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Messages - BeanPháidín

Ó Rachfainn go ......

Am I a múinteoir? No I'm a brickie

How does that make you feel?
"All that siar/anair stuff confused me at school and I used to avoid using it in a sentence."

I had similar problems with Maths that's why I didn't apply for any of David McWilliams or Eddie Hobbs' TV jobs

My solution?

1)Well listening to commentary by Brian Tyers, SBB etc one could learn handy phrases to help gather 20-30 most used phrases in describing play. Shouldn't take 5 years to show some sort of an improvement

2) Stevie Joyce, Aodán Ó Sé, Seán Óg de Paor, Seán Ó Domhnall, Kevin Cassidy, Paul Galvin, Eamonn Fitzmaurice, Dara, Tomás, Marc Ó Sé, Mick Mellett, Niall McLoughlin and many mny more County and former county footballers with decent Irish should be employed more often. They seem to have better hurling pundits yet there is no hurling stronghold in any Gaeltacht

I am harsh you're right but surely I have a right to be

I wrote this with a view to posting it on this site but took me a week to be accepted as a member here and it was posted  heavily edited on HS in the meantime. I'd like to discuss it here

This is  something that a lot of posters might not find topical but picture RTE's Sunday Game Analysts with broken English referring during commentary to Enda McGinley as 'her' or 'she' and one might understand why someone with a decent enough level or understanding of Gaeilge might have been cringing for some years now at some of the guest analysts on TG4 and the odd game reporter on Radio na Gaeltachta.

Dublin's Coman Goggins of TG 4 'fame' would be my particular case in point. Some 4 or 5 years ago I applauded his appointment at by Nemeton Productions feeling he had a large vocabulary and with practice would improve greatly.
Some years later he still makes the same horrific grammatical mistakes and incorrect direct translations.
How many phrases does one really have to know to give a brief one-line opinion in a game?
Can he not learn off 20 – 30 nathanna cainte in a few years that would deliver a more natural and proper description of a few plays?
I have obtained a recording the Meath County Final and intend when I get an opportunity intend to type and post a transcript showing how ridiculous his efforts are some years into the job.
To pick one example off the top of my head which made the whole pub where I
....tá siad ag teacht isteach ar luas....
Was he stereotyping the Navan lads being a town side that they were a shower of Junkies coming in on speed or did he mean to say that they were coming in at speed?

Cóilín Duffy Radio na Gaeltachta
One man at this excellent service that regularly contributes game reports but I'd rather not name I have to mention. By comparison makes Goggins sound like Raifteirí himself. If this is the end product of a UCD degree in Irish I think I'll quit the trowel and apply for medicine at Belfield. If such reports were to happen on RTE Radio listeners would hear they would be preceded by
"We interrupt this top class sports coverage to bring you what seems to be 10 year old reading badly over the phone out of a 4th class Irish reader"
Even worse if it was part of RTE's soccer coverage it would most definitely be a part of Apré Match
I think it is my right as a taxpayer and TV licence holder to be bewildered by this. I often think of it when people complain about Ger Canning and Co but at least these can form sentences.
Obviously when speaking a language that is not your first there is going to be a bit of a difficulty but when basic primary school errors are being repeatedly made and when those involved cannot discriminate between isteach/istigh, suas/thuas/aníos, siar/aniar etc I find this unacceptable.
There is so much more I could write but would like to hear other opinion first.