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Messages - Mack the finger

Good luck to keady, sounds like a great venture. Will be hoping to make it
down on Sunday.

Ignore idiots like lawnseed, only a troll.
General discussion / Re: LOST (TV Show)
May 25, 2010, 02:44:58 PM
Majestic ending to a wonderful piece of entertainment that kept me hooked
for six years. Sure, not everything was answered as to the mysterious properties
of the island. Personally, it was all about the characters for me and I thought
it was perfectly wrapped up, though a little cheesy (A 'Christian Shepard' leading
them into the light ffs) but I went along with it. Those two hours summed up
what I liked about all of Lost - great storyline, great acting, funny and moving.
Its provided endless debates with friends and family and its a pity it's over, but
what an ending.
General discussion / Re: LOST (TV Show)
May 20, 2010, 11:56:56 AM
Gonna be difficult to avoid spoilers. Fancy it to be all over the
papers, TV, interweb etc. Also know lots of people who'll
be downloading it Sunday night. Pity RTE/Sky couldn't have
shown it at the same time. Is it possible to watch a stream
of it on sunday night?
General discussion / Re: LOST (TV Show)
May 20, 2010, 11:53:58 AM
Don't read this if you haven't seen this weeks episode - includes spoilers

Enjoyed it more than last week because it was about the characters
who've been there since the start. I couldn't really care less about the
mystery of the island after last weeks episode and the whole 'answers just
lead to more questions' nonsense. As Jack said to Locke, just gonna let
go and enjoy the last hour and a half.

Good to see the old Ben back, has always been one of my favourite characters
(along with Desmond and the original Locke). Great actor too. Loved that scene
where Ben is seated outside and he tell's Locke 'He's hiding in my closet'. Though I wonder
how long it'll last for - Fake locke told him he could have the island. Then at the
well he told him he was gonna destroy it. Not a good deal for Ben. A key thing could
be that Miles has the walkie talkie. Still fancy that Ben will redeem himself, as he seems
like a good guy in the alternative timeline.

Few answers around the campfire, but if, as Kate was told, her name was
only 'a bit of chalk on a wall', Jacob went to a helluva lot of trouble to get
them there. And what was so special about them?

Now everyone can see Jacob, poor old Richard had outlived his use. Had to
laugh at the way Smokey owned him. Richard had his chance with Fake Locke.

Predictions for next week?
General discussion / Re: LOST (TV Show)
May 14, 2010, 02:03:02 PM
Was really looking forward to last nights episode but was disappointed.

Thought the flashback to season one was amatuerish and a bit of a cop
out in explaining adam and eve. At the time, Jack said he thought the
bodies had been there 40 or 50 years. The mother figure just razes
a village to the ground.

Man in Black knows he can get off the Island by turning a wheel
and using light and water. He knows this because he is 'special'.
The scene with the light and the waterfall...I was waiting for
gollum to pop out, or Frodo to pass by on the back of a cart.
The CGI budget was obviously vastly reduced for this episode.

I don't expect everything to be answered, but at least make
an effort with some of the bigger questions, such as the nature
of the island. Who entrusted the 'mother' figure to look after
the island? What exactly is the white light?? There's only
two episodes left now. The mother figure at the start said
that 'questions only lead to more questions' which seems to be
the attiude the writers are taking to the show now.

I've given up on the mythology/scientific aspect of the show
and am just looking forward to the last few episode, hoping
they focus on the characters we've been following all these
General discussion / Re: Spotify
April 24, 2010, 03:03:09 PM
Downloaded it (sounds great) only to see an invite is needed?
Greatly appreciate it if anyone could pm, cheers.
General discussion / Re: Clerical abuse!
March 27, 2010, 06:12:16 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 27, 2010, 04:44:46 PM

Seriously ??  There was rumours of this but I didn't think it would happen.

Seemingly so, yes. I think it's very sad that its coming to this. The church has
seriously underestimated the anger that's out there surrounding this issue. I was
talking about this to my mother last night, a very devout woman, and I've
never heard her question so much. She still has her faith, she can separate it
from the church, but she wonders just how corrupt of an organisation the
Catholic church has become. There's a generation of people who never questioned
the church the way we do and can today, there just wasn't the freedom to do so.
And a lot of them are wondering what sort of organisation have they supported all these
years. I have a lot of sympathy for those who have faith and are trying to
understand how they feel about all of this.
General discussion / Re: Clerical abuse!
March 27, 2010, 04:25:25 PM
Cardinal Brady was supposed to have celebrated confirmation at a parish in Armagh during the week.
The parents complained and threatened to protest if the Cardinal did arrive, and in the end he didn't.
This issue is tearing the church apart at a local level and it's increasingly obvious that the Cardinals postition
is now untenable. He may believe that he acted according to Canon law but people look and see a cover
up, of which the Cardinal is head. The devout may believe that the man did nothing wrong, but if the
church is to attract a new generation of followers it has to act quickly.
Reina, Carragher, Kyrgiakos, Skrtel, Insua, Degen, Lucas, Mascherano, Aurelio, Kuyt, Ngog.
Subs: Cavalieri, Aquilani, Riera, Maxi, Spearing, Darby, Pacheco

That's a dreadful looking team. 8 defensively minded players there, with Kuyt
providing creativity? Had hoped that Masch coming back would be at the
expense of Lucas.
General discussion / Re: Earthquake in Haiti
January 15, 2010, 07:45:40 PM
A response from the Haitian foreign minister and Keith Olbermann to idiots such as limbaugh and the evil evangelist.

If footballers were chess pieces, Rafa would be fine.
He loved his Spanish 'Stratego' but it doesn't beat
Reading in the cup.

It wasn't the worst though; anyone who witnessed
the Portsmouth performance will know that. The
Reading performance just confirmed what we knew
all along.

Personalities, injuries, weather.....countlesss things
contribute to messing up Rafa's plans. You name it,
it'll be mentioned as something that screws up his much
loved facts.

Of his much beloved facts; Liverpool have lost
ten of the last twenty. Evans, Houllier and Souness
all went for a lot less.

The first game I seen this season was Villa at home
and the last was the Arsenal game. And I'll
see a few more before the season is out.

Liverpool fans shouldn't boo? They were booing
the players, not the manager after the Reading
game? The fans know its game over. Thanks
Rafa, time to move on.

We're in danger of drifting into being a top six
team over the next few years. Villa or Spurs a
small team my arse. Football's fickle. it's fine to
say 'Liverpool are a big team'; Rafa's facts
and Rafa's teams performances say different.

Stop the rot, use the money from player
sales and pay off Rafa; Get rid of the management
team and let Kenny take over till the end of the
year. Break the bank to get Martin O'Neill
next season.
General discussion / Re: Catriona Ruane
November 25, 2009, 01:50:20 AM
She doesn't know her arse from her tennis elbow.
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
October 18, 2009, 05:22:00 PM
Well done Og's. Harps didn't score in the second half.
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
October 18, 2009, 05:06:42 PM
still ogs 7 harps 4
harps kicked a couple of wides
about 12 minutes to go
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
October 18, 2009, 04:56:04 PM
Ogs ahead 6 to 4