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Messages - wanderer

GAA Discussion / Re: Cill Dara v Fear Manach
August 01, 2008, 08:02:22 AM

Haven't a clue how this match will go myself. Would have been supremely confident a week ago, but unsure how Sunday will affect the team either physically or mentally.

Personally I would make one, possibly two changes for this game and agree with Inis Ceithleann. Brewster in at FF, and its a reluctant change as his style of play doesn't really suit the system Fermanagh play at the minute. Personally I think he is to static and dwell's to long on the ball at times. But as shown on Sunday, if you don't kick the thing between the posts, the rest is only so much use.
The other change that I could possibly see, although it would be harsh is Lyons coming in at FB. For all McDermotts critics, he kept one of the form forwards in the country at low figures. Granted he made mistakes, but so did a lot of others.
The rest I would give another day. It could possibly be counter productive to make a load of changes, with players even more afraid to shoot etc if they think there place is in jeopardy if they miss. And this set of lads have done us proud at the end of the day

Can't get back for the game unfortunately but I hope there is a sizeable Fermanagh support
GAA Discussion / Re: FAO Arlene Foster
July 30, 2008, 07:38:55 PM

Just seen this. As an absolutely gutted Fermanagh fan, this was the last thing I wanted to read.

I can't completely discount what she is saying, but I was through Enniskillen, 'skea and Tempo at the weekend and seen one tricolour. It was in 'Skea just beyond the hotel, and we commented at the time about it being up.

Now while I don't think it should have been up in these circumstances, they are bitter spiteful ol gits with the craic they have went spouting off about

Now as i've said before i'm slightly bias but there is not a hope that Armagh broke even in midfield. I was at the match and have watched it twice since, and Fermangh had the majority of the possession right the way through the match. Even in the first half, you can talk all you like about Armagh tactics, but Fermanagh men played into their hands which made the Armagh defence look brilliant. Once they had a decent talking to at half tim, they turned it around.
The thing I will give to Armagh was that they were economical with what they had. McDonnell was excellent and Clarke was causing nervous moments everytime he got the ball, but bar that they were nothing exciting.

Armagh2002: No disrespect to fermanagh but i believe we are better in every position 1-15

I'm still trying to work out if you are serious with this? Alright you could have exageratted and said better in most positions, but 1-15 is the biggest load of sh&%e i have read on this board in my life
Am a wee bit disappointed with the result on Sunday, but at least we have another bite at the cherry. Unbelievable relief after Doc hit that point, followed by disappointment on the way home.
From my point of view i'm very confident that we will finish the job come sunday. Everyone has commented on how Armagh stopped playing but by the same token Fermangh didn't even start to play for 50mins. I thought although Armagh were the better side in the first half, it had a lot to do with the Fermanagh players forgetting how they got their in the first place and played into Armaghs hands. Forwards were heading straight down the middle and either getting dispossessed of turning back and giving it to a static man. The running and support play was substituted for individuality. Despite that we still more than broke even in midfield while playing cr%p, whereas Armagh were shocking when Fermanagh finally decided that it was either now or never.
As someone else mentioned I thought the Armagh subs didn't work and the manager didn't seem to trust the younger players. Why he put McConville on, and then let McDonell continue with the frees was a bit bizarre.
Although it didn't work on Sunday, I have heard more than one player say that you an get to McDonnell by talking in his ear. Now i'm not saying it is right, but teams do what they can in these situations.
The fans were as bad on both sides, people booing frees and all that craic is really disappointing
GAA Discussion / Re: Scoring points
July 16, 2008, 08:01:56 PM
I meant boot not boat (he wasn't that skilled  ;D)
GAA Discussion / Re: Scoring points
July 16, 2008, 08:00:52 PM
 I'd agree a wee bit with Zulu on this. Coaches can try all they like, but until you get a fella willing to try a kick over and over again by themselves it'll never happen. I've never played at the highest level, but after seeing Canavan hit one with the outside of his boats when I was a young lad I spend hours/days trying over and over until I could do it. No-one showed me bar seeing the actual point and the replay how it was done but I could and can do it relatively accurately. On the other hand, I was coached over and over about catching a high ball and i'll still sh&%e at it.
Although I think the mini coaching that they do in a lot of counties now will improve things in 5-8 years time, as its about skills and not about winning an underage thing at all costs
GAA Discussion / Clones Battle
July 16, 2008, 07:52:42 PM

