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Topics - copperz

I am an ardent louth supporter who is obviously gutted about the outcome of the "battle of the boyne" match between Louth and Meath on Sunday. i stood not far from the net when Meath fumbled the ball over the line so i had a clear view of what happened and i felt a sinking feeling in my stomach at the injustice of the final decision between the the linesman and Mr Sludden.
However the actions of (a very small minority) of thugs who felt it was there responsibility to bring justice to the situation by attacking the referee and in doing so bringing shame to the wee county almost made me take off my jersey in disgust.. Not only those who were caught on camera behaving like knackers but also the other cowards in the stands who threw bottles down into the mix and hit an official should be seeked out and named in the national papers and banned for life from croghe park.
I hope people will realise there was almost 25000 louth supporters at the game and only five or six took the law into their own hands, and thus we will not all be painted with the one brush.
It was not the Meath fans, players or county board who made the decision to award the goal so as far as I'm concerned the fault does not lie at their feet.
Hopefully this message will be read by one of those knackers i mentioned above and they know that the rest of our proud county regards them as a disgrace.