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Messages - Top of the hill

General discussion / Re: Mice
October 21, 2009, 09:28:18 PM
The oul pair had a cat for about 8 or 9 years and in that whole time they only saw it with a mouse once and would still get the odd one on the house.

Me ma used to complain the cat was no use at keeping mice away. It was only after the cat died that they realised he was doing some good. That winter they had in infestation of the wee buggers. The oul boy had to put traps down everywhere. He got 12 in the utility room alone.

They got another cat shortly after that and haven't had much bother since
The Untouchables
True Romance
Scrooged (only at christmas though)
Any Indiana Jones (although the 4th wasn't as good as the older ones)
The Mummy 1 & 2 (a bit cheesy but i like them)

Also quite a few already mentioned but especially
Princess Bride
Ferris Bueller
Congratulations to Screen on a good win over a very good Dromore team.

Apart from Benny Murray, anyone know who else played well for Screen?
General discussion / Re: Influx of Newbie's
April 09, 2009, 08:18:27 PM
Quote from: Keyser soze on April 09, 2009, 06:45:14 PM
Hi i'm a 'nooby' too.

Joined up in time for the new season, prob why several/umpteen others have also joined recently.

Anyway when i post i can see my own e-mail address, can anyone else see it?

I don't want to start slagging anyone off until i'm sure my ID is well hidden!!  :D

Yes, I can see it.

I can also see your home address, national insurance No and credit card details  ;)
Met Harvey Smith (the showjumper) at a donkey derby in Greencastle years ago. Had his autograph on the back of a fag packet in the house for years but sadly it can no longer be found
The book is disappointing  :(
Hurling Discussion / Re: Camogie Sticks for the Childer
November 12, 2008, 12:08:58 AM
Quote from: highking on November 11, 2008, 02:58:20 AM
Hurl should just come up to the start of the pocket in childs trousers.

Alternatively, I heard George O Connor (former Wexford All ireland winner, for those who don't know) at a coaching conference a while back say get the child to stand with arms straight, down by their sides. The top of the hurl should just touch the wristbone (just in case any of your children wear their trousers ridiculously high a la Simon Cowell)  :P

And for underage, go for lighter rather than heavier. At that age it is more about getting technique right so lighter would be better

Quote from: Lecale2 on November 11, 2008, 02:47:50 PM
He has a nice silver pocket watch for sale.

Maybe he did like Captain Koons (Christopher Walken) in Pulp Fiction and hid it up his ass for a couple of years in a POW camp.
Quote from: milltown row on November 11, 2008, 11:29:16 PM
Dating Direct on the Hurling thread boards!!!! seen them advertising above the threads.

I've contacted the Mods to get it off, i hope youse do the same!! Filthy animals :P

They are just taking the p1ss out of all the married folks on here who can't do that sort of thing any more.

And giving false hope to the people who can't get a partner by conventional means.
If it was arson (whch it would seem is the most likely cause) then it is a totally mindless act which can serve no purpose except increase ill feeling between both side of the community. Likewise the burning of orange halls.

I can never understand what the idiots that do this type of thing hope to achieve.
The TV on with the sound turned down.

Or the teletext on with the sound up.
I HAD huge respect for Cavanagh up until I heard this news. I believe him to be one of the best footballers of his generation and a great ambassador for the GAA (no i'm not from tyrone). Obviously the GPA see him as a great ambassador for them too.

I don't agree with the GPA agenda, pay for play or whatever you want to call it and for Cavanagh to be associated with it in such a high profile post is disappointing.

Ok, if you didn't mean me specifically then i have misunderstood you.

You referred to people name calling etc. and i was pointing out that that is something i don't get involved in.

As for Donal Og, i didn't see it but no doubt we'll hear about it all tomorrow on here.
Quote from: the green man on November 07, 2008, 11:54:06 PM
Skull, was billy the kid not calling these boys that?  My point was that if people were calling Tohill or Downey a w**ker in 94, I'd be the first man trying to back them up. Likewise I'm sure, if boys were calling Antrim men w**ks, you'd be backing them up as well.

Top of the Hill, I'm sorry for doubting you, but saying as you seem to know so much about he Cork dispute, maybe you can list the pros and cons for each debate.

Again may I state that i'm not backing the players here at all.

I shouldn't even bother with a response to that comment but you would probably just think i am avoiding the issue and feel you have somehow got one up on me.

I never claimed to be an expert on the dispute. All i'm saying is that i, and others on here, have formed my own opinions based on the information i have read and heard over the last few days. If you would care to read back over this thread you will see that i have not insulted anyone or resorted to name calling or specifically singled out any cork players as being the cause of this dispute.

The whole point of this website is to allow people to debate the issues affecting the GAA and that is exactly what the majority of the posters on here have been doing. For you to say we don't know enough about it to be allowed to debate it is just patronising. But as i said before, these are my opinions, you have your opinions. We may not agree but i can live with that wiithout feeling i need tell you what debates you can or cannot contribute to.