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Messages - Main Street

General discussion / Re: iPod & iTunes help
August 08, 2008, 10:51:32 PM
Quote from: Fiodoir Ard Mhacha on August 08, 2008, 09:16:16 PM

iPod is skipping tunes like fcuk - old chestnut of a problem but come on, any advice - and don't be too technical or say buy a new iPod!

If it's all /many/ most of the songs, you can try resetting your iPod a few times
Might work.

Most likely you will have to restore and update the software in iTunes.
All the music that is on IPod wil be lost and everything will be cleaned up.

Recopy all your tunes onto iPod.

Will work grand.

iPod has a hard drive, don't chuck it around the place.
Follow protocols for ejecting iPod when you have it connected to the computer, the software doesn't like to be suddenly terminated by a cable being yanked off.

Quote from: Evil Genius on August 08, 2008, 06:07:29 PM
Here is what you posted earlier:
"Cas is a dual national...      ...Same as Ray Houghton, he is a Scot as well as irish. He is equally proud of both."
WTF are you on about?
Ray = Scot   = born and raised in Scotland,  thats how I have heard him describe himself.
I have no reason to doubt it as it is a matter of record.
He is of Irish descent therefore he qualified to be an Irish national
He is proud of both.
I have heard him use the  "we" word in reference to Scotland and in reference to Ireland.
Which is the total relevance of what I wrote in relation to the use of the "we" word by dual nationals.
Cas  =  English,  born in England,  acquired Irish nationality, uses  "we" in reference to England and "we" in reference to Ireland.

Obvious to all, except an obsessive stalker who even needed it spelled out that an Irish parent by adoption is just as ethnically real for a lad as an Irish parent by birth.

General discussion / Re: Attention OWCers
August 08, 2008, 05:47:09 PM
I went with the conservative interpretation -   note bene.
Quote from: Evil Genius on August 08, 2008, 05:27:27 PM
Yet YOU have also asserted that Glasgow-born Ray Houghton has "Scottish Nationality".
I did not

QuoteOh and don't give me this guff about not having time to reply - with nearly 2,000 posts to date, including 14 today alone, with the first of these being at 03.28 am this morning(!), I'd have thought it's not time you're lacking, just some means - even in a half-assed kind of way - of explaining your inconsistency...
Rantings of an ignored OWC stalker.

Quote from: Evil Genius on August 08, 2008, 03:04:46 PM
Now for the third time, any chance of your getting back to the Ray Houghton = Scottish Nationality conundrum which I addressed to you earlier?  ::)
That equation and conundrum is in your head.
Do you think I have the time to be yapping on any subject of your choosing to suit your agenda ?
The answer is no

Dowie is similar to Cas, except Dowie is dedicated to being a part of the game, a very goad coach.
He would do a good job with the NI team
Quote from: Evil Genius on August 08, 2008, 02:32:06 PM
Agree it's the commitment in the shirt which ultimately counts, and Cas and Dowie were both 100% in that respect.
However, Dowie is arguably slightly different in two respects.
First, he is the birth descendant of two parents who are both (afaik) from NI, unlike Cas, who was Irish by virtue of adoption, and then through one Irish parent only.
Second, having seen on TV Dowie's manic reaction after Healy popped in the winner against England, I cannot ever conceive of his referring to England as "we"!  ;)
Obviously what is coming through is your subjectivity and how can Cas consider himself Irish because he was only adopted by an irish woman?
Personally I find that to be quite derogativly sick.

On the other hand even if you do judge his Irish links to be tenuos then that would make his rock  solid commitment all the more remarkable when other players dripping in green couldn't be arsed.

Quote from: Evil Genius on August 08, 2008, 01:38:18 PM
Of course Cascarino can comfortably accommodate more than one Nationality, no-one is objecting to that. It's just that after 88 caps, I'd have thought that in the context of international football, he'd have reserved his use of "we" for the ROI team, not the England team, whom he has never represented at any level.

Obviously you have surmised wrong,  that even in the context of international football Cas can use the word  "we" when referring to England and "we" when referring to Ireland and he can feel comfortable with that.
And he is on record as saying that undoubtedly greatest goal of his career was scored against England at Lansdowne rd.
What matters is that he performs 100% for the country he declared for. Without doubt Cas has done that, in a time other players retire early for club careers Cas continued to soldier on for the Republic carrying his injuries until a ripe old age. Leaving his cosy villa to trapse solo around the world to catch up with the squad and play up front for Ireland. He was dedicated to representation beyond the call of duty for little or no financial reward. We were desperate short up front and Cas didn't hesitate to turn up.  

