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Messages - country bumpkin

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 08, 2013, 10:50:25 PM
All Antrim games home games in football  (with the exception of one, 9th feb) are to be played in Creggan in 2014...........great venue!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 08, 2013, 12:25:44 PM
Quote from: jftj on December 04, 2013, 03:27:29 PM
I,ve said this before-bakers sole tactic was to play a sweeper.Antrims success was largely down to Terry O'Neill being able to play it so effectively.Other teams caught onto this but Antrim contjnued on without a plan b.I,d have expected adams/madden to be more astute but lets just hope paddyb has learned  a little along the way.if hes half as good a coach as he was a player then antrim will benefit,if not then we could be in trouble.
some tactic indeed, took us to an ulster final, back to back promotions, and a trip to tullamore for an all ireland quarter final (in which we scared the proverbial s**t outa the kingdom............possibly a smidgeon of bias in ur post.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 04, 2013, 10:39:58 PM
Quote from: RefForFee on December 04, 2013, 06:52:43 PM
Quote from: oneclubonelife on December 04, 2013, 03:03:30 PM
I think Bannside that you are missing the point-Baker connot loose as it has been said that Antrim are at an all time low and hopefully for Antrim the only way is up. Baker is very tactically naive which has been proven at all the clubs he has been at.He has brought Paddy along to put him in the shop window so when Antrim have gained promotion in 2014 Paddy will be able to step on to the managerial gravy train doing the rounds. Make no mistake about that Baker and Paddy could not give a toss about Antrim - it is all about them and their status and what they can get out of it.

Bannside - exactly what is this expansive style of play that you are referring to
I like your style man.  If (inept) Baker and Boy are not good enough for Derry, there not good enough for us.  The article in the IN today is an absolute laugh.  He does not mind the students play for the universities as long as they don't play against Antrim.  He is obviously worried they (the students) are potential scoring machines with the potential to beat Antrim, because we have a panel of such prolific scorers!  What's our average per game, about 9 points?

As regard grooming Paddy for when Antrim get promotion out of Div. 4, getting out of Div. 4 is not a given, believe me!  There are many who believe the only way is UP for Antrim football, I am just pleased there is no Div. 5.  With this management team I despair, no tactical knowhow-diversity, no vision, no desire to change things around, no influx of new blood, Scullion and a few others passed there sell by, but hey, the new Merc will facilitate a quick get away from Creggan.   Vvvvrrrrmmmmm  ;D  Equally, that 2nd option of Adams and Madden not much of an alternative.  But they haven't gone away ya know  ;) ???
Memory a bit short u forget those heady days of a few years back when the Baker led us to back to back promotion, from the depths of four onward to the second grade............or the trip to Clones to an Ulster final, and a trail which led to Tullamore and a thrilling game against the Kingdom............?????
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 03, 2013, 07:02:55 PM
Quote from: glensman-derry on December 03, 2013, 06:50:06 PM
Taking gweedore would mean not playing for Glenullin. That'll not happen with Paddy.
I know he coaches in a summer scheme/irish school with Cassidy so I'd say its something along them lines. Nothing more than a few coaching sessions
Baker was by far the best coach/manager we have had for longer than I can remember and it's great to have him back. Sure he is in charge at Claudy at the moment and in fact he has guided them to the Derry u-21 final, but his committment to Antrim is beyond question.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 02, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
Quote from: jftj on December 02, 2013, 02:24:50 PM
Quote from: BingoJunior on December 01, 2013, 04:14:11 PM
Division 3 Football Team in Belfast (Antrim) looking for a new manager for the 2014 season.

If you would be interested or know anyone that would be interested contact Stephen on 07544137665 or email

why dont u give country bumpkin a call.He has great affection for all things McCooey;he will start his sessions with a bit of forward play practicing the all important 'dummy solo and dummy handpass technjques'thus insuring that your team are seen to play with a sense of adventure[while everybody else are laughing their balls off at this bunch of clowns];a quick shower followed by a white board session explaining to the players about the origins of the words they are using[just to make sure they are really bored to tears] and then move on to c,ship preparations where it can be explained to the players the importance of 'choking' on the big day.
And conclude with a lesson on the difference between a comma and an apostrophe............
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 01, 2013, 03:59:59 PM
Quote from: jftj on December 01, 2013, 08:21:55 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 29, 2013, 11:49:01 PM
If Im negative towards you its doesn't mean Im negative towards Cargin ya glipe!! Im glad Cargin haven't any players from outside Toome  ::) oh wait...Tir na og  Creggan ........ Glass houses ya tool.
Glipe ! I haven't heard that word in a while-cracker.On this occasion I think you,ve used it in the perfect sense.the man hasn't a clue."dummy soloing to open up a defence".i try to beat that out of 6year olds ffs.go back to soccer u retard.