Were did that come from? Did you write it yourself? Its very good

Well folks being from Fermanagh but not living there, its hard to tell exactly what the mood is. But from any friends/families/players I have been chatting to, it could be viewed as quietly confident. Without sounding arrogant, we expect to leave Clones with our record finally shattered. The nerves are a wee bit there, as always. Being from Fermanagh you hope for the best and expect the worst, but hope reigns supreme.
Armagh are a formidable team, but I am glad we are playing a team that if we win, the sensible heads can't say we didn't deserve it or that the best team didn't win. If it goes Armagh's way I will be gutted, but they have some record in Ulster, so its nothing to be ashamed off. I think Armagh being run away favourites suits us to the ground, and the lads I've been chatting to say that they are delighted that the media stuff is finished and the big days nearly here

Can someone send us a link to the Bootroom thing that from Brendan Crossan? I would like to get a read off it. cheers
Quote from: FermGael on July 10, 2008, 10:00:46 AM
Watched the Derry game again and it really was some team performance.  7 points down and we still manged to turn it around.  It really does highlight how far this Fermanagh team has come in the last 5 years.
I feel that the 04 game will have little or no effect come the 20th.  Although both teams still have the same backbone, the team management's have changed.  We played each other in the opening Ulster Championship game in 05 I think and again in an Ulster semifinal in 06 and armagh beat us on both occasions(Albeit after a draw in 05).
O'Rourke is definitely a huge plus in fermanagh's favour but i have been impressed with McDonnell.  Very ruthless in the way he dropped A Kernan before the Down game and he seems to have reinvigorated the whole Armagh set up.   
The biggest question posing both teams is the system that they play.  Armagh and Fermanagh like to bring a WHF and play him as a sweeper.  Fermanagh have done it with Lyttle and Armagh  with O'Rourke.  The problem for both teams is that both Armagh and Fermanagh have WHB's who are more than capable of being a scoring threat. I certainly would not like to see A Kernan playing in or around or full forward line but then again I would love to see T McElroy or D Kelly playing in a more attacking position.
The second question from a Fermanagh point of view is who plays at full back.  I feel that Goan will pick up one of McDonnell or Clarke.  Owens will not be fit to start.  I can not see Frog at full back because he is not a man marker.  I have been one of the fells's biggest critic's but he had some game against Derry.  It would be a huge call if he did not retain his starting place which would see him back at CHB.  This could mean McCluskey back in the corner picking up McDonnell.  McDonnell has always struggled against Clucker and I think that it would be a big ask for D Reilly or H Brady to come in for the cold to mark someone of McDonnell's quality.  But Fermanagh's CHB line has been the key to our success and Clucker, Kelly and McElroy seems to have great understanding.  They have won the lions share of break ball and rarely give the  ball away.  So then I could see P Sherry picking up McDonnell with Frog in the other corner marking the Armagh corner forward who will come out and play as a WHF.  That means Frog plays at CHB and Clucker is left with the free role.  Then again Lyons played the majority of the national league and would have been playing against Monaghan and Derry but for breaking his jaw in a club game.  He did well in the League and he might get the nod.
Midfield is a sector where Fermanagh could hold the edge.  McGrath and Womble have been a revelation this campaign.  They both can score and have great engine's on them.  McGrane has not been at his best this year but he still is a class act.  If we can get on top here, we have a huge chance of winning the match.
Up front i expect no changes.  McBarron should start at full forward and him and Francie will suit each other down to the ground.  They will
'bate lumps out of each other' as we say here in Fermanagh.
McCabe will probably be used as an impact sub.  The one player who will be lucky to retain his place up front is J Sherry.  He has been quiet this year and is capable of a hell of alot more.  T Brewster, S Doherty  and M Keenan could all be played at CHF but Sherry i think will be given another chance.  A Very talented footballer who hopefully will have saved his best performance for the big day.
Keenan, Maguire, McElroy and Lyttle  will all start.  They all have to do the usual and put the press on Armagh from corner forward back.  They all possess speed which is a very potent weapon.  They will run at the Armagh blanket all day long and will ask questions of the Armagh defence.  Hopefully we can move the ball at pace and get in positions to punish Armagh. 
Against Derry Fermanagh were very economical in front of goal(Except the last 10 minutes).  They will have to do the same against Armagh.
We have to get a good start and cannot give Armagh a 7 point lead after 15 minutes.  we have improved every game we have played this year.  For the first time in a long time we have a bench which contains quality.  if someone is not performing, well there is quality there to bring on, Cadden, Lyons, Brewster, Keenan's, Ward, Doherty, etc. 
O'Rourke is a very shrewd operator. Press night out of the way along with a fan's meeting the players night last week.  Means 2 weeks on concentrating on nothing but the match and leaving the hype to the fan's.  He will have surprise or 2 for the Armagh game.  One things for sure every Fermanagh player will know their role come Sunday week and it will be well drilled into them.  This is the best drilled Fermanagh team ever.  An Awful lot of time, money and effort has been invested in this squad.  We can beat Armagh.  We have beat Monaghan and Derry.  Armagh have more quality up front but i see no reason why we cannot beat them.  fermanagh by 2

