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Messages - Snapchap

Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
January 29, 2018, 12:11:47 PM
Quote from: southtyronegael on January 29, 2018, 11:59:58 AM
Snap chat, show me a post where I 'viciously abused' anyone on ttm. And stop trying to moderate the forum just because u don't like what u hear. The days of tip toeing round and being silent on certain matters regarding Tyrone football are over.

So you haven't, for example, repeatedly mocked Harte for his faith and referred to him as a "religious fundamentalist", for example?
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
January 29, 2018, 12:01:05 PM
Quote from: The Trap on January 29, 2018, 10:48:02 AM
STG and TBD crudely put across the feelings of many Tyrone people that I know used to go to all the games.

The criticisms of Harte's style of play are more than warranted and are something you will hear at every match, and deservedly so, and I have no issue with criticisms of Harte or Teamtalk on websites like this if it is warranted and is not overly personal.

What is uncalled for is outright personal abuse on a web forum where GAA volunteers (be it Harte or the Teamtalk men) are anonymously abused by cowards and referred to as 'furhers' etc and are faced with anonymous allegations about themselves.

Simple concept lads - treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself. I have no doubt that if STG or TBG ever had a pubic role volunteering within the GAA, they would not enjoy seeing their real identities splashed across the board and personal abuse or allegations made about them by anonymous cowards.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
January 29, 2018, 11:49:28 AM
Quote from: southtyronegael on January 29, 2018, 10:20:58 AM
Snapchap, are these the same ttm great volunteers who tried to engineer the partially successful coup against rosin Jordan? Great lads alright.

I'd be more incline to believe your allegations/care about your allegations if you knew the first thing about Teamtalk or the men behind it. You have already made it abundantly clear that you are absolutely clueless about them.

I'd be fairly confident through that they don't spend their time bravely using anonymously on a web forum to dish out abuse at named individuals who have quite clearly been providing a valuable service to Tyrone gaels for years now for no financial reward.

It boggles my mind that anyone can spend so much of their time sitting at a keyboard hiding behind a fake name to viciously abuse people named GAA volunteers and still have some misguided believe that doing so makes them the ones that are the 'great lads'.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
January 29, 2018, 12:30:24 AM
Quote from: southtyronegael on January 28, 2018, 08:49:07 PM
it was puke football. i see ttm havent even bothered to put up a match report and no sign of mickey doin an interview after the match either. plenty of stuff up about the big mc kenna cup wins.
Match report:
Harte Interview:

And you are the same clown who recently went on the attack against TTM over their awards night in relation to how it dealt with the county/Harte, not realising the entire night was about club football.

While I am by no means a supporter of Harte's brand of football, yourself and 'thebigdog' are two absolute pollutants to this board. While 'southtyronegael', your repeated attacks on TTM are totally unwarranted and illinformed.

I already set up a separate thread for you and 'thebigdog' to spout your illinformed, overly personal, nasty, childish anonymous abuse about people in. Kindly clear off back to it. The volunteer gaels behind teamtalk do more for the GAA community than anonymous, immature, cowardly little runts like you ever will.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
January 28, 2018, 10:06:42 PM
Quote from: RedHand88 on January 28, 2018, 08:37:42 PM
You can tell the system has radically radically changed. No more are we flooding behind the ball every time we are turned over. No more are we carrying the ball to the full forward line. The kick pass to a corner forward was happening all day. It just wasn't a day for it. First day of the new system, it's nothing to panic about.

Not sure if you're being serious, given that they spent last year playing Mark Bradley (one of the shortest forwards in the country) as a one man forward line and persisted in trying to kick the ball in to him. Absolutely senseless stuff and yet it was persisted with and it seems to have been more of the same today.
GAA Discussion / Re: County GAA Crests.
January 23, 2018, 12:54:42 PM
Quote from: Avondhu star on January 20, 2018, 12:49:24 AM
Quote from: seafoid on January 19, 2018, 05:41:40 PM
The offaly lads were outside the Pale but faithful to England according to Wiki.
If you weren't so ignorant and studied your history you would know the Offaly lads did their bit unlike the Galway lads queuing up to join the Connaught Rangers

Lads, lads, lads, don't fight. So long as yis keep electing FF/FGers then yis are BOTH counties of traitorous lickspiddles.
Quote from: Rossfan on January 16, 2018, 04:27:42 PM
I don't like to use the 'IRA/SF' thing
Quote from: Snapchap on January 07, 2018, 11:06:07 PM
Quote from: LCohen on January 06, 2018, 11:19:19 PM

It's not as if Wee Barry has a track record of posting pictures of his shopping with such a high degree of frequency that the instance of posting a picture of that product on that day with the writing the right way up for this to be explained away as some form of coincidence. This was a deliberate act

Except that he DOES have a track record of posting pictures of his shopping on his head.