Jeez jftij doubt u could teach even a six year old. anything..........your grammar is terrible, and your language is no better......and that word which you say fully describes me certainly would not be in my vocabulary as it originates from the planter, or possibly you prefer the term Scots Irish..................methinks you are well schooled in the tradition of the Mc Cooey who believes the world ends at the end of the Fall's road and anyone from beyond is of lesser need to broaden your horizons  and definitely your mind.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 01, 2013, 03:47:50 PM
Quote from: jftj on December 01, 2013, 08:24:56 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 30, 2013, 01:01:36 PM
Quote from: country bumpkin on November 30, 2013, 11:51:07 AM
Quote from: Gold on November 30, 2013, 11:00:25 AM
Quote from: country bumpkin on November 30, 2013, 09:31:17 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 29, 2013, 11:49:01 PM
If Im negative towards you its doesn't mean Im negative towards Cargin ya glipe!! Im glad Cargin haven't any players from outside Toome  ::) oh wait...Tir na og  Creggan ........ Glass houses ya tool.

Ah, the Mc Cooey within doth emerge Milltown............ur eloquence astounds me as you seek the aid of the urban to add insult.......pity ur not as thoughtful or indeed as subtle as u think in ur whistling duties............and cargin may have a couple from those clubs of whom u speak, but none have ever been sought from armagh, tyrone, derry, down, fermanagh..........provincially cosmopolitan i  think................

City clubs be it Dublin, Cork, Galway Belfast will have players who were born in other counties playing for them. These men moved to a city for work/college and still wanted to play football so joined a local team. Its better that those men play footbal than play none at all. Those men then live in Dublin or wherever--so why shouldnt they play for a team there?

I can tell you now if i was from Fermanagh or Armagh etc it would be impossible for me to travel there midweek for training. Never mind even going to play for them at the weekend as the fellas lives are in the city then, jobs, families etc, not back where they once lived. I dont think its a case of seeking players. Good players moving into the city will always go to the better teams or teams where their friends are or teams that are known to be welcoming and not cliquey

To my knowledge their arent many Universities or employment opportunities in Toome so cant imagine many people from around the province will be moving there. And say they did, say a Fermanagh man moved into Toome and went up to training and said 'im living here now, i got a job round the corner, i want to join you' would you say 'no, you were born 80 miles away and used to play for a club there, you cannot join us, i dont care that  you live here now' ???

Wise up!
I presume to be quite wise gold and u have hit the nail right smack on the head..............Country based sides, Cargin included have done quite well to compete with such a set up which is far from the parish scene.................
Cargin have always punched under their weight as regards winning c,ships and I don't think anybody can argue with that.

First off you've taken players from outside local parishes who don't work in Toome, so full of shite for that statement, secondly as a single code club (unless you include soccer) you will larger numbers playing one code. Large parish also which can facilitate 3 teams, I'd say youse could do a lot better with the numbers you have but always shit in the nest when it comes to beating City teams, be it in Belfast or up the country......
Wise statement indeed jftj when u determine the strength of parish on the number of teams accommodated from within. Sure u reside within the most densely populated areas of western europe...........and the johnnies haven't broken much delph at senior level for a while.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 30, 2013, 03:50:49 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 30, 2013, 03:16:43 PM
Quote from: country bumpkin on November 30, 2013, 02:36:56 PM
Language a bit crude Milltown, and certainly not in keeping with all of those members of the Gall's club who have been fine ambassadors for the county.
Back to the old urban dictionary Milltown................well it's better than those planter based insults................

Ok the WUM's are back, I doubt you're from Cargin at all.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 30, 2013, 02:36:56 PM
Language a bit crude Milltown, and certainly not in keeping with all of those members of the Gall's club who have been fine ambassadors for the county.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 30, 2013, 11:51:07 AM
Quote from: Gold on November 30, 2013, 11:00:25 AM
Quote from: country bumpkin on November 30, 2013, 09:31:17 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 29, 2013, 11:49:01 PM
If Im negative towards you its doesn't mean Im negative towards Cargin ya glipe!! Im glad Cargin haven't any players from outside Toome  ::) oh wait...Tir na og  Creggan ........ Glass houses ya tool.

Ah, the Mc Cooey within doth emerge Milltown............ur eloquence astounds me as you seek the aid of the urban to add insult.......pity ur not as thoughtful or indeed as subtle as u think in ur whistling duties............and cargin may have a couple from those clubs of whom u speak, but none have ever been sought from armagh, tyrone, derry, down, fermanagh..........provincially cosmopolitan i  think................