Great post Fermgael, couldn't agree with you more. I think it'll be fascinating to see what way the teams line out. MOR will be trying to surprise Armagh somehow, whether he does something tactically or selection wise i don't know.
I personally would be against Clucker dropping back, he, kelly & mcelroy have arguably been our best line this year. I think that he could do what he normally does with McDonnell and I think its pretty obvious that he doesn't like being marked by him, but it would weaken a positive in our team
Quote from: Will Hunting on July 10, 2008, 11:28:25 AM
Quote from: wanderer on July 09, 2008, 09:14:23 PM
ONLY Tyrone and Armagh have consistently got further than Fermanagh in the AI series in the past 5 years. We have beat Down, Monaghan and Derry this year so far (only cause they weren't trying) and we have done it by running the ball up to the goal line and diving over like rugby palyers or by basketball passing up to 2 yrds and fisting it over the bar >:(  What a load of shite

I assume you are talking about Ulster only counties here? I took issue with a similar comment already on this thread, and I would argue that both Donegal and Derry have consistently got further than Fermanagh in the AI series over the last 5 years.

Yeah within the Ulster Counties. You can argue, but its not something I have pulled out of the air. While Derry & Donegal would generally gotten further in Ulster, they would then drop into the qualifiers and usually get beat while Fermanagh sneaked into last 12 or better.
Do you know where can you get the history of results, we could try to find out and find it beyond doubt?
GAA Discussion / Re: AFL Invasion
July 10, 2008, 09:02:25 AM
I could be wrong here, but an Aussie lad once told me that the AFL are desperate for the International Rules series to continue. His reasoning was something along the lines off, because they play another country (from another continent) it is classified as an international sport. Therefore under some sort of Aussie Sporting body, they are entitled to all sorts of grants and use of grounds that they wouldn't otherwise be allowed to use. Now this was said in a pub about 3 years ago, but has anyone else heard anything along those lines?
Apparently at that stage, the Aussies were bending over backways without trying to make it look so, so that the series was continuing to be attractive to Ireland. This was meant to be getting decent coloumn inches over there, cause lots of journalists were using the "we're massive and don't need help from them" sort of thing. Someone correct me if this was all a load of shite
Quote from: haranguerer on July 09, 2008, 10:43:48 PM
Ahh Wanderer. Lose that inferiority complex. Look where we are. In an Ulster Final. Look where most of those who are posting are, and try and feel some pity. It takes a long time to get momentum in the Qualifiers.

I'm honestly not bothered by what we haven't won in the past. This is the year that matters, not next, not last. The past is only a comfort when you're doing shit in the present. Same goes for the future.

The only time it has ever had a direct impact on me was when I was in a pub in Clones looking over at a crowd of Monaghan ones chanting 'If you've won an Ulster title clap your hands.' I felt embarrassed for them, for they were making a holy show of themselves.

This year, discounting Armagh for a minute, we would beat any other team in Ulster. And they know it. Thats why they are on here giving out. Because we shouldn't be beating every other team in Ulster. The order is changing, even if only for a little while, and I can smell the fear.

As for Armagh. I think they'll win Sam again in the next 2/3 years. I really rate them. McDonnells a shrewd boy. But we can beat them. And its not the way we could beat teams in the past - that is if we played out of our skins and they didnt turn up. If we perform reasonably well against them we'll win.

