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Messages - qwerty123

General discussion / Re: First time buyers advice
June 09, 2017, 09:15:37 AM
Quote from: The Gs Man on June 08, 2017, 01:30:38 PM
qwerty, can you kick decent ball at all?

If so, Aghagallon's your spot.  £30 quid a year club membership too.
Haha! I wish I could but unfortunately not! I'm nearly as bad at house hunting!!!
General discussion / Re: First time buyers advice
June 08, 2017, 12:21:03 PM
I had just searched for Newtownabbey on propertypal and like someone said they looked lovely and unbelievable prices, but with a quick search on googlemaps you could see flegs. It may mean the increase of 20K to the house but it's worth it in the long run and these houses I assume are more likely to keep their value that bit better.

It's a hard one to decide to buy something cheaper or buy a house that would be an extra 40/50K but that I would be happy with for years.

General discussion / Re: First time buyers advice
June 08, 2017, 08:38:48 AM
I've mostly read bad opinions on places like Newtownabbey and Carrickfergus and while some of the houses there I do like it would put me off buying if they were held in bad regard. I presume these are places to avoid or have you other thoughts?

What places are up and coming? The area I live in is nice enough but prices can be expensive enough.

It's beginning to frustrate as to what to do...stick and save a little longer or buy something although not wishing to compromise too much on location.
General discussion / First time buyers advice
June 08, 2017, 12:10:02 AM
I have been trying to save for a deposit on a house for a few years now and have got to an amount that I'd be happy enough with. I'm undefined about where I should buy though. Whether it's where i live now or somewhere closer to Belfast although i wouldn't be sure of the areas and if the properties would hold their value. Especially as property prices seem to be on the rise right now.
Anyone's thoughts on these areas? Some great houses but then the areas don't look great sometimes.

I don't know whether to go for somewhere smaller and slightly cheaper (with the thought of selling and moving if i was to build a family) or take a long term view (potential family etc) and go for a bigger and more expensive place now and buy as if this is where I'll live for 30 years.

Any advice would be great!
General discussion / Re: Cycle to work scheme
May 30, 2017, 11:31:24 AM
Quote from: illdecide on May 30, 2017, 11:08:38 AM
I personally didn't think it was great TBH...

my 3 options for end of term which were...

1. Hand the bike back
2. Hire it for another 3 years with a one of payment of £70 and no other monthly payments which at the end of the 3 years they keep the £70 and then sign the bike over to me.
3. Buy the bike now for a fee of £210.

I decided to buy the bike now and paid them £210. My boss said it was a terrible way to end the term and thought it was not worth the hire as did i, he also said that i didn't have to pay them back the last monthly payment which means i had one months money off (£55) + the £70 that i would have had to pay them anyway for the further 3 years hire. So it cost me an extra £85 to buy the bike now but i would never do that again and def didn't think it was worth the hassle...It's basically an interest free loan.

Anyone else have any issues with the scheme? I would not do it again.

I see what you're saying but would it not have been cheaper to go for option 2?

Any tips on the folding back would be great too as there are more options than for the kid in the sweetie shop!
General discussion / Re: Cycle to work scheme
May 30, 2017, 11:29:51 AM
Ha! Usually my exercise mainly consists of going from the sitting room to the fridge and back again!
General discussion / Cycle to work scheme
May 30, 2017, 10:47:22 AM
I am considering getting a bike on the scheme. Just looking anyone's thoughts on the value of the scheme - is it worth it - it seems too good to be true!

The second question would be, I'm looking for a folding bike on this scheme and was hoping someone might have advice on the best type to go for under the Cycle to work scheme!
The Tern Link D8 20w 2017 - Folding Bike in Tredz is one I've found.

Any help would be appreciated!
Hurling Discussion / Re: Hurling Semi Finals
August 08, 2016, 01:58:17 PM
Where can a neutral get tickets for Saturday's replay does anyone know? Thanks in advance.
Has anyone got any good ideas of places to stay in Ireland? Places to catch great scenery or an active type of holiday with hikes etc? Hoping to go for a few days near the end of August.

Also any good ideas for places to stay for New Years Eve - somewhere in Ireland would be great or a reasonably-priced foreign location!

Hidden gems in Ireland would be great...maybe even enough for a whole thread of its own?!

General discussion / Tayto as Gaeilge
March 25, 2016, 03:36:27 PM
Does anyone know where you can get the Irish language version of the Tayto cheese and onion crisps up north here? I haven't been able to find them at all!
General discussion / Re: Cheap holidays
October 07, 2015, 07:37:09 PM
Ha! There's a lot to be said about a good pun! Was it all inclusive, half bored or full bored?!
General discussion / Cheap holidays
October 06, 2015, 09:03:52 PM
I'm looking to get a cheap holiday for a few days (3-4 days) over Halloween. Somewhere warm(ish) and cheap. Is it realisitc to get something for around £200?
Any tips or rexommendations would be fantastic!
General discussion / Online courses on Groupon
December 12, 2014, 10:52:16 PM
Has anyone ever tried these courses before. Are they accredited courses or would they be worth buying and completing for CV purposes or would employers dismiss these types of courses?
General discussion / Re: Laptops
December 05, 2014, 11:53:54 PM
Saying as this is for me and not an actual present, would I best to hold out until after Christmas?

I have seen this laptop and it looks pretty good (people have told me though that 4gb RAM isn't great?)
Like I say, it will be mainly used for lots of word processing and a bit of streaming/youtube.

Would I be as best going for this or holding out for a better deal in the after Christmas sales?
General discussion / Re: Laptops
December 05, 2014, 11:13:07 AM
Although going for the i5 etc, is that too high a spec for something like word processing and some streaming? Or does streaming require something big?