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Messages - WeePeteIsALegend

Letting my heart rule my head here, but Sam will be coming across the border once more after a repeat of the 94 final.

The Dubs have built a momentum and have come to a system that suits them perfectly through the back door and I think stylistically they are a perfect match for a recently unimpressive Cork side whose physical prowess will be met head on. Cork's hard direct running through the middle third of the field will be perfect for Dublin and they'll take a 2 point win.

As I've already stated, Im very worried about Kildare and would have been much happier taking on Meath. Have already given a list of reasons why I think Kildare are in good shape going in against us, but if we can get past Kildare..................well.................we don't lose AL Finals, do we?  8)
Quote from: The Forfeit Point on August 01, 2010, 07:11:32 PM
Quote from: thewobbler on August 01, 2010, 05:53:34 PM
Why does it not look good?

Next year all the semifinalists will be provincial champions, then the likes of you will be proclaiming the qualifiers as a waste of time.

If shocks and unexpected outcomes didn't happen, we wouldn't watch sport. But for some bizarre reason people regard a lack of symmetry in GAA outcomes as an area of concern.

great to hear the voice of common sense. well said

wasn't this the whole idea of the back door, to give teams a second chance. if no back door team got through to the semi final, some eejits in the media would be ringing alarm bells about that too

No. The whole idea was to make the GAA more money. They claimed at the time they were looking after the little sides who train hard for 9 months, get thumped in the first round and that was that. But what has happened is the opposite. The back door allows the big sides to recover from a huge shock and come back stronger.

Don't get me wrong, i love the fact there are so many more games on - it makes it more interesting. But I miss the good oul days. You get beat and your out. Simple.

The only thing that needs to happen to the qualifiers in its current form is to sort out the schedule. All replays would probably have to be abolished.

For me though I'd love to see Provincial Championships at the start of the year, then an All Ireland Championship involving everyone, with a seeded draw based on the provincial championships - but no back door. This way we still get a lot of games, we still get shocks, we reward provincial winners and runners up, not punish them and Provincial Championships will mean something again.

(^ Just came off with that off the top of my head ^ )
Heart says Down, head says Kildare.

Fancied Kildare strongly today, but was hoping Meath would win because I think we'd have taken them in a few weeks.

Nowhere near as confident facing the Lilywhites. Very concerned about who will be picking up Kavanagh. Suppose Dan would be a good guy but with him settling in now at FB I doubt Wee James will move him. Midfield will be crucial - can see Kildare winning more breaking ball, and it will be worse if Dermot is passed fit for the game. I fancy he'll make it. Kildare have had so much possession in their games this Summer and I can't see it changing, even though the King/Ambrose partnership is going from strength to strength.

Will need Kildare to have another slow start, kick plenty more wides, have our half forwards win more breaking ball and hope Clarke gets plenty of ball/has a good passing game and regularly finds an in form Benny inside.