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Topics - Harps 21

Apologies lads if this has already been dealt with, but I've heard it's possible to unblock the coverage of sporting events on RTE which are on at the same time as BBC/SKY Sports etc - how do ya go about it?
Just wondering has anyone else read this recently-released book?  Just finished it myself and thought it was a fascinating work, cutting through a lot of the shite associated both with sports psychology and traditional training techniques, and furthermore demolishes clichés such as "you can be anything you want to be if you really want it enough" and "we train hard because training hard always works" etc. - one chapter in particular explores the domain of luck and its role in the rise and fall of all sporting careers, from the lowest Sunday League pub team to Premiership footballers and top soccer rugby and cricket clubs.  He doesn't say that the emphasis nowadays on making sacrifices and taking roads less travelled is mere fallacy, but rather in doing so, we are merely buying no more than what he describes as "a lottery ticket for a deserving slice of the prize."  There's a lot more to the book, but it made very intelligent reading, and I would recommend it to any players or coaches out there.  Anyone else had a read of this?