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Messages - Rossfan

Quote from: StephenC on April 08, 2014, 05:16:27 PM
In all the times I've seen the "move this country to this other province" proposal, I've never seen it made by a poster from one of the counties that would move. It's somewhat easy as a (for example) Meath lad to say that Longford will play in Connacht but I'd love to know what the Longfords, Cavan's etc feel about it?

It's total nonsense.
Do the proponents of this daftness also want it at underage and what about the hurling crowd?
Will there be new "Provincial" Councils or will Longford e.g.  play in "Connacht" but have no vote or role in fixture making etc on the Connacht Council? Will Longford have to play all their games in real Connacht or can they have home fixtures?
What happens if Longford, Cavan etc say "NO"?
Sure why not just have a draw every year to see who plays in each " 8 county Province". Now wouldn't that be fun?
By the way who's going to tell NY they are now gone and who's goin to tell JP and his fellow CC officers that there's no more trips* to NY for them?

* These trips are for the serious purpose of organising a Championship game. They are NOT Junkets ye cynical lot.
General discussion / Re: Michael D in the UK
April 08, 2014, 02:57:08 PM
Quote from: theticklemister on April 08, 2014, 01:56:25 PM
What are Sinn Fein supporters views on McGuinness going to meet the queen of England?
100% in favour as usual  ;D
Connacht comprises of Galway, Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon.
For GAA purposes Mayo have Ballaghaderreen Co Roscommon added while London and New York GAA Boards are also included probably because the bulk of emigrants over the years were from the Connacht Counties. So you can't have 4 eights if you start with 33 anyway.
The real Connacht Championship is played between those seven GAA entities.
If all this boloxology of moving Counties around the "Provinces" happens then they won't really be Provincial Championships.
Who is going to force 2 of Laois or Offaly or Carlow or Wexford into an eight team Group of Counties where Cork and Kerry will continue to rule the roost and apart from Laois bate the sh1te out of the newcomers?
THe FRC originally came up with a proposal that the losers of Prelim rounds in Leinster and Ulster be then parachuted into Connacht and Munster so they could also have 4 Qtr finals. This they said would make it handier for streamlining the Championships by playing all Qtr finals over 2 weekends.
So why can't they streamline the current system so all the Provincial Qtr Finals are played over the same 2 weekends.?
Obviosly they've gone away from the idea of parachuting the Prelim losers so then you're back to creating artificial groups of 8 and forcing some Counties out of the real Province and into a maky uppy "Province".
Wait till we have Cavan v Westmeath in a game billed as a "Connacht Final"
FFS pure illogical sh1teology.
General discussion / Re: Michael D in the UK
April 08, 2014, 10:34:49 AM
Talk about over the top coverage of what is a fairly standard thing.
Or is it the old Colonial attitude - aren't we great now that "The Queen"( the REAL Head of State)  is meeting our leader.
We were all breathlessly informed on various Newses this morning that there are Tricolours beside the Union Flag all over Windsor.
RTE and the News in general to be avoided for a few days.
Quote from: stibhan on April 08, 2014, 09:55:03 AM
On twitter the only strong supporters of this move are the GAA hierarchy and Intercounty players/former Intercounty players.

Does anyone think that they have a better idea of the situation than most, or is it just because that group of individuals stand to gain the most?
Ah well if it's on fcukin TWITTER ........ sure no more needs to be said.
Quote from: seafoid on April 07, 2014, 11:02:49 AM
win the all Ireland - Galway usually do it with less fuss.
That's because most of the County don't even know the game is on  ;D
Quote from: BennyCake on April 07, 2014, 04:55:23 PM
We simply weren't good enough to stay up. .
First step on the road to recovery - Honesty.
Tullamore or Portlaoise not bad at all.
I feared we'd be off to Limerick or Ennis.
Syfín please stop ruining another thread. :-[
So the All Ireland Final seems to be the game between Cavan and Dublin according to some. Wonder what happens if Donegal win the UF? Will Dublin be awarded the Cup without further ado?
Meanwhile we play the winners of the Cork/Tipp MF which should be an excellent game.
Maybe we could have done with a tougher test in the CF but sure we'll give it a lash anyway.
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 2 2014
April 07, 2014, 11:02:44 AM
A rather neighbourly D2 for 2015

and in the distance
The Aristocrats
Farewell johnny and best wishes on your retirement.
You had a good long innings above and beyond the call of duty.
Yet another wonderful player to prove that you don't need a drawer full of medals to show you're good.
Anyway players only win medals if they're surrounded by enough of other good players.
Quote from: ross4life on April 05, 2014, 05:21:38 PM
No complacency from the Rossies in Carrick today, the Leitrim lads couldn't live with our speed & movement, the composure & shot selection was excellent.
Exactly !
We took the game by the scruff of the neck from the throw in and had 5 points on the board in 6 minutes. Donie smith was about to have a blinder until he fell foul of the Ref's black card after 8 minutes.
That, Kelly's injury and Laythrum's smashing goal from their best man McLoughlin caused us to lose our way a bit as we short passed to nowhere for 10 minutes or so and they got to within 3 points of us. However we steadied the ship with 3 before h/t and there was only going to be one winner after that.
Congrats lads and hope we can keep it going now as we face sterner tests.
PS The ref was poor on Saturday  :-\
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 3 2014
April 07, 2014, 10:50:44 AM
THe word "Pedestrian" was invented for games like yesterday's appalling spectacle in the Hyde.
The players were disinterested, the followers definitely were as only around 500 turned up and when you take away the U16s and Season ticketers did 100 people actually pay on the day?
Can you imagine Kilkenny hurlers being disinterested in a game even a matterless one? No! That's what separates winners from"Ah sure we're doin grand" players.
We were diabolical in the first half yet could have been ahead if we'd got the deserved penalty. However the removal of 1 disinterested lad and 2 who aren't County players at half time improved us a bit. Compton with 2 v good points , C Murtagh won a few good frees early on and looked lively all through while Keane ( not a County player either) worked his ***** off.
David Keenan had a great game but - don't be gettin on the end of moves near the posts Davidín - not your strong point.
We spent most of the day goin backwards and sideways and arsin around , a style of gobsh1tery I thought we'd eradicated.
Problems remain from 2-9 - we have NO Midfield. I wonder will many more members of the U21 squad be moved up to try and improve things for the Summer e.g Murray, Corcoran.
Like our Longford friend it's farewell to D3 and no loss either.
So it's Unionism that makes them thick?  :D
Figures really......
Quote from: muppet on April 04, 2014, 11:50:54 AM

I think the next government will be a far left leaning coalition. Then there could be some serious soul searching after we get taxed to death.
You're beginning to sound as paranoid as the anti GAA/Sky deal people.