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Topics - Lady in Red and Black

General discussion / Living in Sin in the Big Smoke
November 11, 2009, 12:14:07 AM
A friend of mine is living in sin!! My mammy says she mite go to hell...

It makes me wonder, would living with a man that is your "other half" be a good idea or is it a step too soon, too far?!
So some of us have left the uni life behind.... no more Shaws or lazy Monday's in the Hatfield! :(
So is moving in with the woman the next step if you have turned in to a young prof and both want to keep "the dream" alive in Belfast??
I could think of nothing worse...
If you think... they get in from work and expect a dinner on the table! If your lucky, REALLY lucky you might get whisked off to the cinema on a Tuesday nite!
They want early nites... for sleep, not like the Uni early nites!
Are you yawning cus I certainly am!
Yet every Sat night, the tan is on, all glammed up... just at the hope of catching a potential catch to end up being their mammy!
Bot then Rain on Sat night (AGAIN!)... go on then!  ;)