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Messages - Mentalman

General discussion / Re: Truth At Last
May 30, 2007, 10:48:59 AM
Quote from: J70 on May 29, 2007, 11:46:54 PM
What do you want from the people from the south?

Sack cloth and ashes apparently for having the temerity to be born in the 26 counties.

And yes, the views of an aging octogenarian long retired politician are totally representative of the beliefs of all sud politician, in fact the whole population...sweet divine.
General discussion / Re: Reaching For Glory
May 29, 2007, 07:04:07 PM
Only saw it in patches, yes I was watching Lost. Will get in on DVD. Thought ROG looked genuinely disgusted with Geordan's missed tackle against France, looked like he wanted to say more, like "f**king tosser". The pre-match dressing room scenes definitely got my pulse going, and yetwere so familiar to anyone who has been in a situation anticipating a "big match", even that was only Junior B final or whatever, these are at the end of the day men of flesh and blood, not cool headed professional athletes, you can't be in a contact sport. Boys pacing back and forth thumping one and other. They should do a similar one on a hurling team, see them flake the living daylights out of one another before they ever get near the pitch! :) Did I hear someone puking before the England game? Retching for Glory? There is always one, always and ever. Unlike AZ I would be more sympathetic to EOS, I thought it showed, particularly prior to the France game, he was nervous himself, unlike his public persona - "Chest out lads!". As for BOD, yeah, motivational speeches are not for him, leading by example definitely is. Still the whole "You've been good, I'll give you that", and the excerpts about Irish fans getting ahead of themselves were spot on. We do, but the documentary just showed how near yet how far true greatness is. As for POC...savage. I doubt a half time tactical session would ever be shown, especially when it gets down to "special treatment" or "targeting", that could would bring the game into disrupute apart from everything else!
General discussion / Re: Joe Higgins loses seat
May 28, 2007, 03:25:40 PM
Quote from: Hardy on May 28, 2007, 03:16:41 PM
Anyway, to get back to the subject, Joe, whose popularity with the media is in inverse proportion to his electoral support, was on the News at One giving his reasons why he lost his seat. He reckons he was gerrymandered out of it. He has a point, when you consider that his neighbouring constiutuency, with a smaller electorate, elected more TDs.  There's a high court challege in process since before the election, about the number of seats. They'll hardly declare the election void, will they?

When e-voting didn't void an election nothing ever will  :)

Seems to be par for the course. Heard Donie "The Rug" Cassidy doing the same, lamenting the reabsorbtion of Delvin and Castlepollard into "Meath West" from Westmeath, for the first time since since Henry 8th rent them asunder...never thought I'd hear the day when anyone would want the likes of Delvin or Castlepollard in their county...more likely to fight to get rid of them.
General discussion / Re: Gareth Bale
May 28, 2007, 03:15:15 PM
Quote from: T Fearon on May 26, 2007, 10:35:18 AM
A significant capture for London's most cultured and arguably historically most renowned soccer club. The decision of the young Welsh wizard to opt for Spurs in preference to the Amercian owned conglomerates in Liverpool and Manchester surely augurs well for the future and shows that there is a perception among the discernible soccer adherents that we are now most definitely a club that is going places and well worth joining

Equally importantlt he hopefully will be the answer to all Spurs fans prayers and an answer to a lot of our defensive problems. Chimbonda, Dawson, King and Bale is a back four that surely will not leak goals easily next season in an any competition

Aye, the boy Bale looked awesome as an out of form Duffer roasted him in Croke Park. So effective was he John Toshack decided he'd done enough damage to the Republic, and brought him off to rapturous applause from all who had witnessed his virtuoso performance...
Watched it last night, game was played at some pace, both teams really trying to win it - Ecuadorians becuase there are Copa America places up for grabs, our boys obviously to make an impression. Thought Potter and  O'Halloran showed well, and won't have done themselves any harm. The other guys gave it ago. The score could easily have been 6-4 to Ireland by the end, it was that type of game, enjoyable to watch. Of course all the subs in the second half meant the game lost it's shape, Ireland had about 5 strikers on, and players out of position all over the park. As for Lapira, apparently he was voted top collegiate player over there last year, and has had offers from MLS clubs but resisted them. His Ma is Irish, so he has more claim to wear the green than some of our recent heros ;) Only got one opportunity on the ball, broke well but got over excited with his pass. One way or the other he was worth taking a look at, and if the U.S. come in for him later he will have a choice to make, presuming the rules haven't changed and caps in friendlies don't tie him to one country.

