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Messages - Hill16 Blues

He pushed Boyle in the neck having had 3 Donegal players come at him after he won the free. Boyle dives to the ground holding his face. Ref who was beside incident takes direction from linesan 20 yds away to send him off. Youd' be happy with that if it were M*ath player would you?

Connolly raised his hands so is in trouble going by letter of the law. If there's any 'justice' he will not miss an AIF for that.
Was on the Hill yesterday. First time I've ever heard a team boo'd in general play as Donegal were. That game was the worst game of football I've ever been at in 30 years of following Dublin.

Donegal's approach was a disgrace to football and a disgrace to themselves. The defensive system was negative enough but the cynical stuff that went on particularly in the second half as Donegal tried to slow the game down and wind up the Dublin players was utterly disgusting. As much as McGuinness is responsible for their style of play the players theemselves decided to carry on the way they did.

Was thrilled with getting to the final but game yesterday left very sour taste. If there's any justice at all Connolly will have his red card rescinded. Hope Flynn and O'Carroll ok too. Final will be proper game with best footballing team to win! Thank God Donegal are not there!

Hope to God I never have to witnes c*p like that gain on a football pitch!!!!
August 25, 2011, 10:07:24 PM
Was good discussion with Brady and Manus Boyle. Brady has changed his tune drmatically re Dublin. God help us but I think he almost likes us now!!

Think game on Sunday will be tight for 35-40 mins. If Dublin have 3/4 point lead at that point as Kildare did think Donegal will be in serious trouble. Dublin have 2-3 years of this extreme high intensity training. Donegal are in their first year. Would expect Dublin to get stronger through last quarter and think Donegal will struggle to stay with Dublin. Think also if it comes down to options off the bench we are stronger - McMenimen, O'Gara, Fennell, McConnell and others. There will be huge determination within this Dubliin team to win semi final after last year.

Dublin should win but we know from many years of bitter experience that things don't always work out the way they should with Dublin!!! Hopefully this year to be different!
Tyrone at times have looked like team of old but very hard to say where they are. They lost to Donegal team who only had to score 2-6 to beat them. Beat Longford - hard to know what that's worth as Longford were beaten by piss poor Laois team. And then beat Armagh team well who had been hammered by Derry and drew by skin of their teeth with mediocre Wicklow team at home.

Now Dublin haven't set the world alight in Leinster but am hopeful that Culen was right and that Gilroy has them tee'd up for QF. Very hard game to call. As we've found previously a 4 week wait for a game doesn't do Dublin any favours. MDMA & Philly's return will hopefully make up for this! Roll on Sat!!!
1. Cork
2/ Kerry
3. Dublin.
4. Kildare
5. The Rest

You have to wonder re how different measures are applied to Dublin and how easily people here write them off.

In 2011 Championship todate Dublin totally outclassed Laois without having to get out of 2nd gear for more than 10 mins in 2nd half, won vs Kildare while controlling vast majority of game even with 14 men & did what they needed to do vs Wexford in very low key Leinster final. Yet despite this pundits & posters alike have decided to write us off!! Time will tell but think Gilroy will adjust team selection / setup and we will step it up big time come start August. As Bryan Cullen said after Leinster final as far they're concerned Season starts now!!
Leinster Council only expecting 50k for game but as with Kildare game will probably get few 000s more than that if weather is anyway decent. Long way from 80k in recent years!

This is the most low key build up to a Leinster final involving Dublin I can ever remember! Even Dublin radio stations & papers showing little interest/excitement about game. Presume at this point it's All Ireland or nothing for Dublin. If Dublin win on Sunday they'll get no credit for it. Lose and they'll be considered finished as All Ireland contenders.
Dublin were comfortable and in control v Kildare till o'gara got the line. Dublin defense looks very solid now and attack has ability to score hatful of goals. Both against Laoise & Kildare Dublin could have/should have had 4/5 goals. Midfield though not settled with injuries and changing of plairing for each game. Dublin do still win decent supply of ball however. Wexford do look like decent team and am sure will put it up to Dublin as they did last year. They've put up big scores in each game plus they've played and have confidence & momentum coming into game. Fair play to them.

