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Messages - tbrick18

General discussion / Re: I-pads for kids..
October 23, 2012, 08:57:18 AM
I got 3 of my kids wee android tablets off Amazon.
I cant remember the exact make or model but they had 7" capacitive screens, 8Gb storage, WiFi enabled and the latest Android OS.
I think they were £75 each. IMO, perfect for a kid....
General discussion / Re: TV Show recommendations
October 22, 2012, 02:03:46 PM
Anyone watched "Rescue Me"? Denis Leary as an alco new york fireman post 911.
Its funny and tragic at the same time. Just started watching it recently, definitely worth a watch.
General discussion / Re: TV Show recommendations
October 19, 2012, 09:27:29 AM
Quote from: ballinaman on October 18, 2012, 04:41:47 PM
The first ep of season 3 is a gore fest anyways! Some about of Zombie head bursting in it!

Watched it last night! Deadly show. Total gore fest and a good storyline.
General discussion / Re: TV Show recommendations
October 17, 2012, 02:05:54 PM
Quote from: screenexile on October 17, 2012, 11:46:52 AM
Quote from: ONeill on October 11, 2012, 11:12:54 PM
Just started Breaking Bad series 4.

Some show.

Moved on to Series 4 last night . . . excellent excellent show!!! Only started watching 10 days ago. Hopefully will be up to date before the weekend's over.

It's unreal, just keeps getting darker and darker.
I've seen up to episode 8 of season 5...still trying to find some more downloads or if it's even been released yet.
General discussion / Re: Ulster Covenant march
October 02, 2012, 09:03:12 AM
Scum the lot of them.
I reckon all these "grants" for bonfires, bands and parades need to be scrapped first off and each parade should have to pay for the policing and cleanup operations incurred.
That would soon put a bit of manners in the shower of inbreds. See how "British" or traditional they are when they have to pay their own way.
Donegal  0-16
Mayo  0 - 8
From a neutral point of view, I cant see anything other than a Donegal win here.
Say what you want about the quality of Mayo (who I fancied to beat Dublin) but they wont have met anything like this Donegal side.
The sheer fitness and strength of this team can not be fully understood until you see it first hand. I've never seen a fitter side.
Add to that their game plan, which won't change one bit for Mayo, and the fact that they have some of the best defenders, midfielders and forwards in the country points to this perhaps being a one sided affair.
I have a lot of time for Mayo and Donegal, and would like to see them both win an AI, but I think on this occasion it's Donegal's to lose.

Donegal by 5+.
General discussion / Re: TV Show recommendations
September 12, 2012, 01:02:56 PM
Breaking Bad is one of the best shows ever.
I'm currently on Season 5....and it gets darker by the episode.

I've seen the first 2 seasons of The Wire and keep meaning to get back to it as I thought they were great too.
GAA Discussion / Re: Cork v Donegal Semi Final
August 27, 2012, 12:11:59 AM
I thought that was a brilliant game of football. Donegal deserved to win by a mile and I sincerely hope they go on to win the whole thing.
I'm not the biggest fan of ultra defensive football but Donegal have taken it to a level where they have a whole box of blankets in defence but they have tweeked it so that it doesnt distract from their attacking flair. I think their style now is near perfect in the modern game. They defend and attack in numbers, with pace and with no shortage of skill.
The level of organisation and fitness that McGunness has this team at enables them to play that way. For me they were fantastic to watch today and coming from a county with only one all-ireland too, I know how much it would mean to the to win it.

Karl Lacey is an unbelievably good footballer. MOTM for me.

Has to be said too though, the referee had a good game and definately played is part in the game being as free flowing as it was.
General discussion / Re: The Official Morality Thread
August 17, 2012, 10:15:23 AM
Morality and legality don't always go hand in hand.
Morally, yes I think it would be better to let this poor man make his own decision to end his life. It is morally right to let him die on his own terms rather than forcing him to endure a long slow death. The biggest problem with that as I see would be to find someone ethical and capable of assisting him in his task. How would you convince a doctor to do this?

Legally, I think it's wrong and rightly so. If there was a law which permitted assisted suicide in certain circumstances it would open a whole can of worms. There would be extenuating circumstances in some instances and others where the perception of one person may be that it is morally right to end the life of a disabled person and the law could protect them.

There's certainly no right and wrong to this IMO.

If there was any law to come in, it should be one which dictates that such cases should be heard before a judge and that the judge has the legal authority to approve assisted suicide given the evidence supplied. So in this case, a man of sound mind wanting to end his life could be permitted, but someone who is not of sound mind or who's family find it too much of a burden to look after a disabled family member it would not be permitted as it is not within the persons ability to make their own choice.
GAA Discussion / Re: Donegal v Kerry AIQF
August 05, 2012, 04:19:46 PM
What time is throw in? Or if its started, what's the score?
Eamon Burns won an AI with Derry in 93 and was still playing senior club football for Ballinascreen last year. Last time I was talking to him he said he was hoping to play this year too. I've only managed to get to a couple of games this year and he wasnt playing in either so I'm not sure if he's still turning out. But he'd be 40-41 I think.
General discussion / Re: Missing Posters
July 20, 2012, 09:13:31 AM
Quote from: ONeill on July 19, 2012, 11:35:43 PM
Quote from: omagh_gael on July 19, 2012, 11:31:43 PM
Kerry Mike? No sign of him over on the Kerry v Tyrone thread.

Rid out.

He must be going with a tyrone wench then! ;)
General discussion / Re: Missing Posters
July 20, 2012, 09:12:51 AM
Quote from: Fuzzman on June 28, 2012, 11:51:04 AM
I agree with a lot of the comments around Duffy on Sunday. I didn't really care which of the two teams won but I just thought the amount of mistakes the ref made was unbelieveable.

Yet here were are on discussing this and I'm shocked how many people on here who are saying you should just shut up and not even discuss it. You should turn a blind eye as its such a hard job and the amount of flack they take is so unfair. We're not saying that isn't true but in  my eyes if someone does a good job they should be praised and if someone makes a mess of something then they should be told so as well. Why should it be all swept under the carpet.
I think 2 years ago Sludden made a mess of that final and deprived Louth of their first title in years.
Are you guys saying we should comment on that and should just shrug our shoulders and say ah well, its a hard job. Leave them alone.

Would any of ye defending them be refs at some level yourselves by any chance?


Why should referees be excused criticism? They play a part in our games and in a way you could argue that the current standard of refs do as much to ruin the game as any tactic teams may use.
On the topic of Sludden, he's now dropped from the panel of intercounty refs. Seems to me like he has been punished but not officially so. IMO, he should have been dropped off the referee panel after that game, but no...the GAA keep him there as they dont want to be seen to scrutinise a ref, but then 2 years later drop him of the referee panel under the radar.