City clubs be it Dublin, Cork, Galway Belfast will have players who were born in other counties playing for them. These men moved to a city for work/college and still wanted to play football so joined a local team. Its better that those men play footbal than play none at all. Those men then live in Dublin or wherever--so why shouldnt they play for a team there?

I can tell you now if i was from Fermanagh or Armagh etc it would be impossible for me to travel there midweek for training. Never mind even going to play for them at the weekend as the fellas lives are in the city then, jobs, families etc, not back where they once lived. I dont think its a case of seeking players. Good players moving into the city will always go to the better teams or teams where their friends are or teams that are known to be welcoming and not cliquey

To my knowledge their arent many Universities or employment opportunities in Toome so cant imagine many people from around the province will be moving there. And say they did, say a Fermanagh man moved into Toome and went up to training and said 'im living here now, i got a job round the corner, i want to join you' would you say 'no, you were born 80 miles away and used to play for a club there, you cannot join us, i dont care that  you live here now' ???

Wise up!
I presume to be quite wise gold and u have hit the nail right smack on the head..............Country based sides, Cargin included have done quite well to compete with such a set up which is far from the parish scene.................
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 30, 2013, 09:31:17 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 29, 2013, 11:49:01 PM
If Im negative towards you its doesn't mean Im negative towards Cargin ya glipe!! Im glad Cargin haven't any players from outside Toome  ::) oh wait...Tir na og  Creggan ........ Glass houses ya tool.

Ah, the Mc Cooey within doth emerge Milltown............ur eloquence astounds me as you seek the aid of the urban to add insult.......pity ur not as thoughtful or indeed as subtle as u think in ur whistling duties............and cargin may have a couple from those clubs of whom u speak, but none have ever been sought from armagh, tyrone, derry, down, fermanagh..........provincially cosmopolitan i  think................
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 29, 2013, 11:31:33 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 27, 2013, 04:04:41 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on November 27, 2013, 03:59:51 PM
Yep - fair enough!

Cargin should have won more to be honest but it's themselves they've had to blame and they are the "superpower" of the south west so you would expect them to be the team in contention.

FFS Dunloy have won more than them lol

You seem to have some negative feelings about Cargin Milltown...............hope such does not hinder ur whistling..........Or perhaps it already has..............
Cargin would have won a few more championships but unfortunately for them they came up against a very strong gall's side.........which had gathered players from far and wide, to include imports from fermanagh, derry, armagh, down, and tyrone, as well as from mc dermott's, st enda's, etc, etc, etc...............
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 27, 2013, 04:29:01 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 27, 2013, 04:04:41 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on November 27, 2013, 03:59:51 PM
Yep - fair enough!

Cargin should have won more to be honest but it's themselves they've had to blame and they are the "superpower" of the south west so you would expect them to be the team in contention.

They may have milltown but u seem to ignore the question.or perhaps u have no answer..............and actually the few cargin did win were with home grown players................none from Fermanagh, Tyrone, Armagh, Derry, Mc Dermott's,St Enda's etc, etc, etc...........

FFS Dunloy have won more than them lol
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 27, 2013, 03:35:59 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 27, 2013, 12:56:08 PM
Quote from: NAG1 on November 27, 2013, 12:20:39 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 27, 2013, 12:02:52 PM
Quote from: NAG1 on November 27, 2013, 10:46:19 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 27, 2013, 10:11:07 AM
Quote from: country bumpkin on November 27, 2013, 10:00:50 AM
Quote from: manballandall on November 26, 2013, 09:07:47 PM
Am I missing something here. First he was biased against lambs and did them injustice in U21 semi and now we are told he was on their side in the match against cargin ? Seriously lads listen to yourselves.   No doubt he has made mistakes as has every referee apart from MR. But they are human and the same way we don't like to see players being blamed for losing matches cos they missed easy chances we find it oh so easy to blame a referee .  I think if you were ask actual players who play they rarely blame a referee , well certainly not solely blame them . It's mainly supporters ho have the issues and again because its easier to blame a referee than point the fingers at the inabilities of their own club players.
Think you are indeed missing quite a lot  mbaa, the ref in question is without doubt a poor referee or he is unashamedly biased when he officiates at Cargin or the other...........and if indeed he is considering retirement then nobody in Toome will shed a single tear

But why would he be? Is it just at Cargin games? Which referees would you prefer? one with same initials maybe?

Jaysus Lads

If I wasnt depressed enough lately with the state of our games in Antrim and further afield reading through the last number of pages makes me feel even worse.