Think though when all is said and done Dublin are battle hardened team who themselves are building momentum and confidence. Not quite firing fully yet but should have a bit to spare. Will definitely not be 23 point win this time - 4/5 I would expect.
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin v Kildare 26.6.11
June 28, 2011, 08:33:51 PM
Robbed, robbed we were..............Yeah Right!!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin v Kildare 26.6.11
June 27, 2011, 10:52:03 PM
I saw it along with 000s of other people there! I referenced photo from paper on basis it proves my point.

If you don't accept it you're either lying or you're short of sight as they say (% I'm assuming you were at the game of course?

Anyway it doesn't matter a toss at this stage - we won - everyone moves on etc etc etc!
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin v Kildare 26.6.11
June 27, 2011, 10:35:51 PM
Yeah right! Sure a Kildare player would never do that!! It's a stitch up by the Dub loving Herald!!!! The Indo doesn't love us though so why would they publish it????????

Like I sat can't believe ref/linesmen/umpires and those purveyors of virtue The Sunday Game panel missed it. Now if a Dub/Kerry/Tyrone player had done this............................!
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin v Kildare 26.6.11
June 27, 2011, 10:19:05 PM
I know it's difficult for all the Dub haters to take objective view of game - strangely but admirably many Kildare supporters have tried their best to do so - but there were quite a number of poor/v harsh decisions that didn't go our way. The one that stands out 5 mins after O'Gara's act of stupidity was Sweeney's decking of O'Carroll. All the Hill and most of the Cusack saw it! In fact if you want a still by still view of O'Flaherty holding him & Sweeney decking him (very brave lads!) please see the Evening Herald and/or Indo. How our esteemed ref from Meath & his linesmen/umpires missed it is beyond me!

McGeeney was particularly cute taking Sweeney off few mins later. If as it should have been 14 v 14 think we would have won the game comfortably & without controversey. Dublin were a good bit the better team.
bcarrier - that's a fairly bizarre forecast! If Dublin manage to knock out both Tyroen and Cork on way to AI final then either of Kildare/Down are set up to win AI. Interesting logic!

Great win for Dublin. We got 1/2 breaks during the game but having had sod all luck over many years now nobody from Dublin will apologise for that. Fair play to Tyrone who were gracious losers on Sat.

Despite win this Dublin team is still very young & inexperienced. There is great potential in many of the players intrduced by Gilroy and more to come from U21s this year.. Hopefully the soon to re-emerge bandwagon Dub fans will bear this in mind re expectations for s/f. Those here criticising O'Gara should bear in mind he was playing on Dublin junior team 2 years ago. He is very raw but has the makings of top full forward if coached well. As Tony Davis said on Sunday Game he most definitely would not fancy marking him. Don't think there's a full back left in AI series who will fancy it.
Really don't know what Glroy is at with team named. He's either trying to be clever by naming same team as last day and then having different team line out or more likely he is a complete and utter idiot who does not know what the hell he is at. My money is most definitely on the latter

We are really struggling re any sort of gameplan, the players are confused  & lacking confidence particularly in the full back line. yet despite all of this he leaves Cahill, Fennell, Keaney & Cullen on the bench and continues with McMennimen and Corkery who are pure and simple not good enough for this level. As quite a number of Dublin supporters said before, during and after game v Tipp last Sat if losing means we get rid of Gilroy & Whelan once and for all maybe that's no bad thing.

Armagh are no great team but we are a complete shambles!!!
Watching Dublin for last 30 years and have never seen a worse half of football. Last two years Vs Kerry & Tyrone was bad enough but explainable to some extent by quality of football played by both teams and a bit of bad luck on Dublin's side re chance not taken. Yesterday for 50 mins was pure dreadful and hugely disappointing at lack of basic skills.

Howver on upside - we won!! Full back line looks decent, Brogans & Keaney came good, McAuley & O'Gara came on and made a difference and thankfully we didn't panic. Am big fan of McAuley.

As for the Hill yesterday - Dub supporters didn't leave. Went underneath for shelter. Rain was dreadful. Halftime boos were unfortunate but maybe it was kick up the backside that Gilroy and the players needed. Not sure they would have payed but much attention to it anyway.

Lot of changes required for next day. Happy to see the back of Bastick. He is a liability and always has been. Think Gilroy is really caught between a rock and hard place withe defensive strategy. It hasn't really worked in any of the games we've played in NFL or yesterday. Either needs to be binned or altered drastically to allow us attack effectively when we have the ball and defend from the front the way we did in the 2nd half and the way Kerry, Cork and lots of other counties seem to be able to do without the whole thing falling apart.