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Messages - dowling

Quote from: CD on August 09, 2014, 06:43:39 PM
Quote from: glens abu on August 09, 2014, 04:02:08 PM
Doesn't look like there are too many Palestine flags on display at 1st game anyway. >:(

Been watching the crowd as closely as I can. Haven't spotted any. Anyone at the game know if there were a few??
As long as there's a starting point. 
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 09, 2014, 01:18:16 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on August 08, 2014, 12:26:08 PM
"The Palestinian people's resistance in Gaza today is admirable, it is fair and it is a struggle for all of us. We do not want a world where raw power can be abused, to kill those who struggle for justice."

"The heart of the Earth beats in Gaza now. It bleeds, but it beats," says Dr. Mads Gilbert, the Norwegian emergency surgeon who returned to his home city of Tromsø on 31 July, after spending several weeks treating the wounded from Israel's assault at Gaza City's al-Shifa Hospital.

Very profound testimony
Wont be there today but let's hope there is a great show of support and solidarity for the people of Palestine.

And fair dues to yourself Aoise.
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 09, 2014, 01:11:39 AM
Quote from: Syferus on August 09, 2014, 12:47:31 AM
Quote from: muppet on August 08, 2014, 10:34:14 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on August 08, 2014, 09:59:59 PM
WARNING extremely graphic images:
The ISIS militants in Iraq are as bad as I have seen. You hear of these horror stories but rarely do you see real footage of them. Yet the world continues on with reports of the weather, transfer news from the soccer world and the price of petrol.....
Funny I just watch the film Noah during the week. It's near time we were all wiped out again for the way things are today.....

I know ISIS has loads of money, but does anyone know who is selling them weapons?

I think it is time the UN got the heads of the various religions together and got them to find a way to put an end to religious persecution. Just this week we have Jews slaughtering Muslims & Muslims slaughtering Christians, all in the name of God. If the leaders of these wars are even fractionally as religious as they pretend, excommunication or whatever the equivalent is in their religions wouldn't look good to the troops. These scumbags hide behind religion and twist the dogma to suit their agendas. Maybe the dogma can be used against them?

Because if we have learned anything at all, going in an bombing the shit out of the place only perpetuates the war and never ends it.

Do you think extremists are listening to mainline religious leaders in the first place, though?

Will you do me a favour and explain for me what an extremist is.
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 09, 2014, 12:44:28 AM
How did you know they had loads of money?
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 08, 2014, 01:56:07 PM
A small gesture or protest on its own wont achieve anything of course but what small acts on their own can do is raise awareness of a situation and cause people to question the rights and wrongs of actions. And hopefully things build from there.
It isn't hard to be pessimistic but there are many people doing many good things and there has to be a belief that things will change.
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 07, 2014, 11:56:38 PM
Quote from: rossiewanderer on August 07, 2014, 11:04:34 PM
I find it bizarre that the plight of the Yezidi minority in Kurdistan and Northern Iraq is going almost unnoticed in this country and the wider world.Also the christian minorities in these regions are being ethnicly cleansed at an alarming rate.

These people are being massacred as we speak woman and children alike and face extermination at the hands of the advancing ISIS .Their are no symbolic protests or fags for these innocent peoples.
All human life is equal.

You probably have fair point. Why don't you start a thread and put something informative on that can be a starting point for discussion. And see what happens. Perhaps most of us need to know the greater details but, yea go for it.
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 07, 2014, 05:26:05 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on August 07, 2014, 02:26:08 PM
What does 'Under the shadow of Islam' mean? And this... " It is only hostile to those who are hostile towards it, or stand in its way in order to disturb its moves or to frustrate its efforts. "

Given that those 'moves' or 'efforts' can be to implement an Islamic State over all of the land of Israel and Palestine, how does that stack up?

I presume this wasn't originally written in English so the use of certain words may not be spot on in the translation.
Even so I think it would be unfair to get hung up on 'shadow' which maybe has  a different connotation to us as in a shadow hanging over something. Would it not be better to broaden your thinking on this in relation to interpretation? And the same for Whitey.
But why dwell on one aspect of the quote? Is there nothing in the rest of it that gives food for thought?

And no AZ I don't think you're pro Israel, in fact you've made it quite clear you're not.
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 07, 2014, 02:23:52 PM
'Article Thirty-One: The Members of Other Religions The Hamas is a Humane Movement
Hamas is a humane movement, which cares for human rights and is committed to the tolerance inherent in Islam as regards attitudes towards other religions. It is only hostile to those who are hostile towards it, or stand in its way in order to disturb its moves or to frustrate its efforts. Under the shadow of Islam it is possible for the members of the three religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism to coexist in safety and security.'

How does that sit with you AZ? as already referred to by Leo.
Tried to find the bit you put up but can't at the minute.
Quote from: whitey on August 07, 2014, 01:55:43 AM
This is fvckin comical.......God forbid someone can have a different opinion or perspective

My way or the highway around here

It's not a question of not accepting there are different opinions, I am just genuinely trying to find out what you and others form your opinions on. It's difficult to keep this solely confined to the topic because of the context.
I've read through previous posts and now see where you you at least partially form some of your thoughts and I'm a bit more clued in about them.
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 07, 2014, 10:18:35 AM
So it's as simplistic as that AZ and Whitey. People put selective quotes on here referring to a charter and in particular one aspect of it with out any great context and that's what judgements are based on? Have there not been people on here quoting Israeli leaders making similar type statements? When you look at the reality there is indeed one state in danger of  obliteration but it'snot Israel. I'm really not trying to get into a row here but where else do people here get their information to make their judgements on Gaza? It can't all be down to quotes from the charter posted here.
General discussion / Re: The Palestine thread
August 07, 2014, 01:18:49 AM
Quote from: fearglasmor on August 06, 2014, 10:14:52 PM

Just listened to John Kerry on BBC World News defending Americas defence of Israels right to "defend" itself.
The world is no place for innocents.
But no surprise, ask Japan about the principle of proportionality.
We truly are capable of being a disgusting species.

Quote from: AZOffaly on August 06, 2014, 09:36:26 AM
I think the Hamas charter is calling for the obliteration of the state of Israel, and any other Jewish controlled state that would be created in its stead. (Not necessarily Jewish people although it's hard to see how an entire nation could be subsumed into a Muslim country without major issues).

I can't see this working. The only solution I can possibly see is the two state solution, along the lines of the UN 1967 charter, with the borders being policed by an international armed force to ensure Israel does not breach the borders or try to attack or settle Palestinian land again, and to also make sure the more hardline, obliterate Israel, crew don't try and do just that.

But the solution has to be parked for the moment, the immediate priority has to be to stop the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians, and I am disgusted with the international community. Politicians really are c***ts.

Why do you 'think' what the charter is about? Surely in this day and age you could find something definite. Some facts that could either support your thinking or cause you to think something else.
Quote from: rossiewanderer on August 07, 2014, 12:25:07 AM
Quote from: charlieTully on August 06, 2014, 11:30:32 PM
Too true, general theme from roscommon appears to be pro Israel anti occupied six. Anti IRA. My sister went with a lad from there once, he was a cnut too. Horrible shower of scuba divers.

God forbid anyone could be anti IRA.Whatever you like to think Charlie you imbecile god bless you.

No response?
Maybe that should have been on the other thread but  sure.
Ross on what do you base your stance on all this? I'm not trying to be smart here, I just find it hard to understand how some one in this day and age with such access to the internet and seeing what is happening to the people of Gaza can develop or maintain a sympathetic stance towards Israel.