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Messages - firestarter

General discussion / Re: The Official Morality Thread
August 18, 2012, 11:15:44 AM
  I think it's difficult to say what you would do yourself in such a situation and how you would handle the emotional consequences of such an act, regardless of the loved one's condition. The wife of this man does not want to do it.
This man doesn't want his life to end yet, he wanted the option of a having a medically induced termination should he so decide and wanted a legal decision that the medics would not be charged with murder.
However, a doctor can prescribe a 'great' dose of drugs to relieve 'great' pain, even if that act kills the patient.

I know what I would do in that situation. As regards the emotional consequences ,that is why the law needs to be changed so someone doesnt have to go through that, but for myself it wouldnt be a consideration. I heard his wife speaking yesterday and she said it has got to the point where he does in fact want to die.
General discussion / Re: The Official Morality Thread
August 17, 2012, 10:02:13 PM
The law is currently wrong on this issue. The 'wedge argument' is the only thing preventing a change. Its not rocket science to put the appropriate safegaurds in place. I believe in the future people will look back in amazement that we forced our fellow humans to suffer in this way. As reguards this mans situation I cant believe that if he really wanted to die a family member wouldn't assist. I would do it in a flash for 1 of mine, the legal consequences would be an irrelevance to me.
General discussion / Re: Buzzard Population in Ireland
August 02, 2012, 09:53:35 PM
As well as extending their range, it seems they may also be widening their prey:

survival of the fittest!
General discussion / Re: Buzzard Population in Ireland
August 01, 2012, 07:47:01 PM
yeah they dont exist in the wild here mores the pity. Seen 1 in that 'eagles flying' place in sligo.They are unreal. My fav of all birds of prey.
General discussion / Re: Buzzard Population in Ireland
August 01, 2012, 07:23:48 PM
Havent seen a red kite in the wild here yet at all, but il keep an eye out!
wouldnt be an expert myself but fond of watching birds of prey in action. a buzzard lifted a small rabbit off the road in front of me yesterday. Quite the spectacle!
you are bizzare
yeah theres 2 species in ireland that can bite. The woodloose spider and the false widow spider ( both of which are unique looking and neither of which are dangerous unless your alergic)
General discussion / Buzzard Population in Ireland
July 31, 2012, 10:14:27 PM
Has anyone noticed what can only be described as an explosion in the numbers of these magnificent birds in ireland in this last 10 years?? particularly this last 5. Anyone any ideas of the reason for it other than the decline in myxomatosis and the ban on Strychnine neither of which are recent developments.
As far as I can see the Pro SQ lobby believe that he was duped into investing in Anglo. If this is the case then those con men responsible should be brought to justice. But what then of quinn? Do they suggest that his own illegal actions since should be pardoned and he should be allowed to keep the millions he owes to the irish taxpayer? I would like Father Brian Darcey, Mickey Harte etc.. to answer that.
I dont understand what they are hoping to achieve. I'm aware of all that the quinn family did for the people of this part of the world but they took gambles by way of investments which they lost on. The net result is that they owe the Irish tax payer and have acted illegally in trying to prevent this debt being recovered. Am I missing something here??
General discussion / Re: Flags & Culture.....
July 21, 2012, 10:38:46 AM
They burn the polish flag because the polish are coming over here and stealing all their jobs! I wonder if those climbing up to place the flag on the bonfire have ever been in gainful employment? Its quite ironic that this attitude is often most prevelent amongst those who think manual labour is a spanish singer.
General discussion / Re: Flags & Culture.....
July 14, 2012, 11:19:22 AM
I was watchin the report of that story of the Loyalist band outside St Patricks Church and my reaction was to laugh. As a republican I didnt find it offensive, not least because I am not religous but because these actions spoke a thousand words about Unionism/Loyalism. I truly feel sorry for those of the orange persuasion if that action is representative of their outlook on how to celebrate their 'culture'.
General discussion / Re: I love my ipod but...
September 03, 2011, 08:41:34 PM
thanks very much i'l give that a go!
sorry should of specified i'm livin in 1 of the 'wee 6' and was referring to things here. South of the country is a different story altogether. I hear horror stories of how tough many people (mostly homeowners) are getting things at the moment and my heart goes out. The mortgage default figures tell the tale.