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Messages - whatwillbwillb

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 04, 2019, 11:53:25 AM
 To me the county panel should consist of the best players in the county, at that particular time, whether they are aged 18 or 34. There are indeed some excellent footballers in or around the 20 year old age group....let them shine in the next few weeks with their clubs and I am quite confident their talent will be noted! [/

I haven't seen this happening and they've been shinning for a while?

You suggest getting rid of whole county board, get whole new group of experienced professionals in. "Its been a musical chair exercise for years"......then you go on to advocate moving those same chairs again!!!

I havent advocated moving any chairs Ive suggested getting rid of all the dead wood that's been involved for years in those chairs and achieved nought but take up a different role because of mate rates! Attract people that have achieved success in their lives that have genuinely walked away in their droves to other sports.

Gaelfast....which extends into other areas of the county too, is a major part of the strategic plan, but one that requires both buy in and patience.. And yes, Croke Park did write the cheque because they did see a calibre of executive they could do business with.

To my knowledge and I stand to be corrected haven't engaged with UU or Queens where that talent is in abundance as part of their strategic plan.... We expect Croke to write a cheque, talking about the corporate approach to save us going back cap in hand to sponsor's and virtually pleading with them to stay at reduced rates! We are not an attractive prospect plain and simple.

Of course not everything's rosy in the garden, but there is a lot of good work going on if you actually choose to want to see it.

We agree on something its not... work with everyday bannside and yes some fantastic work at grass root club level but not at high level imo.

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 03, 2019, 07:28:19 AM
Looking at players looking at managers debating who's up to the grade who isn't! We had two great Minor/U20 squads that proved they have the ability to play football if kept together and worked with in a strategic manner for the next 3 years and then resign ourselves to fact that we may progress out of Div4 then which would be realistic and possibly compete. These kids have been virtually ignored or lost interest as they are being looked after through their clubs or universities where the penny has dropped. 

Ask yourselves this, would you write a cheque to Antrim? If so would you have the confidence that it would be invested wisely? Then you ask yourself the question, is the brains there within the present executive that exists?

I would say no,  as its been a musical chair exercise for years and if that doesn't change and we don't purge the present committees and senior executive then we will continue to have "no pot to piss in" and invest strategically for the young talent that eventually walk away due to the lack of leadership and intelligence!

We need to get people involved that have nothing to prove to anyone, possibly retired from professional life and used to doing deals and don't need the cash as part of their everyday week to week budgets! A total clean house from the top and build slowly but intelligently with proper investment that is totally transparent to all the clubs and maybe then we will get the buy in from all!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
August 03, 2019, 07:21:52 AM
If I where Galls I'd get the game on video on Sunday, the travelling clown is back out! Far too many conflicts of interest with LD and the Chair of the Committee knows it (safe pair of hands by the look of it)! And big A Mc C cant go to this one!!!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
July 02, 2019, 06:24:27 AM
Quote from: paddyjohn on June 30, 2019, 08:20:15 PM
Quote from: Dunloy realist on June 30, 2019, 07:23:00 PM
Quote from: paddyjohn on June 29, 2019, 11:17:16 AM
A bit of debate over the final score in the Ballymena M'Glass game to. Ballymena and reporters had Ballymena winning the game by a point and ref had it a draw.

PH is a shocking ref, shouldn't be allowed to put a whistle to his mouth unless it's calling his dog back.

Heard it was a bit of a hash at the end of it.

Happened us in Lisburn the other week. We were winning at a stage by a point but the ref had it 2 points to the other team. The Lisburn bench even laughed when he shouted out the score at that point. Thank fully we ended up winning by a point but we should of won by 2 points.

Ref admitted at the end he realised that he had it wrong when he heard their bench laughing.

Was there not a saga last year involving Glenravel and Antrim Town? The afore mentioned Mr Hughes was the man in charge that day.