AC Milan team: Dida; Massimo Oddo, Alessandro Nesta, Paolo Maldini, Marek Jankulovski; Gennaro Gattuso, Andrea Pirlo, Massimo Ambrosini, Clarence Seedorf, Kaka; Filippo Inzaghi.

Liverpool team: Pepe Reina; Steve Finnan, Daniel Agger, Jamie Carragher, John-Arne Riise; Jermaine Pennant, Javier Mascherano, Xabi Alonso, Steven Gerrard, Bolo Zenden; Dirk Kuyt.

Liverpool don't seem to do borefests in finals to be fair, only leading up to them - 3 all with West Ham in last years FA cup final, won on penalties, 3 nill down to Milan in 2005 at half time, won on penos, 4 all with Alaves in the Uefa cup final, won on a golden goal. If it's nil all after extra time, and Liverpool win on penalties, I'm sure their fans will take it somehow?


A Cumbrian couple's wedding plans are all at sea after the prospective bride dumped her fiance's work van, and all his clothes, into a harbour.
Following a pub row, Emma Thomason, 24, of Whitehaven, loaded her boyfriend's van with his belongings, then rolled it off a ramp at the town's marina.

The argument started when Jason Wilson, 24, wanted to stay out with friends and Miss Thomason wanted to go home.

Mr Wilson said his employer had been "very good" about the £15,000 damage.

The first he knew of the incident was when he was called by his boss Graham Wilson, 29, who is not related.

The 24-year-old plasterer told reporters: "People had seen the van bobbing around in the water. They called the police, who contacted my boss.

"He was furious, but has been very good about it. I'm very grateful. Emma isn't sorry one little bit. She insists that I am the one in the wrong and that it is all my fault.

"She put every single last item of clothing I had in the back of the van. All I was left with were the clothes I was wearing.

"I haven't told her yet that the wedding is off, but I think she can put two and two together."

Harbour drained

The couple, who have been together for seven years and have two children, had booked a £2,000 Caribbean honeymoon just 24 hours earlier.

Miss Thomason is now on police bail after being arrested on suspicion of aggravated vehicle taking without consent.

Police were called to the marina on Sunday night, but it took almost 20 hours to pull the van from the water in a difficult salvage operation, which involved partly draining the harbour.

Mr Wilson's boss admitted he was struggling to see the funny side.

He said: "I'll be asking Jason for an explanation but he's not to blame. She has her own car - why didn't she load his stuff into that and drive it into the marina?

"I just hope the insurance company is prepared to pay out."


General discussion / Re: Hector
May 04, 2007, 01:15:43 PM
Gone right off his shows it has to be said. Loved the Amú series, but letting him anywhere near "celebs" is a disaster. Watched the first episode of the last series with Shay Given. Nearly regurgitated me tea when he tried to crawl up the arse of Albert Luque "Oh I speak Spanish....I lived in Bilbao...". You could clearly see in Luque's face he's thinking "Who is that ginger freak" Basque....
General discussion / Re: BEBO
May 04, 2007, 12:07:39 PM
Quote from: redboots on May 04, 2007, 11:50:27 AM
Whats the story with this I keep getting invite's. Is it not for Kids.