I dont give a f**k if theres 30 other counties cheering for us or not. I hope there are - its brilliant to be popular (I hear), but I'd much rather be a winner, and not so that '0' is wiped from the record, its so I can adopt the patronising arrogant attitude that I have learnt from other teams fans over the years.

As you can see, I've been practising. Reckon I'm getting pretty good too  :P

Cos thats what its all about.

Haranguerer, couldn't agree with the bulk of your message more. I far from have an inferiority complex, I would just like people to be a bit consistent with there arguments as to why we are suddenly bad for the GAA. Thay make a stupid statement, get called up for it and there next defence is something like

'I wish posters from Fermanagh would stop posting on this thread. Its heartbreaking reading their cute mindsets. Ach I hope they win it, God bless them'

A load of crap that covers them both ways so if Armagh win they can say how they knew all along as defence, and if Fermanagh win they wanted them to :-\

As for the rest of your post you are spot on. I fully rate Armagh as well, but I don't think we need them to have an off day for the win. I am confident of the result, and as you say history and support counts for nothing once the game starts. So i'll go away and lay down again and let them get on with it
Quote from: saffron sam2 on July 09, 2008, 08:38:52 PM
Quote from: Take Your Points on July 08, 2008, 01:02:06 AM
Quote from: ONeill on July 07, 2008, 06:02:14 PM
I am not for sale.

Really, I heard that's what Ronaldo said to the President of Real Madrid when he complimented him on his amazing skills and expertise.

BTW a brilliant piece of posting to keep them going for 8 pages, some people are very sensitive.  We are now getting the the old Tyrone conspiracy stories trotted out with the Armagh negativity.  Looks like Armagh v The Universe supporting Fermanagh on 20th July thanks to you!

I'll be supporting the Orangies on the third Sunday. It's hard to beat a bit of tradition. Whilst Fermanagh are indeed there on merit, it does demean the proud histry of the Anglo-Celt Cup and can be taken as a reflection of how established, traditional powers (outwith Armagh) treat the Ulster championship.

I wasn't going to bite, but here goes

That could possibly be the most idiotic quote on 8 pages of idiotic posts. Fermanagh are there on merit, but by the way only because no one else was taking it serious. Which is it???? Merit or not?

How many years do you want to go back til classify traditional powers?? 100? Bring Cavan into the question, or back 15 so that we can guarantee your silly argument.

ONLY Tyrone and Armagh have consistently got further than Fermanagh in the AI series in the past 5 years. We have beat Down, Monaghan and Derry this year so far (only cause they weren't trying) and we have done it by running the ball up to the goal line and diving over like rugby palyers or by basketball passing up to 2 yrds and fisting it over the bar >:(  What a load of shite

We are terrible for GAA altogether. Local lads putting 100% into every game and playing with a passion that in my opinion only playing for your birthplace can bring. Now I think we can win it, but am by no means definite. But why after years of living off scraps of respect we are being made out to be something that 'is punishment for school children'  :-\ puzzles me.
What do we do so different than Armagh and Tyrone? If anything when the oppurtunity arises we move the ball quicker than both, but somehow hoofing the ball at the FF is poetry in motion is it?
What exactly is the classification of good football at the minute (cue some smart arse saying 'not Fermanagh'). Giving the ball back to the opposition every 30 seconds? Cause if it is, get the Fermanagh 90-00 DVD cause it'll blow your mind!

It seems a bit rich that all the Tyrone and Armagh people who were besides themselves when anyone dared call their football unattractive are slating Fermanagh.

On a closing point. I have a lot of respect for Armagh as a team, because they generally play hard but to win. I have no problem with playing hard but fair lads. However a few of the posters getting excuses in about referees and handy frees seems a bit pessimistic considering Armagh are as good as in the 1/4's  ;D

Come throw in it'll be worthless, but have to say that I haven't seen this Fermanagh team that is destroying GAA! We haven't won a thing, you'd think they would at least win something first bfore the jealously starts ;)

Shame about McCabe, looking like the footballer he was at underage recently, but if he hits the winning score I'd start supporting Glentoran!

On another subject, is anyone else surprised how quickly the mood has turned againest Fermanagh on these boards? I don't want to start a debate on the local thread, but you darn't write anything positive on the other threads or you'll have 4 pages of bitterness to read & respond to.