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Quote from: Applesisapples on November 26, 2013, 04:41:52 PM
I can't make my mind up about Adams. On the one hand I recognise that he had to be on the inside to deliver the peace process. Credit also to him and McGuiness they were at it since 1972. His TV personality is grating though and I find it hard to take him seriously. I also can't fathom why he denies IRA membership, when quite clearly the Brits wouldn't have engaged with him in the '70's had he not been involved. I have some sympathy over the situation with the neice, however SF's attitude to Cardinal Brady was a little hypocritical.
I also think that SF have kind of lost their way and opened up the field to this whole NI identity thing. If they aren't careful the little Northern Irelanders in the SDLP will peg them back.

Like the minute the SDLP couldn't peg washing on a line!
General discussion / Re: The IRISH RUGBY thread
November 25, 2013, 12:12:19 PM
A lot of players had much to prove after the Australian game and they did. The intensity in the first half was unreal....let's hope they build on it for the 6 Nations.
Quote from: T Fearon on November 20, 2013, 07:27:04 AM
Whatever about accepting what Mairead says,you can hardly deny what she says.A united Ireland is further away than ever,so is there any point in hankering after one?

About as far away as Celtic winning Champions league and Armagh winning Sam.......doesn't stop you!! ;)
General discussion / Re: The Horse racing thread
November 19, 2013, 07:01:16 PM
Paul Carberry back tomorrow 8)....get the santa money!!
General discussion / Re: PSNI Three Year Service Medals!
November 19, 2013, 12:46:03 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on November 18, 2013, 05:24:53 PM
Below is a list of the policing board members who approved the medal for the PSNI a few months ago.

PSNI Service Medal
The Chief Executive referred Members to a letter dated 25 February 2013 from
the Chief Constable seeking the Board's support for a proposed PSNI Service
Medal. The Chief Constable advised it is envisaged that the medal would be
awarded to police officers and staff who had completed a minimum of 3 years
service, with retrospective awards being made to eligible serving and former staff.
The Chief Constable confirmed that funding is available within current budgets.

Following discussion, during which a Member suggested that the minimum period
of service should be one year, it was:
That the Board should support the Chief Constable's proposal for a PSNI
service medal.

Mr Brian Rea, Chairperson
Mr Gearóid Ó hEára, Vice-Chairperson
Mrs Anne Connolly
Mr Jonathan Craig
Prof Brice Dickson
Mr Ryan Feeney
Mr Ross Hussey
Mr Gerry Kelly
Mr Conall McDevitt
Mr Stuart MacDonnell
Mr Robin Newton
Mrs Joan O'Hagan
Mr Brian Rowntree
Ms Caitríona Ruane
Mr Pat Sheehan
Ms Deborah Watters

Pathetic when you consider welfare cuts, education cuts etc etc.....bundle of tossers!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Time for Joe to go??
November 19, 2013, 12:33:36 PM
Quote from: BennyCake on November 19, 2013, 12:23:51 PM
Quote from: hardstation on November 19, 2013, 11:39:27 AM
BennyCake - have I got this right?

You wanted to be a donor so you signed up for it. You now don't want to be a donor because they're trying to make everyone be a donor unless they opt out?


It's like the group isn't elite enough for you anymore. Weird.

I became a donor years ago. I still want to be a donor, but I am against this opt-out scheme, so I removed my name. Is that so terrible?

Suddenly everyone is experts pontificating on donor cards, when most of you for years never got off your asses to opt-in. Now suddenly, I'm the bad guy for opting out? What if any of you, had died before Brolly's donation, wouldn't your organs have been wasted? Yes, there's probably more of you now become donors since then, but where were you pre-Brolly?

It is all about choice, but I still do not understand your reasons for removing your name from the list, after all it is easy enough to opt out.
Now people have to "get off their asses" to opt is a no brainer.
I was on the list but unfortunately health reasons mean my organs would be useless to anyone.
General discussion / Re: The IRISH RUGBY thread
November 18, 2013, 03:27:34 PM
The Australian game was the worst performance ever since turning professional. Basic handling errors all over the field. There is no real competition for places and that for me is the matter how bad some play there is no alternative.
Why Ireland insisted on kicking to Folau is beyond me. Wooden spoon contenders!!
General discussion / Re: Depression
October 30, 2013, 04:47:39 PM
Can I just say a big thank you to all who have contributed to this topic, it's amazing to think you are on your own only to discover there are plenty in the same boat.
I hope all of us who are suffering with demons get the help we need, because life is for living and is much richer for having us all in it.
Some achievement, well done Paul.
General discussion / Re: Depression
October 28, 2013, 11:04:00 AM
Thanks for the kind words. Right now I'm crying for no apparent reason. I need routine for my day, but since my diagnosis I lost my job, and am currently unemployed. I get up early and leave the kids to school, walk the dog, meet up for coffee etc and if you were to ask any of my family or friends they would have no idea of my demons.
One friend who suffers from depression stopped me one night in a bar and asked the simple question "How are you?".....well the floodgates opened and he was shocked beyond belief.
I have reached the stage where I'm tired....tired of everything....and I just want to go to sleep and not wake up.
Last Wednesday I slept for 17 hours, and I told my wife it was just tiredness from the chemo.
I have it all, a great family, wife, kids the whole lot, but I'm not happy and I don't know how much longer I can keep up the pretence.
My outlook on life is there's always someone worse off than you and it is so true.
Exercise is great for clearing the head, but at the moment I'm limited to short walks, but hopefully will be able to get out on the bike again soon.

The reason I post this is to give others who may be in a similar situation hope that we can change things around.
I'm sticking around!!   
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
October 26, 2013, 09:23:46 PM
It was Stoke they played today and not Barcelona....right!! ;D
GAA Discussion / Re: RIP Niall Donoghue
October 24, 2013, 10:29:38 AM
GAA Discussion / Re: Time for Joe to go??
October 22, 2013, 09:16:56 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on October 22, 2013, 06:01:47 PM
Amazing that there are so many GAA people who apparently would wish to see an association with no flags flown at matches, no national anthem before matches, and no clubs named after Irish patriots or after Irish saints. Basically, a GAA without any semblance of soul, tradition or identity. Should we try to avoid any use of the Irish Language too because surely that's just a "dead language" and a bit too openly culturally Irish and sure it's use might upset Jim Allister too?  ::)

I mean, posters even complaining about clubs being named after saints? Really?! Does it actually annoy you or does it just make you feel mature and forward thinking to regard clubs being named after saints as somehow outdated or politically exclusive or just not secular enough or just a bit too Irish? Or is down to an irresistible urge to pander to every 'little n.Irelander' who rings into the Nolan show who has no interest in GAA beyond attacking it and who wouldn't join a GAA club if they could chose the name of it themselves?

Nail on head!!