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Topics - Fancy Dan

I've haven't really trained properly since last October. Hit the beer fairly hard the last 5-6 months and I have recently hit rock bottom with regards to fitness. Decided to make a burst at it. Starting running 4-5 miles 2-3 times a week (some nice hills in it) and going gym twice a week as well. Only doing bench, shoulder press, planks, abs, bicep curl and lateral raise at the minute. Is this training gonna get me match fit or is it a waste of time? Any tips and ideas are welcome. Going to move into sprints once I get aerobic capacity improved. Biggest problem is that I cant avoid going out at the weekend becoz i'm fair bored where im living at the moment, job is boring and weekends are the only time I can have a bit of craic. Can I get fit before july and still have a social life?