Could be some plonker has a Bebo site and put your email address on it, by accident, some of these punters obviously are not the brightest. Happened to me, started getting loads of invites. Then a couple of people added me to their MSN Messenger. Eventually ended up chatting to one of them one day, apparently I used to go out with her....and she's 15!!!!! Hey listen I'm bad, but I'm not that bad. Turned out my doppleganger just decided to put the hotmail version of his email address on BEBO site instead of his real one, which he only circulated to his "real" friends. State of his site anyway, jasus I was a very innocent 16 year old compared to this's true, youth is wasted on the young :)
GAA Discussion / Re: Westmeath & "friendlys"
May 03, 2007, 03:15:05 PM
To be fair not much attention was given to this at all, compared to the other incidents in past years. Ihave a relative on the panel I'm good friends with, and he never mentioned the incident, first I heard of it was here. Seems the article was inspired by Spike Fagan's article? Filling column inches.
Quote from: An Fear Rua on May 03, 2007, 11:36:46 AM
Quote from: Mentalman on May 03, 2007, 11:30:28 AM
Quote from: Goats Do Shave on May 03, 2007, 11:14:47 AM
Quote from: supersarsfields on May 03, 2007, 11:13:06 AM
And were liverpool charged on anything over MAscherano??

Er no!!

They had Rick Parry on the case! - If he's illegal to play for West Ham, then why is he now legal to be 'loaned' to Liverpool??

is he only on loan? whats the terms of the deal? when does it end?
Wasn't "illegal" to play for West Ham. Another match would have triggered a purchase clause, 20,000,000 it's reported, hence why West Ham didn't play him. The trouble West Ham got in was for not declaring the full terms of the deal they signed him and Tevez for, i.e. a 3rd party could at anytime take them without the clubs permission and move them to another purchaser. It took the FAPL over two weeks to examine the terms of his deal with Liverpool to ensure no 3rd party control was involved, as Liverpool declared all the documentation and held none back. Apparently this was when the terms of the original West Ham/MSI deal came to light, and led to the hearing and fine last week.

18 month loan deal. Reportedly first option at the end of that if they match whatever asking price is agreed, standard stuff.
Quote from: Goats Do Shave on May 03, 2007, 11:14:47 AM
Quote from: supersarsfields on May 03, 2007, 11:13:06 AM
And were liverpool charged on anything over MAscherano??

Er no!!

They had Rick Parry on the case! - If he's illegal to play for West Ham, then why is he now legal to be 'loaned' to Liverpool??

Wasn't "illegal" to play for West Ham. Another match would have triggered a purchase clause, 20,000,000 it's reported, hence why West Ham didn't play him. The trouble West Ham got in was for not declaring the full terms of the deal they signed him and Tevez for, i.e. a 3rd party could at anytime take them without the clubs permission and move them to another purchaser. It took the FAPL over two weeks to examine the terms of his deal with Liverpool to ensure no 3rd party control was involved, as Liverpool declared all the documentation and held none back. Apparently this was when the terms of the original West Ham/MSI deal came to light, and led to the hearing and fine last week.
Quote from: magpie seanie on May 03, 2007, 10:56:49 AM
QuoteNo bending the rules jibs here please!!

Why not? Cork City are in the same position with 2 players and guess what - the rules were adhered to and the guys can't play.

Don't see a whole lot wrong with what Ferguson said and don't think its about being a bad loser. He has a point. As for what he said about thew final - what's wrong with that?

Think we were over this ground before? Benitez put it best when he said "the rules are the rules, but the law is the law". No worker can be prevented from changing jobs as many times as they like in a year basically, as long as they, their employer, and their potential new employer, agree under EU law. The reason UEFA "bent" the rules for Liverpool, unlike say Cork City (similar cases), was simply that they knew LFC had the muscle to either bring the issue to court and win or get the rest of the G14 on the case. The last thing UEFA want is more of their control diminished, a la Bosman, but it's inevitable.  Doesn't make it right, but it's always been one rule for the big boys, and the rest can go whistle, would have been the same for Utd., they obviously just didn't fancy Mascher.