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Messages - Donkeywalloper

General discussion / Re: Speed Trap Van set on fire?
November 26, 2010, 04:39:11 PM
Quote from: orangeman on November 26, 2010, 04:31:02 PM
Why set up a speed trap at 5am ?

Have you ever travelled by carrickmacross on a weekday morning ?
Mainly people rushing down the road and exceeding the speed limit
10.27 With 38% of the boxes tallied:
Pearse Doherty (SF) 39 %,
Frank McBrearty (Lab) 10.5 %,
Brian O'Domhnall (FF) 20.3 %,
Barry O'Neill (FG) 21.3 %,
Thomas Pringle (Ind) 10.1 %.

as the % of boxes opened increases so too does Doherty's margin

10.37 Tallies: with 63 boxes opened (45% of the votes)
Pearse Doherty (SF) 39.4%,
Frank McBrearty (Lab) 10.8%,
Brian O'Domhnall (FF) 20.6%,
Barry O'Neill (FG) 20.6%,
Thomas Pringle (Ind) 9.7%.
His loyalty to Ulster is admirable but exclusion of a single kerry player on the starting 15 consigns this selection to the excentric chapter.
Another book  and another item to stir debate and create attention.
Seems to be quite a few ( of what appears fairly intelligent) anaylsts saying that the budget if it goes through is not going to sort the problem. A week or two after the budget they are still expecting  the banks to go, and i use a technical term, tits up !
Quote from: gallsman on November 24, 2010, 01:23:35 PM
Quote from: Donkeywalloper on November 24, 2010, 12:02:22 PM
Heard a guy on primetime last night saying that even at 5% interest it would equate to 4 Billion a year on service of the interest alone. That is aprox 5 grand for every person working to service the debt alone  never mind normal tax collection for everyday running of the country.

Mass emigration on the cards once again

True, but the idea is that 5% is considerably cheaper than what is available on the bond markets.

Accepted. However that is based on current levels. Increases in unemployment figures, increases in emigration all increase the 5k total per head of working population further reducing the Goverment tax take for day to day business.  Its just not affordable. Thats also under the assumption that these clowns are able to negociate down to 5%. Wouldnt suprise me in the slightest if it was higher. Would you lend money to this group in power ?

Default is what most analysts i have seen recently seem to think what will happen anyway, if not now, not too far down the line. Its simply unaffordable.
Heard a guy on primetime last night saying that even at 5% interest it would equate to 4 Billion a year on service of the interest alone. That is aprox 5 grand for every person working to service the debt alone  never mind normal tax collection for everyday running of the country.

Mass emigration on the cards once again
Quote from: ross4life on November 19, 2010, 12:06:14 AM
Almost totally Spanish lingo here in Miami nothing against the Spanish speaking in general but you would expect more English spoken in a big Amercian city like this.

A bit like Man Utd and their fans around Old Trafford. The native manchunian must have similar thoughts !
General discussion / Re: Things you love about Ireland
November 18, 2010, 10:06:02 AM
A 70 year old on a Honda 50 with an ill fitting helmet and a bag of spuds on the back, doing 25mph and holding up half a mile of traffic

The farmers tan. first glimpse of sun and all you can see is flouresent white torso's and half a red arm.

The joy of watching a muck savage in action as they stalk their prey, like a cheetah waiting on the  edge of the plains of the serengeti.

Some nosey hewer in a strange pub who will quite bluntly say, Who are you ? and where you from?    Never seen it happening anywhere else.

General discussion / Re: FAO Barstoolers
November 12, 2010, 01:43:20 PM
Quote from: Peter Solan the Great on November 12, 2010, 01:33:47 PM
Quote from: screenmachine on November 12, 2010, 01:25:06 PM
I'd rather be hit over the head with a barstool than go and watch that pish...

I know its a scary experience leaving the comfort of your armchair/barstool to watch a real football match. Just remember if you do go, your in Ireland so you don't have to talk/chant in a manc/scouse accent.

Nothing to do with supporting Irish or non irish teams, for me it has no attraction whatsoever. Terrible standard to sit on a cold day to hear all the foul language of decco and his buddies sitting behind you in a drunken stupor. Conscious of the fact that if you look sideways some these knuckle draggers would love the oppurtunity to engage in verbals or even physical contact.

Anyway the antiques roadshow is on, and its much more entertainment.

General discussion / Re: Poppy Watch
November 04, 2010, 01:28:16 PM
Quote from: BerfArmagh on November 04, 2010, 12:37:26 PM
Mary Byrne & the young lad from west meath were wearing them on the xfactor. Shame on them

I take it, with your stance on the high moral ground that youor your family  have never benefited from anything the British State offered ? I think some of you go out of your way to be offended. FFS its a different world we're living in and concerns for a lot of people at the moment are more economic rather than historical ideology.

Ireland would a one step closer to unification if the two contestents on a british television show rejected the wearing of a poppy.   ::)   The schools must be still on holidays.

Quote from: playwiththewind1st on October 30, 2010, 12:08:46 PM
sure you wouldn't notice the difference if it's on or off, given that it's usually shite 24/7 in any case.
Agreed. My sister in law changed her whole package over to Sky and notices massive improvements compared to BT. Seen on another thread on another forum, where posters would use and post their download and upload speeds. BT results from all over the UK were terrible compareto other service providers. My own mac code already obtained
General discussion / Re: Gilmore
November 03, 2010, 01:34:54 PM
Cannot see what the fuss is about. She inherited the land from  her mother. The educational authorities bought it at a time when property prices were high. The locals wanted more ground and bought an additional half acre at €10k.

What am i missing?
GAA Discussion / Re: Gaa lookalikes
November 01, 2010, 02:09:30 PM
Matt Bradley, "The deadliest catch"


General discussion / Re: THIS WILL HELP OUR ECONOMY...?
November 01, 2010, 01:59:58 PM
Quote from: lawnseed on October 31, 2010, 06:02:08 PM
Have you had a brain wave lately thats a winner? something that doesn't involve shooting all bankers/politicians? your idea can be small or big its only a bit of craic after all..
   i suggest we sell lough neagh to some rich drought ridden country eg Saudi Arabia. its the largest fresh water lake in the British isles and worth a fortune in countries where they have to desalinate sea water and sometimes go to war over the stuff its already piped to Belfast and could be easily loaded onto tankers from there.

Not yours or ours to sell.  Privatley owned AFAIK
Quote from: Banana Man on November 01, 2010, 01:34:06 PM
anyone else think harney has lost a lot of weight?

The paint ruins the photos. Only for that she would have been moved into the lovely ladies thread before laoislad could say debbie magee.