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Messages - johnjoe

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
June 22, 2007, 01:38:21 PM
Slim, was driving through Randalstown at 12.30, and would swear i saw a most prominent Creggan player getting on a bus, with approx 15-20 other lads. All with full kit bags, looked like a team headin off for the weekend, but not sure they were all GAA players, if you get my drift !
GAA Discussion / Re: Feile na nGael
June 19, 2007, 12:28:08 PM
So who are all the well fancied teams headin to Sligo for the football next weekend, 29/30/1st july.

The Ulster feile in Cavan was a waste of time in that there was no way of measuring your level, because you hadnt a clue about the credentials of the opposition. No play offs, just a couple of games and home you go.

Surely some club would invite in 6 or 8 county champions for a tournament, pre or post feile.

I know its not all about winning, but how for example would the winners of section A or B be certain they could beat the winners of section C or D, just because the gradings are based on previous years performances.

How hard could it be for all clubs to play their hosts on the Friday pm, and on Saturday all 32 go into a straight knock out competition.

The 16 first round losers could go into a plate competition, also worth winning.

Still looking forward to it though!
Max, I have seen Tony Convery man mark Muldoon on three occasions, and more than broke level each time.  I accept big Enda is the real deal, and Ive seen more than my share of his scoring ability, but I`d say Enda would have enormous respect for Tony Convery. ( a first cousin of big joe diver)

Couldnt let you away with ridiculing the ability of one of footballs gentlemen! Highly respected by all in the game.

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
June 12, 2007, 12:44:43 PM
Was at Cargin v portglenone last night.

Cargin looking good, sharp and slick, and good disciplined football, no messing. Still the team to beat this year.

portglenone looked sluggish and a few struggled with the pace of the game, tho only four points in it they have a few weeks hard work ahead. Tomas Mc Cann best on pitch, followed by Crozier. Convery and impressive gerard McAleese who about broke even with kevin o boyle, were best for Casements.
GAA Discussion / Re: Eamon Coleman
June 12, 2007, 11:33:31 AM
Eamon epitomised what the GAA is all about. It was his life, and his roll of honour in todays Irish News is amazing.

He was a product of 50`s Ireland, a place far away from the country we know today.

In his passing we should take time to reflect on the huge sacrifices made by Eamonn, and others, to make the GAA what it is today, the biggest amateur sporting organisation in the world.

Where pride of your club, your county and your culture came first, and loyalty to your comrades knew no bounds.

Today the people of Co Antrim salute one of the genuine all -time greats. May you rest in peace.

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
June 11, 2007, 04:06:45 PM
After the displays of the last few weeks, all i can say is Im in a state of depression at the state of football in Antrim.

Our game plans were pathetic, tactics naive, wrong sustitutions, (Niblock and Brady were both doing well) dont get me started!

Were 5 points down with 20 to go, and there is 80 yards between our non existent forward line, and two light weight forwards. plus, Derry had a man in the hole to cut off supply into them.

What the hell was wrong with putting all our six forwards back in to their traditional positions, and playing the game in the Derry half, or at least provide a target.

And last week we get two points in an hour in minor football, from play!

Bullshit, two weeks in a row, and Im seriously pissed off. Dont get me started.
Antrim seconds were woeful, Derry only marginally better.

Antrim have at least 6 players just not up to county level and they were always going to be exposed at this level.

No ifs or buts, jody Gormley had an absolute stinker in terms of positional sense and tactically I never saw worse at this level.  I will go into more detail later.

The big question is can we get all our best players back on board, because Sean Kelly, kevin Mc Gourty, Tony Convery, Michael Magill, Mark Dougan, Michael Herron (hurling) Gerard O Boyle etc are grade A players who would undoubtedly have made a massive difference. and I can think of a few others.

This is not Derrys problem, and I genuinly wish them well, but they know they will need improvement from yesterdays performance.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
June 05, 2007, 11:25:25 AM
Ethan, my thoughts on that are well known, but as a manager I know how raw defeat can be, and i wouldnt want to be putting the boot into anyone at this time.

i would have preferred to have put up a credit worthy performance at least, but two scores from play in an hour is not good in anyones book. I`d say the powers that be will have their own questions to ponder, and I know they will deal with it as they see fit.

