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Messages - Tim’s Hero

GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 11, 2018, 08:58:17 PM
Leads his county , demands the best from all around him , no problem with rebuilding issues , no problems with withdrawals from panel , respected by supporters , players , administrators , opponents alike for his honesty and dedication to Kilkenny , no ego , Kilkenny first , Kilkenny last and Kilkenny  everything in between.
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 11, 2018, 08:50:47 PM
Brian Cody
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 11, 2018, 05:06:37 PM
That I cannot answer because I don't know who is available or interested, I do think it is too much for one man and think we would need a management team with experts in the areas of S&C , fitness , tactics , coaching and analysis , nutrition , logistics and physio , all egos parked at the door and leave anyone looking huge expenses on the lucrative club circuit . Not a case of what can Armagh do for me but what can I do for Armagh !!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 11, 2018, 03:49:07 PM
In my opinion it is widely accepted we are not utilising our resources to the maximum , for whatever reasons.
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 11, 2018, 03:36:17 PM
To rebuild you need to start at the foundations and work your way up , then put a roof on ,make it weathertight and only then do you worry about the finishes , fixtures and fittings. Paramount to a successful build is using a competent contractor with a track record of delivering projects on time within budget and to the necessary quality. Your contractor should also be able to demonstrate his track record.
If you follow the analogy you would realise Armagh are failing on all fronts , strategic long term planning needed like Dublin,Tyrone , Kerry .
If we follow your thought process , let McGeeney gather up whoever he can at the start of the year and see how we get on , then make excuses for a couple of months and go again.
You might be happy with that but a lot of Armagh people disagree and would like change , not for change sake , but for the betterment of all things Armagh .
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 11, 2018, 01:34:39 PM
Didn't Jarlath Burns say the same thing on the Sunday Game a few years ago ?? With attitude like that Armagh will constantly be a yo yo team , time to rip up that template and start again .
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 11, 2018, 07:38:40 AM
[No, but if they had played as you wished, then right now they would have finished the season as part of our squad. Would you have kept them on as each player accumulates another year? If you do not, then you are removing a sizeable chunk of the squad which will necessitate rebuilding. If you keep them on, then you are relying on them again for next year, as they advance to their late thirties]

Rufus I understand you don't know much regarding the workings of team panels, but please don't be showing your ignorance on here , this is not U12's where you could lose half your team , to avoid your scenario above takes planning , {the managers job ie aforementioned 5 year plan which must have been thrown in bin after county board interview}

GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 10, 2018, 04:08:57 PM
Rufus now you are trying to put words in my mouth , I do not think over 30's represent the way forward , but I will state again, the experience some of those players had to offer might have got Armagh over the line on Saturday past , maximum use of resources.
I unlike you think there is a lot of talent in the county and if utilised properly would be formidable opposition for any team.
I would also as I have previously stated like a review of coaching structures throughout clubs and schools in the county to ensure if we make the breakthrough to super 8's it is sustainable long term.In my opinion McGeeney is not the man to spearhead this and if that makes me "McGeeney out brigade " so be it. I'd rather not die wondering what could have been .
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 10, 2018, 02:14:59 PM
Rufus you really should read your comments before posting , I castigate McGeeney for the waste of talent at his disposal, including retired players who might have not walked away if the correct environment was created .
I certainly wouldn't be entrusting him with a rebuilding job.
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 10, 2018, 11:52:45 AM
Thats very silly Rufus ,ridicule all you like , but point still remains in analysis of last Saturdays game in the context of getting our strongest panel on the pitch ie the managers job we had lot of people who could have made a contribution sitting at home. Would any of aforementioned not given us a chance of winning rather than throwing in 2 inexperienced u20's (who got no league time) and a man who hasn't played in 4 years!!
Also note we are in year 4 of 5 year plan ,and now when the climax of Mcgeeneys masterclass should be in sight it's back to rebuilding !!
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 10, 2018, 10:37:57 AM
Only adding to last Saturdays squad , add in Kernan's , Carragher from Cross , Andy Mallon , Finn Mo , all early 30's who still featuring with their clubs . Their experience would have made all the difference coming off bench for last 15 . Mayo team has several over 30's still playing out of their skin !!
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 10, 2018, 09:32:51 AM
Gary McCooyey
Sean Connell
Aidan Nugent
Rian O'Neill
Ciaran Higgins (inj for 2 seasons)
Ben Crealy
Nugent (Maghery)
Barry McCambridge
Young lad plays 6 for Sarsfields

List goes on !! Lot of people missing the point , substantial number of lads not there because of management .
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 10, 2018, 08:18:10 AM

To be quite honest I think the 2 points you make are linked and McGeeney is putting up a smokescreen to deflect from anybody looking in his direction.
Tactically McGeeney has wasted 3 years trying to introduce a system which didn't suit or wasn't understood by the players , system was based on a defensive set up with runners coming from deep a la Jimmy Donegal. A lot of players were not happy or comfortable with system and several requested change of tactics which was met with usual McGeeney diplomacy , this ended up with friction in the camp and withdrawal of a number of players , the players who stayed on have a devotion to McGeeney and would eat grass for him but some don't really have the ability for county football at a higher level.
McGeeney seemed to soften his approach last year and gathered up the best of the rest and let the players express themselves a bit more , progress was made through league and things were on the up , however a complete tactical melt down in Newry coincided with a return to the system which again didn't suit /wasn't understood by the players and I feel they thought they were thrown under the bus for performance. The players after a shaky start through the qualifiers threw off the shackles and played expressive football that they are capable of and received all the plaudits.
However when the Tyrone match came round the management reverted back to the system and the rest is history, the lads devoted to McGeeney stayed ,but a lot thought what's the point !!management don't trust us to play and they will revert back to their default position at all times , hence withdrawals from squad en masse . Then McGeeney has a go at everyone else for withdrawals , start with man in the mirror.
Can McGeeney be trusted with another crop of players ?? I wouldn't think so, the cycle will just keep repeating for another 4 /5 years . Strictly my own opinion based on what I see and read.

GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 09, 2018, 09:36:51 PM
Can't believe McGeeneys outburst , so now it is everyone's fault but his that a lot of players won't commit to play for the county , surely it is the managers remit to ensure an environment is created where players would walk to Armagh to be involved.
In the workplace all managers have to deal with external influences and the best managers are those who trust their people to make the correct decisions as they know they have created an enjoyable workplace where all are valued and enjoy going to work.
Matter of trust really , don't think he did himself any favours there !
GAA Discussion / Re: Roscommon v Armagh
July 08, 2018, 12:54:06 PM
Yes I have . Watched them for a long time now , watched how we went from being in AI QF v Donegal in 2014 and running them so close to yesterday and anybody who thinks Armagh are making progress is fooling  themselves , a handful of players are doing sterling work to cover over the cracks.