General discussion / Re: Attention OWCers
August 08, 2008, 01:41:22 PM
Quote from: nifan on August 08, 2008, 12:45:47 PM
Quote from: Main Street on August 08, 2008, 12:14:37 PM
Quote from: nifan on August 08, 2008, 11:59:09 AM
Loudest voices dont always speak for the majority MS.
And a bird in the hand is worth ... ???

We are in a thread about the OWC board.
I'm referring to the OWC discussion board and when I say majority it refers to numbers as in a majority.
The majority is the default view so it's fair comment to say in general.
I have no way to tell the extent of the silent level of higher sporting awareness that may be reading any given thread where the GAA terrorist loving  prod hating organisation is discussed.

Sporting awareness is hardly what  is being talked about

You said "the OWC are in general resentfull and hatefully bigoted against Gaelic Games"
Based on how many posters opinion? There is over 7000 members and there is probably a small group that post negatively about the gaa (I could name most of the people who posted on the matter without reading the thread).

if some people do have issues with the gaa then they can post it it doesnt mean they consider the "GAA terrorist loving  prod hating organisation". Some obviously believe this and are rightly condemned by the majority.
FFS sake will you ever grow out of your pedantry where every last word has to be spelled out to the nth degree.

Go read any thread where the GAA is mentioned and the belligerent sneering bitter attitude drops in like a ton of bricks.
It is the default attitude that is expressed.
If you have opposition then write something there.
If you do not write anything on that board then it does not count.
Silence can not be rated.


The general attitude that is expressed on the OWC is resentful and hatefully bigoted against Gaelic Games

Some show going on now with the opening ceremony.

Quote from: amallon on August 08, 2008, 11:00:22 AM
Quote from: TacadoirArdMhacha on August 08, 2008, 10:35:56 AM
The fact that refs outside the first division have to officiate without linesmen is a real shocker. Can't think of any intercounty game that wouldn't have the full quota of officials.

Thats a joke!  Even club championship games would have the quota of two linesmen and four umpires. 
The GAA in the North is a much bigger sporting body than the IFA, it follows that the the game will be officiated more properly further down the levels.
General discussion / Re: Attention OWCers
August 08, 2008, 12:14:37 PM
Quote from: nifan on August 08, 2008, 11:59:09 AM
Loudest voices dont always speak for the majority MS.
And a bird in the hand is worth ... ???

We are in a thread about the OWC board.
I'm referring to the OWC discussion board and when I say majority it refers to numbers as in a majority.
The majority is the default view so it's fair comment to say in general.
I have no way to tell the extent of the silent level of higher sporting awareness that may be reading any given thread where the GAA terrorist loving  prod hating organisation is discussed.

Quote from: Chrisowc on August 08, 2008, 04:50:41 AM
....and when he had his Talksport 'drive time' slot he talked endlessly about England as 'we'.
So you listen to Talkshite  ;D

Cas is a dual national.
I would not expect him to wipe out his English identity with the acquisition of Irish Nationality, I doubt that he that insecure.
Same as Ray Houghton, he is a Scot as well as irish. He is equally proud of both.
That's the bit that the sneer tribe in the OWC don't get, the concept of the dual national.

General discussion / Re: Attention OWCers
August 08, 2008, 11:55:56 AM
Quote from: nifan on August 08, 2008, 11:41:28 AM
I dont think its fair to say in general their MS.

Majority opinion  =  General opinion
The default opinion which overwhelms any thread.

Right down to some mild over intellectual sneering condescensding attitude to the GAA (EG?)  which for some insecure reason needs to repeated verbatim.
General discussion / Re: Attention OWCers
August 08, 2008, 11:34:00 AM
Fightback  ;D

The mentality I don't get is that the OWC are in general resentfull and hatefully bigoted against Gaelic Games
but they blame the GAA for causing them to be bigotted ???
'It's the GAA's fault that we are bigots'  ::)

If it wasn't Kevin Lynch it would some crest or some traitor like Casement or the focus would be on the terrorist tricolour or the sectarian AnbF.
Closed minds locked shut by bitterness.