He was and thus the reason he was put out to grass after a number of similar incidents that year
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
June 29, 2019, 07:20:01 AM
Was at Aghagallon v L Dhearg last night, I could go off on a rant and say this and that and feed the trolls and upset MR2 but all I will say is that PH who was allegedly suspended by his own committee on advice of CCC due to numerous complaints in the past, should not have been allowed back period!

His connections to the LD club via family and chair of refs committee from the club he should never have been appointed (spectators opinions not mine) throughout the game. That's the local clubs argument no doubt.

I really do hope this game is on video, players and managers reacted and that's their problem but if they look at the video and the refs performance in relation to decision making then I would say they would have to hold their hands up!  Refs have a duty of care like everyone and last night was an example to all in relation to complete ignorance of this and created such a volatile situation which could have turned really serious but for a few level headed people on both sides.

Pity big AMcC (eyes and ears top accessor) wasn't at this oh that's right he doesn't go to LD games he just reports on everyone else .   
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 23, 2019, 06:58:15 AM
Must give credit to our new County Chair for his alleged open, frank and honest approach recently in different discussions that have taken place around the Casement debacle, Casement does not belong to Antrim anymore and Corrigan will be the new county ground after its developed... whatever your club loyalties,  at least we now seem to be getting on with the basics internally and for that if true he must be credited for his direct and get things done approach long overdue. 
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 16, 2018, 07:08:34 AM
So referees and paid coaches aren't hard working? I get expenses, I don't get paid, I've a job..

Now Now MR you get a match fee plus travelling expenses for mileage... ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) the refs in the south have to declare their match fee to the revenue.....  and i do agree we all work hard irresespective wheter we get a fee or expenses or nought...thats the GAA
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 15, 2018, 06:08:49 AM
Same Horse different Jockey GAA Man slap it up them they voted the puppet in..
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 06, 2018, 06:41:25 PM
Footlocker did you not ask CCC to call LD this time instead of St galls last time and see if they would like to concede seeing as youse are the best team!! I still cant believe that youse had the B***s and arrogance to do that... MR ask you club secretary she'll confirm its not BS....
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 29, 2018, 11:37:29 AM
Well said DR and they couldn't even play 1 over 4 weeks
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 29, 2018, 11:25:09 AM
Quote from: farset on November 29, 2018, 08:13:11 AM
Details, man. Details!

I wish I could Farset but as the old saying goes " Nothing remains a secret in the GAA" as the CB member reminded me of last night.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 29, 2018, 11:21:44 AM
The truth will set you free!!!!! Or make a laughing stock out of you!!!!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 29, 2018, 06:01:43 AM
Quote from: Footblock on November 24, 2018, 07:12:47 PM
This farce from the CCC gets worse. As of today's game between LD and ODR, Naomh Eanna finished 2nd in the section on score difference even though we only played 1 game and yet we havent been awarded a place in the 'A' competition. To my astonishment I have just discovered that CCC are now making LD and ODR play again on Tuesday night at Jordanstown to see who goes forward to the A competition.
Honestly talk about winging it and making it up as you go along. Have the CCC no shame? They should be seriously embarrassed. We may not win the A championship as there are a number of good teams like Gall's, Dunloy, Creggan, Portglenone et al but we would like to be afforded the opportunity. So much for supporting Antrim's representatives in Ulster.
As for entering the B championship Farset can make all the snide comments he wants but without having spoken to our players I would say that they would have no inclination to enter any such competition not out of snobbery but out of respect for legitimate B clubs who would aspire to win this. By relegating us to the B competition the CCC have show massive disrespect to the sides in the B competition.

