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Messages - demusicman

General discussion / Re: Christmas presents
November 22, 2010, 11:15:09 PM
As a family  present we are going to the best pantomime in town.
We have decided to go before Christmas as there are doubts as if it will be showing in the new year.
Healy Rae and Lowry still playing Irish Politics by saying Fianna Fail cannot rely on their support. As yet they have not said they will vote against the budget.
General discussion / Re: Election in Jan 2011!
November 22, 2010, 12:48:37 PM
According to reports over the weekend it appears Brian Cowan will resign when the budget is pushed through.Mary Hanniffin is now firm favourite to lead Fianna Fail into the next election.
Lets not forget when we are canvassed for our vote in the forthcoming election that we will be voting for somebody that will have about as much power in the Dail as our County Councillors currently have.
GAA Discussion / Re: Official Meath Manager Thread
November 18, 2010, 08:41:49 PM
Quote from: Louth Exile on November 18, 2010, 02:41:23 PM
Apparently Banty has met with Meath squad for the first time and it went something like this
sure it took a Louth man to post this ;D
I presume when you say "up the Joes" in your caption you are referring to that now famous goal  from earlier in the summer :o
GAA Discussion / Re: Official Meath Manager Thread
November 12, 2010, 06:57:31 PM
Look at the lasting impression Sean Boylans Meath jersey left on Banty
GAA Discussion / Re: Official Meath Manager Thread
November 11, 2010, 04:17:29 AM
A new era in Meath Football ,appointing outsiders. Now there are only two counties left to appoint external managers.This proves there is some modern need for success.
In the Royal County for the last number of years we have not progressed. To win an All Ireland, we have to keep with the times.
Like it or not  tonight  the appointment of Banty and Co. is a step in the right direction.Given time we will advance back to the rank of which we were respected.
It will take somebody from outside the county boundaries to modify " the system" and bring harmony between clubs and county board for the future.As we all know this has not been the case since the Sean Boylan era.
I do hope they are given the opportunity  [unlike the Eamonn Barry situation] with a three year agreement  to show what they can bring to Meath Football.
Fair play to Barney Allen as Chairman to progress in this modern world and  change with the times going outside the county. This was deemed outrageous ,previous to this by him and his  committee.
Having said the above .
I do hope we can go forward [all together] with a manager and team for the good of football in Meath ,remembering this is 2010 and and we all have had to bury the hatchet or change with the times  in order to give us a chance of winning our next All Ireland.
To Hell what difference will it make if you are loyal to the county or proving yourself to be good at what you are.
GAA Discussion / Re: Official Meath Manager Thread
November 10, 2010, 05:40:45 PM
I arrived into a well known Co. Meath Pub to have a  quiet pint the other night.The barman turned down the sound on the Telly because he was in stitches [and I joined in] laughing at "we voted tonight to have Gerry Cooney in as county manager at our meeting tonight". This was said several times by the thirsty club committee members.
Now it is my understanding clubs were asked to vote on accepting Banty and Co. not  a choice of AN OTHER.
Hope this is not typical of what is happening around clubs throughout the county.
GAA Discussion / Re: Official Meath Manager Thread
November 05, 2010, 11:47:07 AM
Martin O Connells name only tabloid paper talk. As of today it is my understanding he has not allowed his name to go forward
GAA Discussion / Re: Official Meath Manager Thread
November 05, 2010, 12:39:14 AM
Mc Aneaneys team  and Liam Harnan to be recommended to clubs.
A new departure in Meath Football.
GAA Discussion / Re: Official Meath Manager Thread
October 21, 2010, 10:19:32 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on October 20, 2010, 02:46:24 PM
I think we need a manager who, even if he doesn't win much off the bat, will introduce modern, scientific training and coaching methods into the county.
Having Harnan as an assistant manager will help him to learn from the other boys and then ultimately take the reigns himself.
We need a cultural shift in our approach to intercounty football and I mean at ALL grades.
It isn't enough to just have good footballers anymore.
This could bring us on a lot.
100% agreement on above. Well said. Your remark on "cultural shift" is our biggest problem.Also your earlier post as to where we come "since Sean".
The game has moved on but Meath once a top team to be feared have not kept up with the times and now only a shadow remains from the Sean Boylan era.
Until the Board adjust to the times and more clubs bury the hatchet we will not get back that respect. At the moment its more like a tug of war. Both sides pulling the same rope, but from different ends.
Have we learned anything, anything at all since the end of The Boylan Era? Personally no as we are making the same mistake with  both selecting and removing all managers since.
GAA Discussion / Re: Quitting GAA at the age of 18
October 21, 2010, 09:51:11 PM
Underage Football far too competitive. More emphasis on enjoyment and learning the skills. Not win at all costs.
GAA Discussion / Re: Official Meath Manager Thread
October 19, 2010, 06:12:08 PM
Quote from: Hardy on October 19, 2010, 02:03:18 PM
Why does Banty want to manage Meath?

Good question. Up until now a strict home grown "SYSTEM" operates in Meath.
GAA Discussion / Re: Ceist GAA le Hector
October 12, 2010, 01:51:19 AM
Really enjoyed last nights programme.
Clan Na Gaels goal  goal question re naming  the years Graham Geraghtys won his  two all stars.Very embarrassing to get it wrong on a home question. Then again he was not always a member of their club.
GAA Discussion / Ceist GAA le Hector
October 10, 2010, 08:37:44 PM
New GAA quiz with Hector TG4
looks like a winner