I`d be well impressed with Mc Sparrans ability to make hard calls, and trust his judgement on this one.

Antrim Football needs the very very best coaches/personell, from u-14 to u-21, the development journey, and this would be a priority for us all. But now is not the time or place for recriminations.
June 05, 2007, 11:11:41 AM
woody and Sambo, and players, well done on sunday, keep it going. Def sharper in every way, and wee Paddy mc neill has youse in good shape.

Would be interested to get a neutral opinion just on the fitness level of this year compared to last. To my eye we look a full notch quicker/slicker, tho more needed against Southern teams.

would have a fair amount of confidence that fitness will be all round better with wee Paddy, a real wee character.
Will hunting, in answer to your question, I really rate your number 7 on Sunday. I think by the end of this season youse will all be thinking along the same lines.

i know its premature to compare him with FP, the mo 7 in 93, but Mc Keever has a huge future, right in the mould of the previous Mc Keever. (legend)

Id bet most people on this thread are surprised to see him listed on Sunday, but those who have seen him in action a few times this year are not at all surprised by his inclusion. You saw it here first!
Wish Jody and the boys good luck on sunday, but I see it as the way jody has set out his stall, discipline, committment etc, then a few of the guys missing this year will get another crack next year, and they will know what is required if they want a jersey.

They were given out too freely in the past, and too many took liberties. Jody has brought an all or nothing culture, and while it may hurt in the short term, it will benefit Antrim greatly in the medium term.

No great expectation this year, but hopefully a few good performances will act as a catalyst for next year. Get the respect back in the jersey, and the hunger, and there should be better days ahead for the long suffering Saffronian.
NA, like yourself, Antrim thru and thru, for better or worse, and till I die.......

But with a genuine respect for Derry football, having been in and around it for a few years now. And Mark Lynch IS the business, trust me. So to is Justin Crozier, if that makes anyone feel better.

Will shout myself hoarse for the Saffrons, but when Antrim exit the c`ship, if Derry are still there, I`d go and give them a shout. Maybe it was because my early Croke Park memories are full of Mc Elhinney with the headband in the mid seventies, and all that, but Ive always had an interest in derry football,, esp being from a neighbouring parish.

Antrim WILL make it to the top, but I dont see it happening without Kelly, K Mc Gourty, Dougan, G O Boyle,Micko, Magill, and Convery, etc and this year there are to many rookies learning their trade. Antrim have a 3-5 year plan, and no one is more confident than me re our ability to do this, etc, but we will need all our best players available, fit, and hungry.
MITM, I saw the article and I`m gobsmacked.

We all know the man in question, and I am not in a position to judge him. It looks bad though, and my first reaction is I hope to God he can get all this sorted out. Everyone is innocent until they are proved guilty, and we should all be very careful here.

Personally I like the guy, outside of football, and I hope he gets through this. Not a nice place to be, I wouldnt think.

North Antrim, seeing you might actually get the chance to see Mark Lynch in the flesh for the first time, on Sunday, by default because you wouldnt be there if there was no hurling, maybe then you may be able to offer some opinion. Until then, sorry but its my feeling you are well out of your depth here, especially on the subject of Derry Football.

Maybe best sticking to the Antrim hurling thread. No offence intended, not wanting a needless sllanging match!

You have taken Max`s post and just repeated what he said. Have you an opinion of your own to offer this thread?
Max, fair enough, you make some good points there.

But you can also use your imagination to work out how many of the 93 team would be lining out on Sunday, if they were still at their peak. open to debate, but I`d still say 5 or 6 of the current squad would be there or thereabouts.

Lockhart, Doherty, Lynch, Bradley, Muldoon all certs. Only question who on the 93 team would lose out.

Its all about opinions, anyway.

North Antrim, you`re really on the ball. Have you anything to contribute here?