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Topics - ned.fee

Dear Garth ,
Thank you for your lovely letter regarding the concerts you planned to perform at in Croke park. I do agree with you about not sending a message in the moment,to take a walk wait a while and think about it.
Only trouble about that is its a pity you did not think hard enough in the first place  when it was put to your team about having extra concerts, and the effects it was going to have on the people who would have to have put up with a major disturbance in their lives while these events were happening, yes the people living in the Croke Park area.
Lets face it Garth when all the organizers of this fiasco including your team seen the dollar ,ho sorry euro sings in front of there greedy eyes they went for it
Now who is to blame for this fiasco.
Not the residents of Croke Park area they had nothing to do with the concerts in the first place.
not the people who bought a pig in a poke from Akin promotions.
Not the Irish Government they   had the concerts landed on their lap, and spent valuable time on an issue that really has nothing to do with them at all.
You see Garth this is the result of Greed, and only greed this is about people who were willing to con nearly 240,000 into believing they would run an event outside the law.
Then when it went on a life of its own and they had no control,knowing full well that they were caught out by a small group of honest people, They still,went on with their arrogant behaviour used every trick in their PR groups heads to still try to get the unlawful Concert to go ahead.
So who is to blame here Gareth, you are first for coming out with a statement that practically put a gun to the Irish Governments head.
What about Aiken Promotions where do they stand . If they thought they had any leg to stand on they would have broke the doors of the high court down to defend themselves  to prove that they were on solid ground for taking money for a ghost event.
And where Croke Park in all of this
Well if the people who bought tickets for the ghost event knew the legal team that croke park management have available to them, then they would know they has been conned.
Not for one minute would any decent legal person give their backing extra concerts that had a chance of letting let so many people down. Then the people who bought tickets for the ghost concerts are only music buffs who are used on occasions to fund real GAA supporters ,and everyone in croke park management know that a GAA supporter would not be seen dead at a Garth Brooks concert. Yes Garth always think long and hard about what you do ,Don't let GREED effect you or the people around you,and when you f up admit it to the people who matter ,( I mean your fans in case you don't know ) And most important some times the small man wins. well done residents you did a great deed in exposing greed at its finest