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Messages - screenexile

Quote from: hardstation on May 31, 2009, 06:53:20 PM
Although the pitch is 100 times better than thon patch of shite in Clones.

Agreed! Looking forward to this one. Hopefully McEneaney will ref it again so we can stop it descending into farce like the Monaghan game. If so I think we'll be in for a great game of football. Tyrone massive favourites though as apparently we don't have any ability :)
Quote from: Schkite on May 26, 2009, 01:36:30 PM
That type of thing is out of order, but it's hardly in Mullen territory. Even still, Doherty was more guilty on the day. He's an awful hot-head and will need to keep his temper in check if Derry are to challenge for honours this year. Dick has shown everyone else how easy Doherty is to wind up and you can bet other teams will try to take advantage.

And your basis for this is what? Yes on Sunday he was out of order but you're making it sound like he does this every week when really this is an isolated occurence. How many times have you seen Doherty lose the head? I've played with and against Doherty since I was 12 and I can tell you off the top of my head I can only remember him getting the line for Derry once and for Bellaghy once. Hardly constituting a 'hot-head'. In normal circumstances Doc is an honest hard player but if you push someone constantly it is only a matter of time before they snap... no matter who they are!!! Yes he lost the run of himself on Sunday but it was nothing major only a wee kick to the calf muscle, hardly thuggery! If he does get a suspension I would be deeply concerned as to how the powers that be handle themselves.

Doherty is without doubt one of the best midfielders in the Country and I have no doubt that he will prove it again this year!
Right I've been hanging back a bit and taking it all in and feel I can comment on it now where it will not get lost in a tit for tat slagging match.

I enjoyed the game yesterday. Men put their bodies on the line for the Championship and it wasn't pretty and it did overstep the line a few times but it was exciting and hard hitting and I couldn't take my eyes away for a second for fear of missing something.

In my opinion Monaghan started all the nastiness! Even before a ball was thrown in the 2 Bradleys were getting elbowed and kicked around the place. Monaghan players were constantly standing on toes/raking studs down legs, firing verbals about the whole bit, and the incident with the Derry waterboy when the Monaghan defenders wouldn't let Bradley get a drink was a disgrace!!! In the face of this adversity I thought Derry stood up well and there were 2 instances when we went overboard and that was Mullan's knee and Doc's kick on Clerkin. In fairness to Doc he shouldn't have went for that shoulder he made on McManus but the kick beforehand meant that he should've gotten his second yellow card. He had lost it by this stage and it was better he went for what did happen rather than lose it completely and do something he would get banned for.

On to the game I thought we were just the better team with better footballers. Our defence were excellent with Kevin McGuckin back to his best. Midfield struggled and Doherty had one of his poorer days for Derry but I hope he doesn't get distracted like that again otherwise it will cost us. What impressed me most was how we attacked yesterday. For 2 years we kept hitting ball into the Bradleys only for Freeman to get the ball as a sweeper. Yesterday we worked the ball up and then gave it to the men who can shoot long range and they did the business. Kielt, Bradley, McGoldrick all took excellent scores that 2nd half and it worked well.

As for the hoopla well I don't think it was as bad as the Ricey incident where he intentionally grabbed someone in the balls but Mullan will no doubt find himself in serious bother. From the camera angle you can't tell if he kneed your man in the ribs or the nuts so he should get the mandatory suspension for kneeing someone and be done with it. As for Doherty well it was a small kick but a kick nonetheless so we will have to see what the powers that be make of it. Freeman for his headbutt and Clerkin for his knee to Doherty could also be looking at some kind of censure.

I thought the Referee was very stupid in trying to let this game flow and he had an absolute stinker. There are rules in place to stop games like these descending into chaos and he didn't use them. Any players mouthing should be booked and off if they do it again, 3rd and 4th men into a melee are entitled to be sent off also. Had he sent Doherty and Clerkin off early doors the game would have been a much better spectacle but without the referee taking any action the game just turned into a farce... A good win for us and hopefully teams will see that we can't be bullied out of games anymore and try to match us with football from now on. I think we'll be pretty handy when it comes to that as well! :)
General discussion / Re: iPod & iTunes help
May 20, 2009, 11:37:28 AM
I generally flick down through the list and any with a ! beside them hold control and click on it and you can highlight all of them and delete them in one big whack.
Well with Lynch injured and E Bradley a viable option on the 40 I think Bumble is our best option as an inside forward along with Paddy. I suppose we will find out when the team is named I guess.
Starting to get worried about this game. Muldoon, Lockhart, Lynch, McCusker, Patsy Bradley all out!! I know we tried a lot of boys in the league but Monaghan are a Championship team who have been knocking on the door for a few years now and I think we will need to be closer to full strength to beat them.

Anyway my team for Sunday is:

McGuckin McCloy GOK
Cartin BMG Sean Leo
Doc Diver
Lynn Murphy Mullan
P Bradley E Bradley S Bradley

E Bradley being out at HF with Murphy
General discussion / Re: Shameless
May 13, 2009, 02:55:16 PM
I always thought this was a better resemblence!

GAA Discussion / Re: Indoor Gaelic Football
May 07, 2009, 12:25:54 AM
Played a bit of Indoor this evening with the ladies football team. It was in a full sized hall which catered for basketball and I used the handpass against the backboard idea. 3 teams of 6 and full rules with the first team to get 2 scores the winner.

It was brilliant! Having the 3 teams made it very competitive and some of the tackling/running was first rate. The 2 scores rule also meant games were flat out all the time which also worked well. The whole thing worked an absolute treat so thanks lads.
GAA Discussion / Re: Best Club Championship
May 06, 2009, 12:32:18 PM
Quote from: armaghniac on May 06, 2009, 12:14:30 PM
QuoteBack to back winning all Irleands would seem to say that Dublin boasts the strongest clubs.

As well they should, given the large populations in their catchment areas and the number of blow in players that they have.

Ah what did you do that for? The Dubs will be all over you for that one! Kilmacud and Vincents actually had very few blow ins in their winning teams... around the same amount as Crossmaglen ;)
GAA Discussion / Re: Setting up a club website
May 06, 2009, 10:21:53 AM
I'll give all that stuff a try thanks a million lads!
As much as I hate them they are some team! So solid at the back with just unreal talent up front. That counter attack goal was sublime. Arsenal could to with buying a defensive 5 and a few lads should hit the weights.
General discussion / Re: Best National Anthem
May 05, 2009, 03:46:37 PM
Have to agree with all these Wales, France and Scotland the best for me. Ours is a bit tripe and God Save the Queen is monotone uninspiring drivel!
GAA Discussion / Re: Setting up a club website
May 05, 2009, 02:32:57 PM

Yeah I'm not really sure how to make it search engine friendly either. Any tips?
General discussion / Re: All day hangovers- why?
May 05, 2009, 02:14:24 PM
Lads 2nd Day of a 2 day hangover... 1st Round Club Championship win on Friday night, Hatton Fight Saturday night and then Super Bank Holiday Sunday... why do we do it to ourselves??!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Setting up a club website
May 05, 2009, 01:57:04 PM
Anyone have any idea how I can get my site to appear on Google when people search for Ballinascreen GAA?? I remember filling out some kind of request form at the time yet the site will still not appear. All help appreciated thanks.