Take a step back for one minute from you own vested interests and have a look at the childish petty points that are being made about different clubs and refs on here. This club doesnt like this one, this ref is biased against the other. Hold on a second lads is this the type of county we want to be, is this how the future is going to be? Are we ever going to step up, put our heads above the parapet and say enough is enough.

Instead of wasting on time on these squabbles we should be trying to develop our clubs and our county driving them forward and increasing the standard in general. Everyone take personal responsibility for their own behaviour, then once you have done that take responsibility for the behaviour of the young people in your charge. Instil the proper beliefs in them, show them how to play the games like young men with skill and bravery to the best of their ability. If they win, win with grace, if they lose lose with grace. Dont forget these young people only react to the behaviour of the adults that they see and are around, so if the adults act like fools what do we expect?

Fed up of this point scoring between clubs while we get further and further behind the standard of football all around us and hurling further south. IMO the standard of club hurling and football has dropped significantly and to me that is a bigger challenge to us Antrim people. This continuous cycle of recrimination after every single competition only serves to hold us back from what should be a common goal.

Sorry Rant Over!

NAG1 I agree, yourself included have had a wee dig at certain clubs and vice versa. Some people on here have agenda with certain referees and have opened up accounts for this purpose. I'm just quering the logic of some of the posters in their posts regarding a clubman and a fellow referee, similar to how you'd react if attention thrown at your club.

Very few positive posts lately

Yeah I know I have and it is easy to react when it is close to home, my point is that we are all inclined to the negative and this last few pages have shown this quite clearly. But this is not how I want the organisation to go forward and in fact if we persist with this type of behaviour we will turn our kids off from coming into and staying in our clubs and wanting to play for our county teams.

Fed up of the negativity really I guess

Ok 100% agree, will bite my tonuge ;)  and put up some positive stuff, looking forward to hurling with the reserves (kids) next year would like another few games before I hang up the boots from playing
Aye right lads we can go forward in positivity but can any of you who have insight into the affairs of the Saffron please explain why no country/south west club other than Cargin have won the senior football championship in over half a century.................
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 27, 2013, 01:06:29 PM
Quote from: NAG1 on November 27, 2013, 10:46:19 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 27, 2013, 10:11:07 AM
Quote from: country bumpkin on November 27, 2013, 10:00:50 AM
Quote from: manballandall on November 26, 2013, 09:07:47 PM
Am I missing something here. First he was biased against lambs and did them injustice in U21 semi and now we are told he was on their side in the match against cargin ? Seriously lads listen to yourselves.   No doubt he has made mistakes as has every referee apart from MR. But they are human and the same way we don't like to see players being blamed for losing matches cos they missed easy chances we find it oh so easy to blame a referee .  I think if you were ask actual players who play they rarely blame a referee , well certainly not solely blame them . It's mainly supporters ho have the issues and again because its easier to blame a referee than point the fingers at the inabilities of their own club players.
Think we are all after the same thing NAG1...........but please explain just why only one country/south west club has managed to break the mould and managed to win a single Antrim senior football championship during the last 50 years.................better food, better facilities?
Perhaps Milltown can explain......................
Think you are indeed missing quite a lot  mbaa, the ref in question is without doubt a poor referee or he is unashamedly biased when he officiates at Cargin or the other...........and if indeed he is considering retirement then nobody in Toome will shed a single tear

But why would he be? Is it just at Cargin games? Which referees would you prefer? one with same initials maybe?

Jaysus Lads

If I wasnt depressed enough lately with the state of our games in Antrim and further afield reading through the last number of pages makes me feel even worse.

Take a step back for one minute from you own vested interests and have a look at the childish petty points that are being made about different clubs and refs on here. This club doesnt like this one, this ref is biased against the other. Hold on a second lads is this the type of county we want to be, is this how the future is going to be? Are we ever going to step up, put our heads above the parapet and say enough is enough.

Instead of wasting on time on these squabbles we should be trying to develop our clubs and our county driving them forward and increasing the standard in general. Everyone take personal responsibility for their own behaviour, then once you have done that take responsibility for the behaviour of the young people in your charge. Instil the proper beliefs in them, show them how to play the games like young men with skill and bravery to the best of their ability. If they win, win with grace, if they lose lose with grace. Dont forget these young people only react to the behaviour of the adults that they see and are around, so if the adults act like fools what do we expect?

Fed up of this point scoring between clubs while we get further and further behind the standard of football all around us and hurling further south. IMO the standard of club hurling and football has dropped significantly and to me that is a bigger challenge to us Antrim people. This continuous cycle of recrimination after every single competition only serves to hold us back from what should be a common goal.

Sorry Rant Over!