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Messages - YogiBear

The fines are justified as far as I am concerned, there are rules in place and they must be followed. Not naming the correct team and subs in the programme is just plain stupid and serves no purpose whatsoever.  If we go down the Ross Carr route we might as well have no programmes at all. It just highlights his lack of respect for the Down fans.  The pitch incursions may seem a bit harsh but the rules are clearly explained to the management team before each game so there cannot be any excuses.  Not leaving the changing rooms on time is another stupid move by the management if you have prepared your team properly why would you need any extra few minutes in the changing rooms, again pointless.  I think it shows the arrogance of the current Down set up ( I include everyone in that from managers, players, county board officials and water boys) that they think they can continually break the rules.
Both these teams are clean useless.  Down will win and then beat Cavan who are also crap then 75% of Down will lose the run of thenselves dreaming of Ulster finals and the glory days of 91 & 94 only for the team to go out with a whimper against an average Donegal team and be beaten by another average team in the qualifiers.  Same shite every year!
Hopefully the minors win on sunday as they have some good young players even though the management selections leave you scratching your head!
General discussion / Re: Official Gooners Thread
May 06, 2009, 10:28:21 AM
Daily Mail - he looks like a right tool
General discussion / Re: Official Gooners Thread
May 06, 2009, 09:57:35 AM
Looks like Bendtners performance after match was as poor as the rest of the teams during it.  Just seen picture of him on news getting carried out of niteclub clean blocked with his head cut and trousers around his ankles, just sums up arsenal last nite.
General discussion / Re: Bird poisoners
May 05, 2009, 12:41:53 PM
Wouldn't say the bird poisoners are scum it is the lunatics who try to reintroduce these birds of prey into wild without thinking of the consequences to existing animals here such as lambs, racing pigeons and family pets.  Typical green crap from misguided looper's.  Really hate animal rights activists as most of them haven't a clue about nature.
General discussion / Re: Official Gooners Thread
May 05, 2009, 12:36:32 PM
Bendtner shouldn't sell himself short he ALREADY is the best striker in the world and he is on a roll after his 2 against Pompey.  Bendtner to get 2 and arsenal to win 4 - 2. Up the Gunners!!!!
Very very sad news heartbreaking for all concerned RIP Conor
General discussion / Re: Boxing Thread
April 09, 2009, 08:40:47 AM
Steve Bunce ran a competition on his boxing hour last month when people had to decide who they thought was the worst world champion past or present.  Khan was on the show and Buncey asked him who he thought was the worst current world champion of any weight and he said Kotelnik, I wonder will he regret saying that when they meet in June.  Suppose it does tell you why he has moved up.  Just for the record Hatton would destroy Khan and I couldn't see Warren let that happen for a while yet. He has a bit more money to make out of Khan against mediocre or washed up opponents before he lets him face a great fighter like Hatton.
Apparently tried to burn it but it never went up. If thats true its a massive mistake you think they would have made sure it was well alight before leaving.
General discussion / Re: Belfast Students
March 27, 2009, 11:10:49 AM
Think one of them protesting was vice-president of UUJ students union could be wrong but thought I seen him
Duffy in court this morning they said they found his DNA on glove that was found in car and have CCTV footage.  Crowd of Loyalist gathered outside to shout abuse one of them punched the police car as it drove off wonder did he get arrested for damaging police vehicle just as one of the students in the Holylands did last week.
Duffy charged up in court this morning
Have to agree Donagh absloute disgrace
5 of the suspects released Colin Duffy re-arrested
General discussion / Re: Aldo
March 25, 2009, 11:46:54 AM
He was good craic last nite thought he was going to wet himself when one of them called his moustache a fanny tickler! True legend who doesn't take himself to seriously.