12, 2009, 02:44:39 PM
Whats the difference in saying a referees unfit and saying that a referee can't see???????
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
November 11, 2009, 04:13:42 PM
A famous man once said "lies, damn lies and statistics"
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
November 10, 2009, 12:34:48 PM
Rafa - Thats how the media works (the Irish media are just as bad). All the top managers get it, Fergie, Mourinho whoever. Wenger seems to be flavour of the month at the minute, but Arsenal have been out of the frame for a couple of years. Watch them turn back on him if Arsenal win the league this year. They suit their own agenda so don't be kidding yourself that its only Benitez that gets it..

Martin O Neill does seem immune to criticism though :)
General discussion / Re: Man Utd: Heartbreak Bridge
November 10, 2009, 11:37:11 AM
Was on football365 yesterday morning... A well balanced and thought out argument ::)

Minder - u did understand my post didn' t u?
Minder - Not sure what game u were looking at, United were as likely to score a goal as Chelsea . On the day Chelsea just got the rub of the green that allowed them win the game. Swings and roundabouts and all that crap.........
I do understand that, its just that if u fancy a team to win by more than one goal its unusual to have a cover bet on the draw
so u backed them to win by 2 goals or not to win at all?? Makes sense
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
November 06, 2009, 04:57:04 PM
Wasn't actually being sarcastic.... I'll nail my colours to the mast here, I'm a United fan but some already knew that. I'm only lurking in here cause it seems much more interesting than United forum at minute. When United bombed out of Europe (2005/06) I was more than happy to finish last in the group rather than have to go into the UEFA Cup knowing that if we won it it'd be "sure it was for teams not good enough for Champions League" or if we didn't it be "ye couldn't even win the UEFA Cup". People will just use it as a stick to beat Rafa with damned if he won it and damned if he didn't.
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
November 06, 2009, 04:17:37 PM
Do u really think winning Europa League would silence Rafa doubters? And as an aside Europa League/UEFA Cup whatever ya call it must be the strangest competition going, after fighting all season to get into it most of the teams then seem to want to exit it as quick as possible. Villa last year played in Inter Toto cup in July/August to qualify yet when they were in the running in the spring they threw it away by putting out second string teams.
First thing I thought when I saw that this morning was theres a fella angling for a move away from OT. He's been there 4 years and it doesn't look like he's gonna be number 1 even when VDS retires
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
November 06, 2009, 12:08:47 PM
Sure u can hockey our first 11 Bingo, thats not the problem :)
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
November 06, 2009, 11:54:10 AM
Do some work Bingo ;)

Good discussion by the way