Foot block to be fair when I read this I felt a lot of sympathy for the club and team like others on this board I'm sure. However now that I have heard the full story from a senior member of the CB last night (who again would have had sympathy also), who took me through the processes and communication that took place with your club and the other clubs in your group throughout the month of November from the CCC.  I would suggest you go back to your senior club officials who should be suitably embarrassed if the process that was outlined to me occurred! Get them to explain to those lads in the U21 panel what did go on and why you are now in the B competition! What I will say if what was explained to me last night did happen as outlined who do youse really think youse are? If some of the clubs out there hear what your club allegedly asked the CCC to do then you could quickly get a reputation that you will find had to shake .... such arrogance and total disrespect for the other teams in the competition.  God help us if that's the attitude of your representative that's running for County Chair and wins!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 06, 2018, 12:31:31 PM
Quote from: paddyjohn on November 06, 2018, 09:16:27 AM
Quote from: bogieman on November 05, 2018, 11:56:14 PM
Warning? Now you're making things up now.  I was asked to not talk about games that I could be involved with, not fair as some people think I'd be biased, agsin no one at county level believes that refs would be biased, otherwise they wouldn't get games!

I did just that, senior championship is over now. I was still on the site btw

Why bite ?

To be fair to the CCC they presented all the issues and Owen Elliott spoke very honestly about the constraints with Croke & Ulster before you even get basic fixtures on the calendar. I genuinely had no idea of the time & commitment involved so I tip my hat to them I certainly wouldn't be arsed or have the patience to do it. Joe E I thought spoke well with his contributions around player burn out etc however I personally felt he was using it as a platform for the up coming elections. It was a great idea to open it to all for anyone who had an idea or criticism to have there say, it was refreshing on that point alone. Some people unfairly imo had a pop at the start of the meeting around loyalty's i.e. Hurling/Football but that was dealt with and we got down to the problems fairly quickly. Thought there would have been a bigger turnout and disappointing to see to very few players in attendance.  I'm a fan of this approach and it should be a more regular event across all the issues in the county, whoever the incoming executive are they should take heed from what was a positive and constructive forum.

Bite on what? I made the observation and it was twisted.

What was the outcome of the meeting does anybody know?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 04, 2018, 08:01:46 AM
Quote from: Dunsilly King on November 03, 2018, 04:31:11 PM
Quote from: whatwillbwillb on November 03, 2018, 07:02:30 AM
Quote from: Hectic on November 01, 2018, 02:10:33 PM
Hmmm certainly at least one name there would not have me dancing a jig but sure we prob all have our own views.

Hard for JE to make good on his past, CMcC know very little about & carries the hopes & support & PR of the SV machine now that Collies away, same faces behind this lad so is it going to be any different?  OE genuine straight arrow, would be good to hear what he has to say, doesn't do bells and whistles (pardon the pun) his commitment and record to the County is without question though,  may bring a much needed fresh approach.... However that doesn't get you votes in this day and age

The question I would ask and it should be the criteria applied when giving a vote, what strategic abilities have they displayed in their careers, both in the business and clubs they served in. A chairman has to have a vision, a track record in delivering. Being committed and having served in committees isn't enough at this level. This role requires vision, determination and networking skills. Give me a dyed in the wool gaa man who has a successful business back ground any day for this job

To fair DK that's a dangerous and slightly naïve position to take, the GAA family: clubs, teams, &  county are made up of people from all backgrounds and abilities, that's why we are the envy of so many sports out there, from MD's to tradespeople  who all do a successful and fantastic job. So in your opinion just because you run a successful business guarantee's you will be a successful county chair? CmcC may be successful individual in his personal life and well done to him, however he is by association the selected candidate of SV by the looks of it, decisions will be guided in the future by people/group that put him there surely based on the past.  Different face same message and delivery possibly, the question begs then what will change? Don't get me wrong they have done a fantastic job raising profile and money btw and full credit where its due.  We only need to look at the previous chair and how going off message or not meeting alleged commitments or agreements resulted in a changing of the front guard. I'm not saying CmcC wont have the ability to deliver or do a great job, however does he have the freedom to deliver his vision or agenda? I'm going to go to this CCC/ club meeting tomorrow night and hear what the real issues where with the fixtures and the reserve my own judgement til after the on OE. Personally JE imo had his chance and just alienated the county as a whole with his my way or no way approach. So imo its a two horse race plain and simple which is disappointing I would have loved to have seen 3 or 4 running.