What he does NOT have a track record in is mocking victims.

As someone who knows the man, I can assure you he would not have it in him to have done it deliberately. It was just another example of him making stupid f@$king videos thinking he is funny. I know him to be a good and decent man and I am a SF supporter but I do have to say that I believe his constant photos/videos of him putting things on his head and his COUNTLESS stupid f&@king videos about ice cream sprinkles make him hard to take seriously as an elected representative.

So to sum up: Was his video a deliberate attempt to offend victims? Not even a remote possibility.

Was the video another unfortunately timed episode of him acting like a child instead of a politician to be taken seriously? Yep.

Just to add to my post above - and another reason why I am under no doubt what-so-ever that this was unintentional: the video was on twitter for something like 36 hours before ANYONE copped on to it being the anniversary of Kingsmills - and today those who are tripping over themselves to suggest that Barry is 'bound to have known it was the anniversary' clearly didn't know it themselves until they read about the connection 36 hours after the event.

As a case in point - that nauseatingly smarmy, obnoxious little toerag Daniel McCrossan of the West Tyrone SDLP was the only politician to even reply to the original video after it was posted - and all he posted was ' ::)' - so it's abundantly clear that he himself had no idea it was the Kingsmills anniversary; yet 36 odd hours later, when someone did make a connection, onto the bandwagon Daniel hops as fast as he possibly can, and this morning he's all over Radio Ulster, claiming that there's just no way that Barry didn't know when he posted it that it was the anniversary. Too many lying, hypocritical pricks like Daniel out there trying to use victims for some of the lowest political point scoring.
Quote from: LCohen on January 06, 2018, 11:19:19 PM

It's not as if Wee Barry has a track record of posting pictures of his shopping with such a high degree of frequency that the instance of posting a picture of that product on that day with the writing the right way up for this to be explained away as some form of coincidence. This was a deliberate act

Except that he DOES have a track record of posting pictures of his shopping on his head.

What he does NOT have a track record in is mocking victims.

As someone who knows the man, I can assure you he would not have it in him to have done it deliberately. It was just another example of him making stupid f@$king videos thinking he is funny. I know him to be a good and decent man and I am a SF supporter but I do have to say that I believe his constant photos/videos of him putting things on his head and his COUNTLESS stupid f&@king videos about ice cream sprinkles make him hard to take seriously as an elected representative.

So to sum up: Was his video a deliberate attempt to offend victims? Not even a remote possibility.

Was the video another unfortunately timed episode of him acting like a child instead of a politician to be taken seriously? Yep.
General discussion / Re: Bob Geldof
December 15, 2017, 03:37:22 PM
Quote from: Owen Brannigan on November 14, 2017, 08:39:36 PM
No matter what you think of Geldof his actions and subsequent publicity have brought the issue of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar to the Board.

In case you haven't noticed, this thread is named 'Bob Geldof' and absolutely no discussion anywhere in the last few days has been about the Myanmar situation. It has all been about Bob Geldof. Which is exactly what Bob Geldof was aiming to do with this whole stunt.

An egotistical, hypocritical lowlife. He is just beneath contempt. Full credit to DCC for showing him a well deserved middle finger.
Tyrone / Re: Co. Board/Garvaghey etc
November 29, 2017, 02:51:41 PM
Quote from: redhandefender on November 29, 2017, 02:37:03 PM
Quote from: Snapchap on November 29, 2017, 12:33:54 PM
Quote from: redhandefender on November 29, 2017, 12:30:45 PM
Well that's not fining a club, that's incentivising something, completely different.
lol, so if I was to take a ball of money right out of your pocket and tell you that if you want it back, you can go out and sell tickets to make the money back for yourself - that you wouldn't feel like you were being done, but rather that you have been "incentivised"? lol well, whatever way you want to look at it!!

