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Messages - Rossfan

Quote from: Rois on November 27, 2015, 11:31:15 PM
They all think we're Irish anyway.
We are.
Some just choose to be loyal to a State which doesn't particularly want them or care two hoots about them.
General discussion / Re: French Terrorist Attacks
November 27, 2015, 08:13:37 PM
Meanwhile 122 Palestinians killed by the rogue State of Israel in the illegally occupied territory in the last 6 weeks.
That British tyranny Screen exile is suffering under mustn't be too severe if getting out from under it doesn't appeal to him/her ???
Quote from: T Fearon on November 27, 2015, 07:00:55 AMd where the rich are favoured (Low corporation tax etc) and the British Queen is revered,and secularism is rife,is in any way appealing.
A good description of the 6 Cos in 18 months time.
I'd advise you to seek residency in the Vatican if you can't live in a Secular society.
GAA Discussion / Re: Search for New Mayo Manager
November 27, 2015, 10:44:25 AM
Quote from: Tubberman on November 27, 2015, 07:10:12 AM
Quote from: Syferus on November 27, 2015, 12:38:01 AM

What purpose does Alan Dillion see in training for another six months with maybe a few minutes of league time being the best of his lot?

Well he will probably have more interest in what Rochford thinks he can offer than an obsessed Rossie.

Take hint Syfín and stop being an arse licking amadàn of Rhubarbism.
Quote from: muppet on November 26, 2015, 09:51:56 PM
OmaghJoe, with all due respect.....

I was going to post a disection of each line, but I'll only get flamed for arguing to the nth degree.

I'll put it simply. I agree with the analysis of the following:

"Give us this day, our daily bread..."
"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
"Lead us not into temptation..."
"But deliver us from evil..."

This is all language we can understand and I agree with the explanations. We are asking for something and we use the words 'give', 'forgive', 'lead' and 'deliver' to articulate these requests, or petitions as the link calls them.

However, the following has equally clear language, using the verb to be, and are statements, not requests or petitions:

"Our Father, who art in heaven..."
"Hallowed be thy name..."
"Thy kingdom come..."
"Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..." -
The last three are wishes.
Check the leagan Gaeilge ;)
It won't be an extension of the 26 Cos.
What exactly do you object to if it was? Higher pensions? Better Social welfare payments? Lower property taxes? Hard shoulders on themain roads? Bilingual road signs? Unarmed police force?
Quote from: armaghniac on November 26, 2015, 05:33:47 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on November 26, 2015, 02:52:20 PM
So putting on a 6 Co Soccer team jersey is " giving legitimacy to OWC which republicans will not concede".
However serving in a 6 Cos Administration is OK?
Ah well........... ::)

It is perfectly possibly to rationally recognise that there is a political issue which requires institutions to address while not supporting sporting division.

The FAI broke away from the other shower so in effect those who support the FAI team are supporting soccer division.

As for the future All Ireland political entity - one thing it won't be is a "32 County Democratic Socialist" Republic.
A Social Democratic agreed political entity will do me grand.
So putting on a 6 Co Soccer team jersey is " giving legitimacy to OWC which republicans will not concede".
However serving in a 6 Cos Administration is OK?
Ah well........... ::)
No entitlement but we expected our team would have done better last Summer.
We won 10 AIs in all 4 grades by the way and have beaten Kerry in an A I Final in all 4 grades.
Not many have done that.
Nobody hates Sligo for obvious reasons but there are some hate filled soccer bigots in the Sligo town shitehole.
Lar you need to lie down for a while :-*
'Twas probably only Syfín Senior :D
The poor devils - first they don't put Union jacks on their driving licences and now this.
Next thing they'll put "Northern Ireland" as not being part of Great Britain on their passports.
Muppet, time you stopped answering th'eejit. Hopefully he'll go away then and let us adults have our discussion.
GAA Discussion / Re: O Shea for Oz?
November 24, 2015, 11:14:05 PM
Aye indeed we're just so in awe of the mighty Mayowestros with their 4 All Irelands in the last 5 years ......... :-[
Can the mods gat that Franko eejit off the scene till we have a serious adult discussion about the future please ??