That is completely different. The "ball of money" out of my pocket is paying into the county GAA. I understand some people don't agree with that and want rid of any money going from club to county but on mass people buy in to the county as well as club. If you are going to use a metaphor, use one that makes sense.

Maybe I'm being naive here, but I think that most club volunteers and supporters (and certainly those who would be expected to go out and sell tickets) are infinitely more interested in their own club's welfare than the county's. If you think the county board taking a ball of your clubs money and forcing them to sell tickets to earn it back is fine, then like I say, that's your perspective. It certainly wouldn't be mine.
Tyrone / Re: Co. Board/Garvaghey etc
November 29, 2017, 12:33:54 PM
Quote from: redhandefender on November 29, 2017, 12:30:45 PM
Well that's not fining a club, that's incentivising something, completely different.
lol, so if I was to take a ball of money right out of your pocket and tell you that if you want it back, you can go out and sell tickets to make the money back for yourself - that you wouldn't feel like you were being done, but rather that you have been "incentivised"? lol well, whatever way you want to look at it!!
Tyrone / Re: Co. Board/Garvaghey etc
November 29, 2017, 12:31:11 PM
Quote from: tothetop03 on November 29, 2017, 12:25:27 PM
Quote from: Snapchap on November 29, 2017, 12:23:36 PM
Quote from: tothetop03 on November 29, 2017, 11:54:21 AM
I am led to believe the way it works is your will be charged a levy in your affiliation fees 50% which you can recoup if you go out and sell tickets if you dont its your loss as you have been charged for it.........
Ah right. I didn't know how they were organising it.

Quote from: tothetop03 on November 29, 2017, 11:54:21 AM
also are you all aware clubs do not get one penny from gate money ,for the Tyrone club championship.....
That's definitely not true. They get 10% of the gate, but for a large crowd, the club's slice is capped at £700/£750

i was told last night for 5 senior championship games last year we never got one penny....i will make it my business to check that out later........
Yip you probably should!
Tyrone / Re: Co. Board/Garvaghey etc
November 29, 2017, 11:30:51 AM
Quote from: redhandefender on November 29, 2017, 11:20:26 AM
Quote from: Snapchap on November 29, 2017, 10:41:33 AM
Quote from: redhandefender on November 29, 2017, 10:00:47 AM
this really is the tin hat brigade lol, this should for a good laugh!

Nothing to do with tin hats as far as the ticket selling scheme goes. Club delegates were informed of it at the October county board meeting. At the start of the year, all clubs will be getting tickets to sell and the money to be handed to Garvaghey. Clubs that don't sell any/enough are to be hit with a substantial levy. Again, it is a joke, but it is happening. Expect a fall out over it at the county convention.

When you say Garvaghey are you referring to the committees that sit there or the physical running of the place?

they aren't going to fine a club, on what basis would that stand up? In reality most clubs are happy enough to pay what ever fees are set eventually, they don't send a debt collector round. Will see what happens with the tickets but it seems to work well in down

As far as I'm aware, the money is for helping pay the existing debt to Croke Park for the building of the place, and for helping pay for new facilities being added to the building (kitchen etc).

As for your suggestion that "they aren't going to fine a club"...well I'm not sure what part of this is so hard to understand here lads, but I didn't post this as some sort of rumour. This is what has already been relayed directly to the club delegates at the October county board meeting. Clubs were not asked their views on this, or whether they agreed to this. It was dictated to them as what is going to happen: sell your tickets or be hit with a levy. It's one thing asking clubs to pay a few hundred once a year for the place, but it's a different proposition asking club volunteers to go out selling tickets for a facility that most of them will rarely ever set foot in, and on the rare occasion their club needs to use it, either gets told it's unavailable, or pays through the nose for the hire of it. Again, I expect they will face some sort of backlash from clubs at the convention.
Tyrone / Re: Co. Board/Garvaghey etc
November 29, 2017, 11:21:12 AM
Quote from: The Trap on November 29, 2017, 11:12:05 AM
Well snapchat that is what I was trying to say when I said at the beginning that Garvaghy and the Academies were struggling for funding...........

I;ve no idea about Academy funding, but I know Croke Park is still owed a serious amount for the building of Garvaghey. Between that, and the proposed work to extend the buildings facilities, that is the reasons being given for this new ticket selling farce.